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Posts posted by tomglazed

  1. I really don't get the similarities between a Flyer and Swarm. A Flyer is suspended-type coaster and it places riders in the 'Superman' position; Swarm isn't either of those. Additionally, if Thorpe Park built a Flyer, it would definitely have a different layout, one that is unique to their Flyer.

    I get what your saying but for me it's more the thematic experience both ride types aim to provide are quite similar. Both do have some kind of flight simulation at their core; it's just with one you're in the position of flying and one you're more flying on the wings of something.
  2. Which leads me to a good question, if Stealth does indeed get shut for the remainder of the day (which I don't know if it does) then what is the reason for it? Surely after a rollback, the system just needs to be reset and another attempt is tried with more power?

  3. Can they not sue S&S like Dollywood did over their Topple Tower? This ride has caused nothing but problems... (it is quite a thrill though!)

    They would then end up paying not only a growing maintenance bill but legal fees, and no doubt some lawyers will run up a bill just as large if not larger than the maintenance bill!

  4. Clearly those in charge of recruitment are loosing the ability to spot those who are willing to go that extra mile as part of their job as opposed to those who just want to pass an interview or an assessment centre.

    I brought it up on Vampire and I saw the responses there but does Thorpe not have any form of performance monitoring in place?

  5. ...... I think it seems logical, and it seems like merlin want to offer the same experience at each park....

    So why should I bother travelling to any of their other parks if I can experience everything that park offers but without the travel cost by going just down the road. I understand what you are saying to some extent but it wouldn't make much business sense; you'd reduce the reason for visitors to come to your park who live closer to another park with much of the same stuff.

    I mean Disney may have similar rides e.g. the Big Thunder Mountains and the Space mountains but all of them have some kind of variation. You don't see Walt Disney World making Orlando Adventure...

  6. I do find it quite ironic though. Now that X has become, I guess their icon family ride really, that they are playing music in there which I would not have around children. I don't know about you guys but Knife Party (or I guess back then it would have been Darude) would not have been on the playlist. Eiffel 65 and such were more the main features ^_^

  7. That's what I meant by safer riding posture, my apologies I should have been clearer :)

    On a different topic, am I being crazy or was there some suggestion that at the time of construction, Slammer could receive on ride photos? Of all the flat rides at Thorpe, it is one of the few that could really lend itself to some good photo moments which wouldn't be too complex to capture.

  8. While that does sound cool, I'm not sure it would happen. Thorpe already have a ride with one of its only focus points being the launch so that box has already been ticked.

    Even the flying thing to some extent is covered by Swarm. Obviously the ride designs are quite different but the experiences would be you're either flying on the wings of an alien or you are taking flight yourself...

  9. That might not help those whom are nervous, but yes, the shoulder holders are there for peace of mind. I disagree that they do absolutely nothing but OG is right in saying the system registers the lap bars and not the shoulder holders.

    But surely if the shoulder bars did anything above improve comfort and/or make the ride not seem too daunting, would S&S not make them register with the system?

  10. So, how many years do people think that good old Nemesis has got left in it's tank? Personally, I can't see it going anywhere for a long time provided it's well kept and refreshed every so often!

    I agree with you, as long as it remains well maintained and periodically upgraded then it has many years left.

    When it comes to potential retrofits e.g. new trains with the vest restraints or reversing some rows, I'm a little indifferent. I mean Nemesis is still regarded as a classic around the world by enthusiasts so I can't see any changes (especially backwards rows) being received well. However from a GP perspective, I can't help but think there will be some kind of modification along the line to keep it current.

  11. In all honesty, I'm not surprised as they aren't doing the job of keeping the rider safe. It's the lap bar which does the bulk of the work, I feel like the shoulders are their purely to maintain a safer rider posture (if you haven't crippled yourself with them) by remaining with your back against the seat. Also, from a GP perspective, if your going on a ride which goes upside down at a lesser speed (which at the end of both spin directions it does), it is reassuring to see something for the shoulders and not just the lap, means less people freak out. I mean I still hear people freak out when they see the angle Rush can get to and not have anything for your shoulders.

  12. On the topic of Slammer's restraints, I really am surprised they haven't edited the boarding announcement telling guests to pull the shoulder pads down gently until they rest on your shoulders. Whether guests listen or not is their own problem but any pain riders experience in the ride always seems to stem back to over excited shoulder restraint yanking.

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