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Posts posted by Fred

  1. I imagine it'd have too much strain, therefore causing too much downtime.

    Let alone the downtime of people being sick, or realising their seats face the wrong way, if this did indeed ever happens.

  2. Why would the experience be any better backwards?

    The whole intention of everything is going past near misses, and swarming around.

    Plus I just cannot imagine it being comfortable because you cannot brace yourselves into elements as you dunno when or how they'll hit. You automatically brace when you see whats coming.

  3. Righteo:

    Towers (probably a lot, particularly if sanctuary is definitely open at beginning of year)

    Thorpe once or twice, depending.

    Chessie at least once, zufari <3.

    Drayton Manor. Has to be done.

    Hopefully Oakwood again (fireworks and 10pm closes are perfect - can get up and leave to go there at 11am and still have a good 7hrs ride time!)

    Lightwater valley, always go.

    Disney Parks in Orlando

    Universal (first time, win).

    Hopefully Europa Park.

    Slim chance of PA

    Busy year for me with parks outside of UK for once.

  4. Hmm good question, it may well have considering thorpe was tiny when Pizza Hut started there.

    I imagine there'd be a clause somewhere though, can't imagine thorpe wanting to have a particular company on their property for so long when they don't have a clue how things'll shape out.

  5. There'd be no point in having a second card, as the point of it is to prove that you bought the capsule and entitled to it. A hole punched is absolutely fine really, I'm sure you'll get used to it.

    Equally, after november there'll be no issues regarding the length of use of the drinks capsules. It'll all be okay. There's much worse things to moan about, like thorpes closed season photos (;))

  6. Oh god its the towers street moaning on here.

    Get over it, it's a bloody year. After November 2012 noone will be short changed anyway (and tbf, it's probably worth spending £16 if your pass dies in september).

    It stops/limits abuse. It stops people sharing capsules between annual pass holders, and it stops one person buying a capsule and using it forever.

    Pretty simple to understand, when your pass expires, your annual pass capsule expires. You have to buy a new capsule and renew annual pass to continue using them both.

  7. The zoo is fantastic, really grown to love and appreciate it.

    Integrating it into the park, rather than operating it seperately like they used to do, is the best way forwards. This is a genuinely exciting project for chessie, really look forward to trying it out!

    Just watched the video again, nice to see all the staff have enthusiasm there - even the divisional director! Far better than the usual blandness lack of enthusiasm they generally have (being usually from a finance background rather than an operations side of things).

  8. For some things there is some imagination, there is a way out, there is a happy ending to this story.

    My god, oblivion being repainted is just.. mega mega excitement. Bloody hell towers, good job!

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