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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Just to remind everyone about Stealth, that was like a fallback. Project name, they even had the ride sign (and merch) made with the real name created. Then had to fallback, and luckily stealth is a lovely oxymoron.

    Smiler, hmm unsure if it's the name. If it is, it'll be good. I still think it's related to the logo rather than the ride. But we'll find out eh.

  2. Thats the very clever thing merlin / thorpe have managed to do though, an awful lot of peoples first stop will be to buy fastrack now before they even check out the queues, and the majority of the time wont need it!

    Well, it's not that clever. As when people realise they didn't need them, they feel ripped off and maybe betrayed from the company. Trust and enjoyment should be priority, thorpe manage to forget this!

    Or if they do need them, because fastrack makes the main queue ridiculously long, they'll feel like they didn't get good value for money at all.

  3. Inoculator is original and striking. However, I'm thinking its name to a theming element if anything.

    We all know towers when they release ride names. It's not like this. It's too bloody early in the marketing plan anyway.

  4. On a year when they've added nothing? They'll do what they do every year, and increase it by a quid.

    Yes, a quid.

    Thorpe won't be as expensive as towers just yet. One day it might overtake it, then we can laugh at how ridiculously overpriced the place is compared to others in the merlin portfolio.

  5. Towers one's were franchises I believe. The plaque didn't say anything similar.

    I can't imagine them having a long contract with the parks really. Maybe 10yrs or so. But for a park, they'd never want to sign up to a too long lease, you need options.

    McDonalds was on a 10yr lease for instance, replaced by BKs on one year leases. Well, excluding thorpe. God knows what thorpe's on.

  6. The concept of going over a bridge with water underneath to an island to unlock your dreams or whatever is brilliant.

    The reality of thorpes is very 80s. Concrete temporary feel to the bridge, followed by an 80s style leisure centre building infront of you. Wonderful!

  7. Yeah, point of it is so that people just look.. and it becomes subliminal. Everytime you see it, you wonder what it is. Some people will go out of their way to try and find out.

    Eventually they'll link it on tv or something, and everyone will remember the image and boom. Towers.

    Same happened with oblivion. Exact. Same. Thing. It's perfect.

  8. They're doing the same as oblivion - post the smiler absolutely everywhere, with no connection to towers or ride name. So it gets stuck in peoples head, and they'll either wonder subconsciously what it is, or actively try and seek what it is.

    Eventually, after it all soaking into their minds, it'll be linked to towers and the new coaster. It's 1998 all over again.

    Hopefully this'll all work at bringing people in, otherwise they'll have to do something like turn a car backwards next season or make it go a bit faster. Oops, this isn't thorpe.

  9. I also think it's perfect. It reminds me of butlins.

    Tbf, there's not much they could've done. Have a bridge which looks like the other bridge it connects to, or have an amazing walkway that clashes with the bridge.

    Not really their fault the bridge is very tacky and 80s style, though their fault for not updating it.

  10. Impressive. How do you get people into harnesses before you release seatbelt?

    It's not about that - it's the physical getting people out of seat onto steps not designed for you to get off backwards. Harness or not.

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