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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Didn't realise you had posted haha wasn't aimed at anyone, just my own opinion whilst quality is good at merlin establishments, I've always found service quite tediously slow :o

    I used to agree with this until FCC at towers, which serves as quickly as KFC with (imo) better quality food, and the customer service is far better than KFC. Sure, sometimes they can let you down but they're genuinely far more friendlier and just.. better.. than the franchised outlets staff. You don't generally realise how poor the previous staff were until you try out the new guys.

    FCC @ Chessie is a tiny outlet, not built for serving fast food whereas the old KFC/BK outlets are perfect for it, and I think merlin would easily cope with it should they take them back at thorpe.

  2. Yes. Oh well, whatever. But this news of Merlin possibly going on the stock market is interesting, it's about time they did. I know Merlin is huge, and a lot bigger than Tussauds was, but Tussauds was never on a market, correct?

    No. Tussauds were in the market between Pearsons selling off and Merlin taking over.

  3. The noodles place is fab. The mexican is brilliant. Roast and Relish is superb. Kebabs are apparently pretty damn good as well. Adore Bar360.

    Fish & chips are awful.

    Merlin outlets FTW (excluding F&C - an old tussauds brand which they have yet to have updated). They just need to replace KFC with FCC, as that is pure amazeballs.

  4. Try talking to some staff and technicians, you may actually learn something!

    We are. There's a fair amount of people on here, who do/have work at thorpe, do have the connections and do have the same knowledge you say you have.

    We'll see when it goes, eh?

  5. Neither - the rocks removal project was the best thing ever to be done to that ride, even Chessington admitted soon after how much it had improved the ride.

    We have a troll again! Yay!

    If the rocks removal project was the best thing ever, why is it their intention to put them back? Why do they bother with theming rides in the first place?

    It was removed due to lack of maintenance and care, if they bothered it'd still be here. Don't be an idiot trying to tell people who know more than you otherwise.

  6. Ahh does thorpe not put their disabled guests in certain seats to allow for easiest (quickest, and usually first) evacuations and help during a breakdown?

    That's an interesting one really. That really doesn't help anyone!

  7. I challenge this. I can hardly taste the difference between a high street Pizza Hut and Thorpe's one. Price-wise, I'm happy.

    You've just argued against someone who works for Pizza Hut (above that post). Interesting.

    If you're happy with thorpes awful PH, why wouldn't you be happy with merlin doing it considerably better?

  8. A ride, discontinued by it's manufacturer, possibly flawed by design. Constantly having downtime, constantly being extremely expensive to replace (rumours are merlin forced the decision to repair at any cost).

    That, mixed with the fact the ride has low popularity, has low throughputs and high staffing costs makes me think it'll go sooner rather than later. The second they have the right ride, for that location, it'll be gone. If not sooner due to the ride trying to kill itself every ride cycle it performs.

    Eventually the park will give up on it. It's not really even worth spending the time, money and effort on.

  9. You're not paying more for quality though. You're paying more than a normal PH buffet (cos it's in thorpe) for a worse quality than a usual PH buffet.

    There's practically no difference between merlin outlets and the PH outlets.

  10. Doubt lower height restriction is just an added benefit, as supposedly they're getting individual lap bars to allow this. Seems weird getting individual lapbars when the other ones worked perfectly well for a 1.4m restriction.

    Unless they had to scrap the trains, and get generic vekoma boomerang style trains instead. But then the ride could easily be 1m tall to ride!

  11. Issue I have is that the Pizza Hut pizzas found at thorpe aren't anywhere near the quality of Pizza Huts elsewhere, even if you just think of the buffet.

    They pretty much use same ingredients and stuff, and so I don't have much of an issue. Both go for quantity rather than quality, yet thorpes are pretty useless at actually having pizza half the time.

  12. It'll also help allieviate problems when people do take youngens to the park, which still happens even now. Gives them something to do!

    I imagine they'll slowly start to focus back on families as well, might mean they'll try and neaten up the bloody place! ;)

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