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Posts posted by Fred

  1. I don't think its just one thing - it'll be an issue, compounded with incredibly poor weather, which'd lead to any delays.

    They may have known about a particular problem ages ago, but not realise how much the weather would actually affect them..

  2. Although while being in the Th13teen queue during a RITA breakdown in September I stood still for about 15 minutes (in a queue that was only supposed to be 25 minutes long) as they seemed to sell their whole days allocation at once, so they too are not adverse to giving up on fairness and taking the money when the opportunity comes along.

    Alton doesn't always get it right, the ratios on Spinball always have been way off of being fair and we've all seen the farcical pictures on Nemesis from this summer. N:ST does not have the capacity to deal with fastrack at all and it should never have been included, capacity should't be a problem for SW7 though, so fingers crossed you are right!

    Yeah the Rita issue is more than likely people coming straight from rita to thirteen - priority passes if they've been stuck on ride, disabled guests and fastracks all appearing at once. Happens if two rides are close together - if both were working it'd be fine.

    Spinball, agreed. Think everyone agrees. Nemesis that picture was caused by someone not actually doing their job properly (let's say, they let 4 fastrack in every 32 queue) over a half hour period that's what was created. NST is fine with fastrack, knowing from experience. SW7 will have same treatment as other rides! :)

  3. I'm hoping this will be the first coaster Merlin install with a manageable farcetrack plan in place which is sold at acceptable levels, I'm very much not holding my breath that that will happen though.


    I'm sorry, you're confusing this with thorpe. Towers run their fastrack systems very differently - Thirteen didn't sell fastrack properly (as in, not advertised or constantly available) until around July. Didn't have any availability whatsoever in first month or so. Sub terra didn't have any availability until after easter holidays (only available on Ultimate and Platinum). I imagine SW7 will be the same as thirteen, not available on all until they're absolutely sure the ride is settled and functioning correctly.

    Even now I find thirteens fastrack is sold acceptably.. the only time when it's not, is scarefest when it was affected by hotel fastrack. Free fastrack, and therefore not sold.. (Dark Forest tickets decreased at same time)

    As for queues as well, unless there was technical issues (even first day) there weren't queues of over 50mins. Sub terras first day (although, yes, not a coaster but popular for a new ride) had 40min queues. I just don't expect it to make much of a difference, if its running at full capacity with no issues.

    Oblivion, well thats always busy in the morning then dead by the afternoon onwards. I imagine all that SW7 will do is make ERT busier, make it very quiet come 10, get busier around lunch then die completely. This is exactly what happened to Nemesis this year where a lot of the time, the only time it had relative queues was around lunch.

  4. It'll be quiet on quiet days, and busy on busy days. As always.

    Majority of the time I visited to ride swarm, the queue was no more than 5mins. But also a good couple of times I queued almost 2hrs for it. Just depends when you visit.

    You'd easily get on it though if you wanted to.

  5. North and south are different, most things are cheaper up North. Pretty much always has been so yeah...

    Bollocks. It's also about supply and demand. Amazingly, there's higher demand at towers so prices should actually be higher.

    Stop talking this business/economics **** without actually applying it.

  6. Or less emphasis on updating queue times because there's less people going to ride them etc, not that it's right or anything.

    Rapids and flumes always have a big issue with this - if the queue is small, people expect not to share. Second it gets to a busy level (ones acceptable busyness is anothers outrageous queue remember), then noone wants to share when you try and force. Lego are the only park who actively try to fill boats regardless of queue to counter this issue.

    As for ORP argument, as long as you don't tell anyone because honestly none of the staff care. Rides staff won't care about an external company, and PicSolve won't care because rapids are their biggest seller of photos in any park anyway. The park is geared towards throughputs and satisfaction on busy times, rather than trying to make every single penny ever.

  7. Holly - issue here being that you just rant without any reasoning, or any logic behind it.

    Everyones moaning, because they don't see sense behind it. I don't see sense behind it, and that's with connections and a background in business.

    Why charge so much for what is essentially a travelodge? When your local B&Bs (oh, and travelodge) undercut them quite considerably. They're all rather easy to get to - even if you had to pay for taxi or another mode of transport.

    So, they decide to price because of convenience. It's convenient to have a hotel on site - however, it needs to reflect true demand. Unless they do offers, people who will want to go to their clubs and late night will realise they save a fair bit for a slight inconvenience. People staying with no evening entertainment or late opening have even less of an excuse, with regular buses or transport to other forms of accomodation.

    I think they're just pushed the convenience too much, without truely realising their market and competition. Maybe with these prices, they'll engineer "offers" to get people in, or just reduce prices anyway. Time will tell.

  8. Most of under seat workings they can get to by lifting the floor panels up anyway - they don't need the lack of bottom for easy access as they'd theoretically only need to access it in winter (as alton towers does).

    Probably got taken off and lost though, and it's been an expenditure they'd rather not have.. which is a shame, it makes the ride look ugly and fairgroundy and can have an affect on its reliability during rain as well.

  9. I think we need a radical new way of doing things.

    Firstly, scrap the thorpe trips. Noone likes thorpe anyway. Let's go towers instead.

    Secondly, remove all the current members from the meets. It's obviously not working if they don't stay together longer than an hour - this is a people problem, not a trip problem. So by removing them we have a fresh start.

    Thirdly, announce it randomly spur of the moment. That means people who genuinely wanna go will go.

    Finally, as everyone says make sure it's all day. No leaving early, if you miss your bus and cant get home, tough. That's what a meets about. You stick together. Might need something to keep people together, either duct tape or hire police with tasers.

    That's what I've gotta say on the issue.

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