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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Celebrity culture bores the living daylights out of me. I do not give a toss about anyone basically, let alone someone who a lot of people have heard about.

    Hence why Madame Tussauds is one of the worst places to visit ever. Thank god for spirit of london ride.

  2. It can run it on a better setting - but it lasts 90 seconds. That's literally the same length as rameses 2nd programme (well, it would be if rammy didn't take forever to do anything).

    Then everyone complains that it doesn't last. So they use the long settings which are almost as good (programme 8 ftw).

  3. That's almost as bad as Legoland with discount only being able to be obtained in like 2 F&B units.

    Lego doesn't do discount in it's carts and stands, it used to be due to the till system.. now it's down to pure lazyness.

    Lego isn't fun without discount.

  4. I don't think it is to be fair - they'll give money if it's argued for.

    Let's look at towers, this year alone they have:

    New ride (£20m)

    Repainting and refurb of entire X Sector (hundreds of thousands)

    Burger Kitchen units x3 (Just over £1m spent on that)

    14 refurbished rooms over at ATH (tens of thousands)

    Beginning of building the log cabins (few million)

    If towers can get it, thorpe could easily get a few items in one year.

  5. Yes, probably but surely leaving it up is a breach of contract unless they've got permission?

    Not really, breach of contract would be to remove the stickers before a certain time.

    It's not merlin though, don't blame merlin (the only thing merlin has done is force the removal of majority of fanta sponsorship for oblivion). Towers contract with cussons ended exact same time as Bubbleworks - they went to the effort of removing and replacing all the signage, leaving a generic bathtime themed ride. It's only chessington to blame for not bothering to remove or replace anything.

  6. Who knows - I imagine not, the systems are pretty ancient along with speakers etc.

    There was a zone for the break run pre-entering the building, with many speakers on the ground etc which weren't working from at least 2006, but I imagine that's just it dying rather than a change in zonal systems etc.

  7. No because ripsaw is run on rubbish cycles and would be run on even worse ones at thorpe! Just compare ripsaws cycles(rubbish) to ones on rameses revenge(good)!

    Rameses revenge:


    At least on rameses you always get a soaking aswell and most times you'll get a double soaking! Rameses always goes around twice due to short queues and you always get the spin cycle. But with ripsaw it is popular so you barely ever get a good, long cycle! That's why I'm glad we have rameses at chessington because it isn't very popular there and peaks at 20/30 min queues!

    Christ are you a troll or a moron?

    Rameses - slow, incredibly slow, has 2 settings (either crap, or double crap depending - luckily you get to ride both as noone likes the ride). The operators cant play with the fountains, you only get water up your nose as it holds you waiting for the operator to stop fountains (do they not trust operators?!) before releasing the braking mechanism.

    Ripsaw - 8 settings (ask for a good one, you'll get it), about 3 times the speed of rameses, the operators can constantly play with fountains meaning you can get soaked throughout ride cycle rather than just at end. Shortest ride cycle on ripsaw (in public use) actually lasts longer than rameses, even with rammy dragging its sorry arse about trying to do anything.

    Actually know what you're talking about before speaking.

  8. Bet it will one day.

    Why? Because in a world of a theme park, where rides are themed and are meant to display immersive experiences, having a product brand which has bugger all to do with said theme or immersion should not be happening. I don't want Dr Pepper sponsoring a tidal wave cos "it's for the lols/whats the worse that can happen marketing bullcrap".

  9. Does that mean that people with a Thorpe park only annual pass can't go? In that case my friend can't go :o

    Read the previous page, last post. They've happily quoted the bloody website T&C saying CLEARLY you can go with a thorpe park annual pass.

    Read before posting.

  10. I agree with some of this, but surely opinions on things like atmosphere are more down to opinion rather than fact? Whilst you may not enjoy riding vortex to pop music I'm sure there are those who do for example? General maintenance if anything has improved? Gone are the days of 2005 where you had days of Stealth, Rush, Samurai, Colossus down for days at a time, all at the same time.

    Mm yeah I have to agree, I prefer pop music to having absolutely nothing playing.

    Went one day last year where the link was dead. There was no music anywhere, bar inferno. Even the swarm tv's were paused.

    However, those who "enjoy" pop music probably don't realise what they're missing. It's like saying everyone enjoys a tesco value product, without them allowing to try the finest range.

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