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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Yeah I think this is it, I sitll dont get this though.. its not as if the first leg of the queue isnt right next to the launch track, along with thorpe still let you queue under the launch unlike at rita... odd

    When visiting, I realised... the entire launch way has huge fencing either side underneath the launch track - the only bits guests physically go under it is near the station and the tyre entrance, both are covered appropriately. The only part of the launch not covered is the section to sunken garden, which is fenced off.

    Rita on the other hand, has nothing like this whatsoever.

  2. Shouldn't have to be vouchers which can be related to benefits, but more like Morrisons Gift Vouchers or something similar?

    I dislike that everyone is scared to offend/upset a very very tiny minority to stop the majority abusing the system. Same with everything in walks of life, any other country and this wouldn't happen. Least we have a benefits system.

  3. Love Chessington, absolutely adore the place.

    Being able to just stay on fury countless times, on a friday, and being able to just relax and have fun is fantastic. Monkey Swinger 5 times, my friends found their new favourite ride!

    Yes, the place is falling apart a bit, but hopefully they'll get those areas sorted eventually. The Zufari is coming along thick and fast and that has high prospects. I think staying in the hotel also completely changes your feelings about the place.

    The ride opening is awful though, even though there's no guests it is a bit messed up (some rides opening at 11, some at midday, HPH at 1pm.. Tomb Blaster shown at entrance to be open 10-5, bit weird considering thats the parks opening hours). Really have to concentrate on staying in a particular area until the others open to not get distracted. Both Rameses and Dragon Falls were shown as not operating at the entrance, however the park had full availability yesterday.

  4. Wow. They need to really sort out fastrack operations on days like this.

    Towers is selling fastrack on these days, however they're selling no screams (Nemesis, Oblivion and Air packages), so you can only buy seperate rides. Air has 16 allocated per hour, for example.

    It's a disgrace that thorpe doesn't communicate or act in anyones benefit over this.

  5. Its been like that since Ritas cable snapped.... even though you walk straight past the launch track in the queue and then queue under it.

    Have they not made any changes then, unlike rita which has a temporary tunnel and cannot queue under launch track, until they make a permenant structure this winter?
  6. Whatever the bloody dr pepper events called. Their names are so god damn similar that they mingle into "thorpe park" in my mind.

    Anyway, last week of summer holidays are always very busy. Always. So why did thorpe have lower opening times for that week?! Surely they remember, or can look at previous years to see that thats what bloody happens?!

  7. A Q-Bot system, arguably does not do this. I wish they would go down the Q-Bot avenue!

    I really don't. They're a nightmare to work with at legoland, and they'll definitely go down the route legos already done and make it a ridiculously expensive fastrack option. Hate Qbot - far easier to up fastrack prices and reduce limits.

    At least they've only got two places to buy fastrack (apart from on-the-door sales). Far prefer this to a few years ago.

    Anyway, thorpe closing at 6pm?! What happened to the ride and rave event? Or does that finish just as the busiest week of the summer holidays start (and therefore longest opening hours needed)?!

  8. Filming crew? In the middle of the day?

    Weird that they didn't advertise this fact... It's quite poor show really, could they have not done it before ride opening? Or indeed after park close?

    When I went during schools weeks, they had topless male models taking up an entire 8 seats of the ride. They went around 4 times. Rest of train was empty. Queue was 2hrs.

    I love how thorpe do not give one solitary **** about their guests.

  9. Double Post.

    Audrey said on Coronation Street that Nick shouldn't have gone to towers on a bank holiday because of how rammed it obviously was.

    How wrong she was. Maximum queue 30mins, everything 0mins by 5. I think Nick just decided to bugger off in the evening instead of returning home.

  10. the bit that confuses me though, isn't the golf a little bit of a distance away from the rest of the stuff? I guess the golf didn't exactly become a runaway success then.

    Golf is positioned exactly behind the play area - so it makes sense.

    The golf is a complete shambles, it's not owned by lego and the owners don't care about it and put no investment into it - don't even care if its open or anything. Hence why they wanna get rid, lego hate it basically.

  11. Not particularly - even if they had no bag drop, you'd still need multiple lanes per side to have a properly working front row and singles queue.

    If they didn't have front row queue, and position the bag drop just slightly better, it'dve been perfect.

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