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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Colossus (5)

    Depth Charge (2)

    Detonator (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    Logger's Leap (5)

    Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (7)

    Rocky Express (5)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (5)

    Stealth (6)

    Storm In A Teacup (4)

    The Swarm (5)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    X:/No Way Out (5)

    Depth Charge -

    Mr Monkey's +

  2. Or to counter that argument - chessington is for families with kids up to about 12ish (maybe older, cant remember official line). Kids hit 1.4m when they're about 8, so the older kids can go on these rides. These family rides. As it's a family park. Family.

    Bored/irritated of the old IT'S THRILLING IT SHOULDN'T BE THERE/RUN LIKE THIS thing. That's what ruined chessington in the first place, whilst alienating half of their actual audience ;).

  3. Colossus (6)

    Depth Charge (4)

    Detonator (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    Logger's Leap (5)

    Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (6)

    Rocky Express (5)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (5)

    Slammer (1)

    Stealth (6)

    Storm In A Teacup (5)

    The Swarm (6)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    X:/No Way Out (6)

    Swarm +

    Slammer -

  4. Air (5)

    Battle Galleons (5)

    Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (5)

    Congo River Rapids (5)

    Doodle Doo Derby (3)

    Driving School (5)

    Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (6)

    Enterprise (5)

    Frog Hopper (5)

    Galloper's Carousel (5)

    Haunted Hollow (5)

    Heave Ho! (5)

    Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5)

    Ice Age The 4D Experience (5)

    Marauders Mayhem (5)

    Nemesis (6)

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra (5)

    Oblivion (6)

    Old MacDonald's Singing Barn (4)

    Ripsaw (7)

    Rita (5)

    Riverbank Eye Spy (5)

    Runaway Mine Train (5)

    Sonic Spinball (5)

    Sharkbait Reef by SEA LIFE (3)

    Skyride (5)

    Squirrel Nutty Ride (5)

    The Blade (5)

    The Flume (5)

    The Gardens (5)

    The Towers (5)

    Th13teen (6)

    Ripsaw +1

    Sealife -1

    (Can this topic have same rules at thorpes one - so we can post again after 24hrs to keep game moving? :))

  5. Hmmm... tactical face on...

    Colossus (6)

    Depth Charge (5)

    Detonator (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    Logger's Leap (5)

    Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (6)

    Rocky Express (5)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (5)

    Slammer (3)

    Stealth (5)

    Storm In A Teacup (4)

    The Swarm (5)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    X:/No Way Out (6)

    Tidal Wave +1

    Depth Charge -1

    EDIT: Ahh bugger.

  6. Air (5)

    Battle Galleons (5)

    Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (5)

    Congo River Rapids (5)

    Doodle Doo Derby (4)

    Driving School (5)

    Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5)

    Enterprise (5)

    Frog Hopper (5)

    Galloper's Carousel (5)

    Haunted Hollow (5)

    Heave Ho! (5)

    Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5)

    Ice Age The 4D Experience (5)

    Marauders Mayhem (5)

    Nemesis (6)

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra (5)

    Oblivion (6)

    Old MacDonald's Singing Barn (4)

    Ripsaw (6)

    Rita (5)

    Riverbank Eye Spy (5)

    Runaway Mine Train (5)

    Sonic Spinball (5)

    Sharkbait Reef by SEA LIFE (4)

    Skyride (5)

    Squirrel Nutty Ride (5)

    The Blade (5)

    The Flume (5)

    The Gardens (5)

    The Towers (5)

    Th13teen (6)

    Ripsaw +

    Sealife -

    There's too many attractions at towers.

  7. Colossus (6)

    Depth Charge (5)

    Detonator (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    Logger's Leap (5)

    Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (7)

    Quantum (2)

    Rocky Express (4)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (6)

    Slammer (5)

    Stealth (5)

    Storm In A Teacup (5)

    The Swarm (4)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    X:/No Way Out (6)

    Mr Monkey's Banana Ride +1

    Quantum -1

  8. Every park always seemingly does this! Oh spending too much money and not enough variation, make the ride staffing areas bigger.. oh wait, they don't function correctly and there's no accountability, make all staffing areas smaller and more close-nit.

    Step in the right direction though, smaller ride teams work far better.

  9. Air (6)

    Battle Galleons (5)

    Berry Bish Bash (2)

    Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (5)

    Congo River Rapids (5)

    Dirty Ho! (5)

    Doodle Doo Derby (5)

    Driving School (5)

    Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5)

    Enterprise (5)

    Frog Hopper (5)

    Galloper's Carousel (5)

    Haunted Hollow (5)

    Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5)

    Ice Age The 4D Experience (5)

    Marauders Mayhem (5)

    Nemesis (5)

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra (5)

    Oblivion (5)

    Old MacDonald's Singing Barn (5)

    Ripsaw (6)

    Rita (5)

    Riverbank Eye Spy (5)

    Runaway Mine Train (5)

    Sonic Spinball (5)

    Sharkbait Reef by SEA LIFE (5)

    Skyride (5)

    Squirrel Nutty Ride (5)

    The Blade (5)

    The Flume (5)

    The Gardens (5)

    The Towers (5)

    Th13teen (6)

    Ripsaw +1

    Berry Bish Bash -1

    And put the rides in alphabetical order as it's irritating me :)

  10. Colossus (5)

    Depth Charge (4)

    Detonator (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    Logger's Leap (5)

    Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (6)

    Quantum (5)

    Rocky Express (5)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (9)

    Slammer (4)

    Stealth (5)

    Storm In A Teacup (5)

    The Swarm (5)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    Vortex (2)

    X:/No Way Out (5)

    Swarm +1

    Vortex -1

    Jumping on the bandwagon - screw you vortex!

  11. Air (5)

    Battle Galleons (5)

    Berry Bish Bash (5)

    Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (4)

    Congo River Rapids (5)

    Driving School (5)

    Doodle Doo Derby (5)

    Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5)

    Enterprise (5)

    Frog Hopper (5)

    Galloper's Carousel (4)

    Haunted Hollow (5)

    Heave Ho! (5)

    Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6)

    Ice Age The 4D Experience (5)

    Marauders Mayhem (5)

    Nemesis (6)

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra (5)

    Oblivion (9)

    Old Macdnalds Singing Barn (4)

    Ripsaw (8)

    Rita (5)

    Riverbank Eye Spy (5)

    Runaway Mine Train (5)

    Twirling Toadstool (2)

    The Blade (3)

    The Flume (5)

    The Gardens (5)

    The Towers (5)

    Th13teen (5)

    Sonic Spinball (4)

    Sharkbait Reef by SEA LIFE (5)

    Skyride (5)

    Squirrel Nutty Ride (5)

    Spinball -

    Ripsaw +

  12. Chief Rangers Carousel (5)

    Colossus (5)

    Depth Charge (5)

    Detonator (5)

    Flying Fish (6)

    Loggers Leap (5)

    Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (5)

    Quantum (5)

    Rocky Express (6)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (5)

    Slammer (5)

    Stealth (5)

    Storm In A Teacup (4)

    The Swarm (5)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    Vortex (4)

    X://No Way Out (5)

    Flying Fish +

    Vortex -

  13. Obviously they do have the choice of being able to improve clearance of the tunnel if it needs replacing - but as is mentioned in this topic, obviously funds do not seemingly exist for this - it'd naturally cost more to increase clearance due to more materials being used.

    Which leads meaning it'd only be cost efficient to replace it like-for-like. As the tunnel hasn't been removed previously, it means that clearance is obviously perfectly acceptable otherwise it'dve been removed or ride stopped operating.

    This means it's purely down to lack of maintenance, or lack of effort to change like-for-like. We've gone full circle, without need of post above ;).

  14. I said merlin to a lesser extent - as there's been examples at the other parks where you do see stuff being replaced even if they don't exactly need to be there.

    Thorpe doesn't seem to have this same attitude as the other parks, whether it's down to pure budgets or whether there's a different mindset.. who knows. It's actually a pretty grown up thing to point this out really ;)

  15. They will only have a couple of the new boats on the system as they're only modified to allow children of a smaller height onto the boat - I think they seat less adults as a result as well?

    This was one of the things I never thought they'd bother with - but imagine it was a funding from central merlin seeing as all three Mack flumes received these boats.

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