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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Most of the parks capacity is led by carparking spaces, rather than the real capacity.

    Lego "capacity" now is 16,000 guests, as measured by car parking spaces. However, they hit their all-time high attendance at almost 22k in 2009.

  2. Is Pizza Hut run as an actual pizza hut then, not as a franchise like KFC and BK do?

    The park's don't generally give a monkeys what those really earn, if they can improve guest satisfaction, improve revenue and profit margins for themselves, they'll happily remove the external companies.

    It all depends on whether thorpe thinks its the right time to part with them, whether their consumers will be happy without the high street brands, to trust and spend the same amount etc. Chessie and Towers obviously feel it's the right time, so surely it'll only be a matter of seasons til they disappear from thorpe as well.

  3. Because it's a paid system, they generally accept the tickets anytime after the time slot, just not before. Hence problems being created, if they do go back to sales & info to change the ticket, it'll just be written on, rather than changing the allocation quota.

    However the system definitely does seem ingrained. The amount of people who ask where to buy fastrack when the queue board extremely clearly says "5 minutes" is ridiculous.

  4. Just as an inside thing about towers - fastrack hasn't increased this year, it hasn't really been any worse. Only times it fails is when hotel fastrack is included, or a major ride breaks down. Which, if you read into that topic on towers street, is what they're actually moaning about.

    Thorpe, on the other hand, is more than happy to sell fastrack when they don't have staffing levels to cope with it (on the "quiet" days for instance). There's a huge, huge, change in attitude and approach to fastrack between both parks.

  5. It'll be like that today, and next saturday. The two peak days.

    Tomorrow will be busy, but not as busy. Friday and next sunday will be similar. Between monday and thursday will not be on the more quieter end, expect 30-45min queues.

  6. Queues like when?

    Overwhelming majority of the season, you won't see queues breach 30mins. In holidays, you won't see them breach 60mins unless you're visiting over the scarefest half term, fireworks or the very end of summer holidays.


  7. This is mentioned every single year, so it'll be nice for it to actually happen.

    I imagine it'll almost completely erradicate the sickness on the ride as well, reducing downtime! Winner!

  8. I am a towers fanboy, and I've visited thorpe way more often to know it's ****.

    I do like some things they do, but most of it (mainly operation side) is utter cack. Their mazes are cheap and nasty, I enjoy being in immersive experiences and thorpe does not provide, excluding swarm island.

  9. They've done £99 rooms, they're doing them this scarefest. Some days they're not filling - and £99, including park tickets, is incredibly good value for money.

    It's down to the economy, rather than long term issues. They'll pick up once economy picks up, and this time they'll have extra accomodation to provide for the extra people. Very good planning!

  10. I imagine they don't do that because there's still potential for stuff to go missing/nicked, like the cages found on other rides. Baggage holds almost completely irradicate this happening, increases security and feeling of being secure on park, and adds to customer service.

    Something they do right is baggage holds! Don't try and change that!! ;)

  11. Wonder if this leads to just one train being loaded at a time, or dual loading again - 32 loading at one time?

    However, with Gerstlauer's restraint system, and a appropriate baggage point, you'd very very easily be able to hit whatever the dispatch interval is - like thorpe could if the staff actually were able to work efficiently!

  12. They're building on the grounds rarely used, extending their onsite overnight capacity which is regularly at 100%, and going towards their long term aim at longer stays, and capturing the guests who like to visit the Peak district (of which towers is literally on the border of) as well.

    Sensible, and glad that they've secured funding even after this tough year!

  13. Food improvements are ace. Unsure how anyone likes KFC, or moans about FCC. Sure, if you compare FCC at chessington to KFC, then you may have a few points. Compare to FCC at towers, where meal sizes are bigger, meals are cheaper and the food just feels so much more fresh and tastier.. then you can't lose.

    Plus, bring in the big red button towers style, and noone will ever miss KFC ;).

    But BK needs to go, it's ****e. PH would love to be gone from the park as well.

  14. There is literally nothing wrong with the park security arrangements. They'll have put months of planning into this and meetings etc, and they could've realised they've overstaffed security in recent years creating the wrong atmosphere on park.

    Thorpe is fine, merlin is fine, tussauds were awful. Stop hating for hating sake, seriously. It gets boring and irritating.

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