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Posts posted by Fred

  1. It won't be up to whether PH want the lease to go or not - it'll be down to thorpe and what their contracts state and any clauses in it.

    Obviously, if PH is paying them a rather healthy percentage to keep their brand there, then that'll be what we'll keep seeing. All depends on what's best for good old thorpey!

  2. I think the addition of FCC at towers really have proven that they can do fast. The service there is mega quick, but actually with a smile and polite staff, unlike what KFC had beforehand!

    BK, good riddance. Wonder if it is actually gonna disappear at thorpe though, with its whole target market and audience crap. Heck, they're the only park still to have KFC and PH operating!

  3. To make it absolutely clear, Lego group (whatever their name is, begins with a K) owns 30% of merlin, not just the lego parks.

    I believe they have suffered the same as the rest of the group though. Lego is less volatile due to the branding though, winner for them!

  4. ^ Agreed, you can argue it has a low throughput, but low throughput or not if people didnt like it, people wouldnt be prepared to queue the long queue times it gets.

    Equally, how many people in that queue have ridden it before to know how awful it is?

    It's the same as spinball at towers, people queue because its so bloody visable and one of the first rides on park. Doesn't have good throughputs, and doesn't get great scores. It just is busy because of location pretty much.

  5. Just to add to the justified reasons, seeing as I was the one who mentioned the awful immersive experience - Yes, the swarm is amazeballs, it is exactly what we want in a coaster and in a theme, even if it now looks like it's been put in entirely the wrong park (two immersive rides, albeit one littered with advertising now, in a park full of styled stuff). However, if you're gonna just blast the entire theme and immersion to put Nintendo adverts around the place, don't expect not to be criticised ;).

    To be fair, with ride downtime.. there's only so much that can be just shrugged off as not the parks fault, however there must be a problem with the engineering dept, whether its budgets, its lack of ability to conduct preventative maintenance, or they have awful timetables with their maintenance enabling the rides to run at reduced capacity, affecting guests. Something which needs to be continually pointed out, if it continually happens, to ensure that someone tries to sort it. Same goes with new rides, it depends on how you deal with the original faults as to how the park moves forwards.

  6. Hiding slammers signage made sense though, as its out of the way and not having signage means people won't walk up to it to find its shut.

    Samurai, on the other hand, is staring straight at you when you're walking past Colossus/saw/noodle bar... so there's no point in removing said signage.

  7. But where will the adverts go!? :o

    Well, in all recent installations, adverts don't appear on queueline tvs.. they're something they're pretty much stuck with from the Tussauds era - and at least they don't have sound on them anymore.

    Apart from thorpe, but that's because thorpe is bloody useless at anything nearing immersive experiences.

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