To be honest the preshow barely connects to the rest if the ride at all. Frankly, everything before you enter the carriage is essentially unrelated to the preshow and hanging train.
Derren in the preshow:
"And after it's all over talk to your friends you may find they perceived things diffferently" (something to that effect).
How? The film on the VR is pretty much identical...
For a ride supposed to have:
A. Ghosts
B. Illusions
C. Trains
It has literally only 2 of A and only 1 of B (the hanging carriage is an illusion, the rest is just a video on some goggles). Apart from the name and preshow it has sweet nothing to do with Derren or illusions at a basic level. It succeeds only in having trains, I'll give it that.
I actually prefer the Dungeons.