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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    I had a hair cut.
  2. I think mines dropped over 250 so methinks I win Tommy.
  3. Lol just lol.Maybe its just been having a bit of downtime? Or you just decided to go a few days in a row and it was broken I feel for you, I really do!
  4. I think they should have released the name a month after the ride opens. Just to be different.
  5. Yay Rich commented me!


  6. Wow all that was pointless. You were banned for a reason. I'm not gonna have a go cause the admins pick on me Alls I'm gonna say is I've been on this forum for long and I have never seen favouritism tbh. So yah. And Tommy apology accepted. No one else's is :PEdit: There we go Rich a reason to warm me
  7. I was with every single person at the same time, you guys just didn't know it. Just one more thing. MY HAIR!ALFONSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  8. Lol the train journey was made somewhat hilarious when Seb realised that he had left his key with Rich. The train was actually a minute or so late so welldone to SWT. All in all was quite funny tbh.
  9. Oh god, just don't post the videos please. Was a good trip, I switched groups so it was nice seeing everyone and everyone to London soonish for my biffdhayy!
  10. Try being a girl and having a van pass you.''Omgg look theres something with a pulse *beep beep*Its scary man,
  11. Pickles

    This Or That

    Big MacShort or long hair?
  12. I have 3 years of college due to the fact of being kicked out of an a level. I don't have the money to go to uni and I would rather not get a loan. So I'm pretty much screwed in life atm.
  13. I dont think I'll be attending this one guys.
  14. Pickles

    This Or That

    Brendan Fraser!!This or that?
  15. Pickles


    I beat James on the Dodgems at Chessington!
  16. I hate guys who are like that tbh. And ones who are like obsessed with tits and stuff. Gimme a quiet guy who likes reading please!
  17. Pickles


    Well it is Thorpe Park after all. But fair do's to them for their accuracy,
  18. Oh god Mikeyyy that actual almost made me cry. I can pretty much say ditto to everything in that. I can't really say much here so yeah.
  19. I can't saw through the bone on the first thingy.
  20. Grrr at you James! The one thing that annoys me is when I tell someone some people are immediatly like ''omg do you like fancy me'' I feel like saying don't flatter your self love.
  21. I was straight if that counts.
  22. This forum as a whole is something to rant about with 2 years ago I would not have done. Do you know why? Because you can't voice your opinion anymore without someone saying something's wrong with it or questioning it. Its called an opinion because you can sometimes build it up by observation, someone can do something etc etc. And the fact that if someones not doing something about your opinion, someones being a sarcastic arsehole. This forum used to be friendly in MY opinion, now if you join and don't understand something you get slated. I can understand if a new member insults someone but just by merely asking about something they get a f**king page of people either being sarcastic or stuck up. Just because your an older member does not mean you can treat new members different cause you were one once remember? Here are some definitions that people may have forgotten about:Friendly:adjective, -li⋅er, -li⋅est, adverb, noun, plural -lies. –adjective 1. characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship: a friendly greeting. 2. like a friend; kind; helpful: a little friendly advice. 3. favorably disposed; inclined to approve, help, or support: a friendly bank. 4. not hostile or at variance; amicable: a friendly warship; friendly natives. Opinion:–noun 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. 2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. 3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion. 4. Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case. 5. a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion. 6. a favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him.
  23. Pickles


    Yay! Newt and Lauren kissed! Finally!!! Hollyoaks
  24. I tried to come out to my Dad. College its fine. My Dad was like no way are you one of them kinda thing, so I shut my mouth and never mentioned it again.
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