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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. When I say I got soaked I mean, COMPLETELY to the bone soaked. And it wasn't from the drop either, stoopid watergun things.
  2. My dearest StealthSupreme due to me trying not to get in trouble I'm going to say this nicely. I have a life, its called I go to college, go to town with FRIENDS. Now then if you would like to challenge me, go right ahead because I am going to admit I am a bitch and you will get slighty beaten in this 'discussion'.
  3. I think you will find I have a life because if you haven't noticed I'm not actually on this forum that much and I can pretty much vouch for other members on the life thing. But you complain all the time, you spam so just L E A V E. I spelt it out incase you didn't understand.
  4. Heres something for all of you who complain about the way this forum is run, leave? Hasn't anyone thought about that?
  5. People who call me a bitch, when in actual fact I'm not. But now I will show them exactly what me being a bitch is all about because I'm fed up of them calling me a bitch. And people who are like ''Why do you have a problem with so-and-so'' when they don't even like them. Kill the human race kthnx xx.
  6. I got a lift too, I was like Lauraaaaaaa can I has a lift and she came and picked me up. x

  7. Everyone keeps remembering my burp! And ofc I'll be at the next meet. I go to like every meet cause I'm cool liek that!.

  8. Pickles


    I'm not listening to anything cause I have like messed my sound up. Can someone come and fix it?
  9. I shall be attending due to an large amount of money coming out of my savings, I shall be arriving at the park at like midday. Whoop whoop.
  10. I like to poke you.

  11. Jeez everytime I log in someones saying something mean. Keep to the topic numbskulls.
  12. Pickles


    I believe I was talking to you and him. Get over yourselves khay?
  13. Pickles


    I think you will find that the people that are correcting you have been on this forum for a while now and do generally know how it works, the rules etc. Just look at your posts, look at the points people give you and have a think about it before you reply. We don't think we're right, because I think you will find that most of the time we are infact right.
  14. Pickles


    No were just the only ones who admit it.
  15. You did it willingly so don't come and complain to me.
  16. You would be surprised at how many gay guys have felt my boobs rly.
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