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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Men, all I can pretty much say tbh. I don't even know what wrongs but theres something.
  2. Everyones from Reading. Let have a mass meetup in Reading. Meet you by the oracle, sainsburys side at 5am today yeah? Welcome lol =D
  3. I hate the fact that I have to play agony aunt most days. They my boyfriend complains that someones called him its like yeah. I have this habit where if someone asks for help with a problem I go out my way to sort it and then when I have problems is not reciprocated. PM me if you have any problems seeing as I do it on a daily basis, may aswell help all you funky lot.
  4. I want to go back to Reception. That is what I call the easy years.
  5. Pickles


    Dude more to life than metal. I discovered that and look at me now I have loads of friends that I can dicuss music taste with and I'm not so cynical.
  6. Also count how many old members there are? Even the admins barely post anymore.
  7. Pickles

    This Or That

    BoatGirls as friends or guys as friends?
  8. Pickles


    Ha since my last post in this topic Crewe has gone downnnnnn. Wayyy down. I am proud to say that dispite the fact there sh!t I still give them my full support. Go Crewe!
  9. On my last trip which was like last Thursday I found my old pal, locker number 1! I wish I could still afford it but unfortunatley since its changed to non-refundable I can't do it cause I used to go back atleast 2-3 times to get stuff but obv I can't anymore.
  10. Pickles


    Laddles and jellyfish after like a million years I know have a computer indepentant of my Dad. Booyah!
  11. Pickles


    To try and sort my hearing out as I have excess earwax I have to have these drops in my ears and its like horrible. I can't hear in that ear for an hour and cause I can't do both ears at the same time its like I'm only on one ear I have the other to do. Its 4 days long so its like I have 6 days left of this. GR.
  12. I can't come. I have no money. And I have a meal with my boyfriends family that I forgot about so I kinda obligated to attend that. Sorry.
  13. Okay guys look I know admins keeps going on about spelling and shizz but the thing thats up with the ''ave'' thing, that is ridiculous as PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES. I do it sometimes. I don't proof read my posts at all and I've made mistakes before. Stupid stuff liek that is well stupid. If its totally in text talk then yes say something but a simple mistake is not a major thing.
  14. Pickles


    Loool I loved my AS results tbh. I haven't recieved my GCSE maths yet as I went to Thorpe instead. Hopefully get it tomorrow.
  15. Thats like banning me from the TV. I'll try for your guyses sakes but theres a bit of a catch tbh.
  16. Getting the cash is easy, keeping it is not. I'm a girl and I do love shopping.
  17. Pickles


    Any proof? I was there just two days ago and no seats were missing.
  18. Righto I have my annual pass and all that, I will find out the day before as to whether or not I can go because I'll need to see if I have money or not. You guyses have to wait til then I'm afraid to see if you get to experience my wonderful presence =D
  19. I love Disturbed! xx

  20. I thinks its a woman thing cause I've had a few points where I've felt like that.
  21. Standing under the Hulk rollercoaster at whatever the parks called and a two pence flys and hits my sisters leg. Cue her in pain and me in stitches. The net was rather broken at one point which is stupid tbh.
  22. Hahaha I remember Dungeons. I wanna go to the fairs again that was funnn. Aero, methinks a trip to those thar fairs is in order =D
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