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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I need to get money so I can get a Thorpe annual pass. Maybe a Merlin one I'm still waaaay undecided.
  2. Don't say that! Blastphemy! I think? Lol this has just reminded me that I need to to talk to Marc about shiz.I'm going people!
  3. I want to be whatever the hell I feel like that year. Atm I'm studying A levels, after that might be mechanics etc etc I'll have qualifications that I will use ALL OF THEM GOD DAMMIT!
  4. I can remember them, I agree with James they were better days.
  5. Pickles


    Do you know the muffin man?The muffin man?The muffin man!Who lives down Drury lane?Well shes married to the muffin man.The muffin man?THE MUFFIN MAN!
  6. Well dur..... I have a feel he needs someone to do BOGOF with. I ain't paying to get in on that day.
  7. Waaaaaay more reason for me to meet up with you guys =D In all seriousness I think me going will be amusing cause I shall be personally escorting a Mr J R around the park by his ear so if you see someone dragging someone by the ear, that would be me (Y)
  8. Lol was that in Tilehurst or Whitley? Seems like the typical places =P
  9. Well Tim seeing as your from Reading, come and meet up with us and when you get nervous just come to me and we can talk about how Reading is a crappy place =D
  10. Just come and doss with me. Yes peoples I am attending may aswell =D
  11. Okay peeps look the sh!te kiddy ride next to the Dueling Dragons will be re-themed the Dueling Dragons if you had bothered to read the info correctly will NOT be changing as far as we know. Do some research before you say stuff like that, that is how rumours come about.
  12. Okay are people still acting like that cause if they do then well they need to grow up really. Anywayy I remember back in the day when I used to hang out with James and Beth and Joe and Sheepie that was funnn.
  13. Pickles


    Hehehehehehe I'm back =D
  14. If Joe goes I will eat my own pants. I don't think I'll be attending due to a strange need to avoid Thorpe.
  15. Babesss I can't post evertime I do it comes up with 'you must enter a post' fecking annoying! xxx

  16. Pickles

    Bad Injuries!

    When I was 5 my ankle was used as a brake for a bike. Nice scar I have and a bad ankle.
  17. Pickles


    Teehee diis iiz mii new phone, iim gettiin iit when ii getz payeed
  18. I KNOW for a fact that he wasn't in that part of England. So will you all just shut up stop being ****s and get on with your lives. I live over the ****ing road from him I'm going to know where the **** he is. Marc you of all people should know that bring up an arguement thats just about stopped is a bad idea. So just shut the hell up and Tom stop getting together with Joe and ringing Frankie and you can't say you haven't as hello I heard the voicemail. Grow up.Kthnx bai.
  19. Pickles


    Lol thats whys when you call my name it sounds like your calling a dog =P I have no pet cause for some reason they die very quickly...If it counts I've got my friends dog Bumble and Frankies dog Barney as my pets =D
  20. I know how all of you feel. I seem to have a habit of picking the worse friends, I've had a group turn round and help me then just do what what they helped me with. Then you have the classic people who tell me that I shouldn't be with whatever guy I'm with at that point. It goes on and on and on. I need to learn to pick better friends at times.
  21. Well actually its a bit more than a slight bump, my head was knocked quite badly. On the final brakes I ended up seeing white dots. So no its not a 'slight' bump IMO. And don't say people are being pathetic about stuff like this because with Colossus I don't have much head banging whilst one of my friends has alot so yeah I wouldn't say people are being pathetic.
  22. El Marko Gilberto when ye next working? LOVE YOU! xxxx

  23. Shes*Tut tut Mark! Sexist =P I don't think I've ever been on a breakdown in Britain, Paris was funny on the buzz lightyear ride just stopping and shooting the same target, I don't think I've ever gotten a better score.
  24. I remember sitting by Stealth Diner with James H and co, and someone saying look Stealth is rolling back and I turned around just in time. Most proudest moment of my life *tears in eyes*
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