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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Wash your mouth out with soap!!Beanoland is class!
  2. Pickles


    LOLOLOL at the pub last night, methinks I drunk waaaaaaaaaay too much. Whoopsieeeeeeeeeee.
  3. I shan't be attend I'm afraid due to prior commitments with teh father. Sowwry.
  4. I swear to god if we ge any posts in this topic tomorrow I may just have to castrate you khay?However its spelt etc etc etccNo one really cares about little bits of stuff like an 8 on a beam. Just haves some fun waiting for the next video or bit of info and stop trying to guess stuff it will ruin it. Go spend one day not thinking about Saw and have FUN like a normal-I-dont-sit-at-my-computer-all-day-masturbating-over-a-pic-of-saw kid. This post was brought to you by the alcohol induced fingers of Holly Beckett.Happy holidays everyone!
  5. Alls well saying that but what you have to look at is the way you post. I think you will find that if you bothered to read peoples posts and change the way you post, you would have nothing to complain about.
  6. Pickles


    I'm very happy with my dell laptop and vista, the only problem I have is entirely my own fault. I always get viruses because I never get anti-virus software. IMO vistas the best out of the ones I've tried.
  7. OMG Slammers topless!!!I'm afraid to tell you that Saw:The ride has been teleported to Mars. It seems the aliens wanted it more then us.
  8. It was like ah me and James missed the traffic light, omg hes waiting for us! xx

  9. Pickles


    Ill be there, but then again I do live there.
  10. I talked to you on the phone and we talked about stuff! xx

  11. well I'm defo coming so I shall see whoever there at whatever time the underground lets me get there(sorry about grammer and stuff I just really cba)
  12. Thats good cause I has one of those. Cheap times for me!
  13. I was thinking that the peeps who don't want to go to many of the merlin attractions do I dunno something else?! Cause I preferably don't want to do some of the attractions.
  14. Pickles

    This Or That

    Black and GoldDrama or Music
  15. I went all the way to Watford to get Nandos >.>Theres my answer.
  16. Pickles


    I saw Tommy and Chris and Frankie and Gaz and Phill today.
  17. Nah atm were back at like primary school basic stuff
  18. Nanananados cause I can only eat the plain noodles at Wagamamas
  19. I would be skipping the scary stuff but I should be up for London.
  20. Pickles

    Songs And Lyrics

    Alex is disowned.Meanwhile listen to Snow Patrol - RunI will love you Forever If you listen.
  21. Pickles


    Damn I am in a bitchy mood tonight. I have the urge to comment on so many things.Grrrr damn buses make me in bad moods!
  22. Pickles


    Oh shut it you!
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