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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    Right gang, listen up!Here's the deal, 18th February, The Feeling are doing a small in-store gig and CD signage at HMV Oxford Street. Basically, does anybody fancy making a day of it?! I refuse to do anything productive over half term darn it!Peace out.
  2. Alex


    Shouldn't be speeding anyhoo. I'm a little angel y'see :PIn unrelated matters, good news everyone! [/Professor Farnsworth]I've decided I am the problem, which also means I'm the solution. Boo yah!
  3. Alex


    Yes Jack, one of our terms of service is that in the event of any Forum member's death or dissapearance for greater than 7 days, we get all thier worldly possessions. GUTTED!
  4. Alex

    Hello Joe, I didn't get a chance to say goodnight, so have yourself a pretty comment! =] xx

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  5. Alex


    Hey y'all! I be Prague-in' it up until Friday, so I won't be around to help with your petty squabbles :PMwahaha! Leave me nice things please! If you wunna text be in foriegn land, ask Marc or someone for meh old number.Bai bai!
  6. Alex

    Bad Injuries!

    Aw you poor thing!I had a similar thing when I was uber tiny and nearly died, like opposite though, I like uber de-hydrated. Had to sit in some kida special room for ages apparently. Don't remember though obv.Apart from that I've been pretty luckys I think, thankfully!
  7. Alex

    And I like to recieve random comments, here is one for you! =]

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  8. Alex


    Ok, I didnt stay until the end of the credits, so I take back what I said about the sequel! :PJust saw the trailer on TV, the more I see it and think about it the more I think I liked the film. I think I might have to see it again with some paracetemol!
  9. Alex


    Not a mobile-phone camera, just a handy-cam that they had to film a party. Yeah, the motion sickness is caused by the constant movement of the camera, be it violent shaking during some of the numerous running scenes or quick movement from one character to the rest.It's definitely a unique idea, especially the use of it throughout an entire film.
  10. Alex


    It was episode S04E00 and S04E01. I believe the first one (E00) was a Special recap episode, and the second (E01) is the first new episode of the season.Just gonna watch it now Edit: Driving was great thanks Sebby, did roundabouts and variable speed limit driving again, loved it as usual! Really got the knack of it now! :PIn other news, just seen Cloverfield! It was alright, but I think the motion-sickness spoilt it a bit for me. I loved the ending.
  11. Alex


    God damn it! How do you always beat me to things <__< !
  12. Alex


    It's so late I've started typing Apple as "Allex" Eep.
  13. Alex


    I've just realised that I booked a driving lesson for this Friday after lunch... Which is when I was planning on seeing Cloverfeild, not happy!Damn it, I need to see this movie!* I hope K'Town do a pre-release screening on Thursday, otherwise I might cry! Argh!! But work on Thursday, FFS!! Gonna be a squeeze.*Before Phill!
  14. Yay, comment for Mikey the wonderful! =]

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  15. Hey Holly Wolly, you're my friend! I gave you 5* =]

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  16. Alex


    Yeah, I can take things out of context too love!... Bitch* * The nice kind!
  17. Alex

    Good evening Marc :-)


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  18. Woo, check you!Thats good to hear dear.
  19. Alex


    Just pick subjects you enjoy, and make sure you get a good mix of acedemic like Science and more practical like Art.
  20. Alex


    Noo, positive thinking!
  21. Alex


    A few nerves are good to keep you on your toes tbh, but not too much! ;)Good luck an' all that, Speaking & Listening is generally easier than you think, so you may well be surprised how well you do!What language are you taking?
  22. The list of people can be found at http://happymeets.maniahub.comAs for Forum software upgrades, we are talking about it!
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