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Everything posted by Mitchell

  1. Colossus (7)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (3)Nemesis Inferno (5)Rush (6)Stealth (4)Logger's +Stealth -
  2. Canada Creek Railway (4)Colossus (7)Detonator (6)Flying Fish (4)Loggers Leap (6)Nemesis Inferno (6)Quantum (4)Rocky Express (4)Rush (6)Samurai (4)Slammer (4)Stealth (7)Storm in a teacup (5)Vortex (1)Tidal Wave(7)Rush +Vortex -
  3. Mitchell


    Good job to Thorpe then for getting Slammer up so quickly, it was in an appalling state on Saturday afternoon!
  4. Had an excellent day at Thorpe yesterday. On arrival from the bus des chavs, the ticket booths looked packed but I realised that in fact that was a queue for advanced ticket collecting and the main ticket booths weren't too busy.For a Saturday in June the queues weren't bad at all. Longest I saw was an hour for Saw and Colossus. Inferno, Stealth, Loggers and Rush were mostly around 30 and I think Vortex, Zodiac and Det had around 20 minute queues for most of the day. Saw quite a few people in England shirts as well but I reckon the England game did keep lots of people away from the park. Also it was quite cold in the morning but the weather really brightened up later on in the day.I'm gutted that Rush seems to be having problems at getting some height to it. Some cycles even A was barely doing 90, saying that I got some excellent rides on it and it remains my favourite ride in the park.Another general observation I made was that some rides would REALLY benefit from a single rider queue providing that staff can run it effectively as they were with Stealth. I know that unless they build another wider path up the exit Inferno can't really have one but I think definitely Rush and maybe Detonator could work well with it. I saw so many cycles on Rush where there were at least 2 or 3 empty seats and I think a SRQ would be a great addition to the ride.Reliability was okay. Slammer was down the whole day and things looked a bit ugly with it. Detonator got a few people stranded at the top and Colossus had a problem about 4 and it still hadn't re-opened when I left the park at half 5.Ride Count:Colossus - 1Saw - 2Inferno - 2Stealth - 4 (thanks to SRQ)Rush - 4Det - 2CCR - 1Rocky Express - 117 rides total which isn't too bad for a Saturday in June. :unsure:Was an excellent day.
  5. Mitchell


    Slammer was down the whole day yesterday. Saw a cherry picker on it around lunchtime with an engineer having a look at something near the top of one of the towers. I went past it in the afternoon and there were a couple of cables hanging down from that tower. Judging by the state of it, I reckon it's out for at least a week.
  6. Arriving at 11:30 though, even on a Monday you're looking at hour queues for Colossus/Saw. If you plan well you can get a lot of rides in during the first hour of park opening so I suggest you go for the Saturday. I went on a Saturday in June once and it wasn't really too bad so you might be alright.
  7. Are you having a laugh?Are you having a laugh? They ARE completely different. The only similarites are their names and the fact that they're B&M Inverters.Inferno is a more traditional style with a main drop followed by the a loop, zero-g roll etc. Nemesis really doesn't have a main drop and it certainly isn't at the beginning. Inferno peaks early and gradually decreases in speed whereas Nemesis builds up speed and doesn't reach it's top speed until the middle of the ride. Then you're forgetting that Nemesis is hidden in a pit, Inferno is in plain site. Different themes, layout, colour scheme.If you were shown a picture of Nemesis and a picture of Inferno and didn't know the name of them, you can EASILY tell they are completely different coasters.Anyway good news about the mist, I hope that although they don't look like they were on all day yesterday that they keep them on as much as possible, especially for my next visit.
  8. I made a recreation of Rush out of custom scenery and added some of the lost city rides.
  9. Even on a top swing I can't enjoy Vortex. I can't feel much airtime due to the big clumpy restraints which stop you from lifting out of your seat. I also find it very sickening, I think it's because you face inwards or something because I don't feel the same on Maelstrom. (I love Maelstrom lots.)
  10. Well with this new single rider queue system which may be operating, I hope they don't say 'you can't use them on rides which have a SRQ.' (e.g. Stealth)
  11. I'm still yet to ride it but to be honest I must have read nearly all the spoilers and I don't mind.I still have a Priority Pass from the opening day and apparently the Fastrack for it is not being used so will they still be accepting PP's through the Fastrack entrance?
  12. Just because it's testing it doesn't mean it will be open tomorrow. Chances are they might find problems during testing.Stealth and Slammer looked dead all day, I saw no work on either of them.It's fair enough trying to get Saw open for the weekend, but they also need to make sure the maintenance is good for all the other rides in case Saw crapped up. Whilst Saw's closure was very disappointing, I was more disappointed that they couldn't get their act together on all the other rides.
  13. Mitchell


    Rush was having an odd day today.It opened on two swings but then went down to one. A I think it was. Then only B started running. Then they started using both swings but A was running empty! Then it went to B again and went back to running A empty. It got to two swings by 2pm until the end of the day thankfully.Anybody else seen them run one swing empty?
  14. Mitchell


    It's OPEN!(Well gone from the unavailable rides list.)
  15. Mitchell


    ^I presume so, shouldn't have taken long to remove.
  16. Mitchell


    A little bird has informed me that Rush has been testing today!Shouldn't be long now, just needs to pass H&S probably.
  17. Do you mean not be open?Also I've been told Rush is expected to open much earlier than Fright Nights. They're hoping it to be ready for the end of July.
  18. Mitchell


    I have found a rather perculiar discovery which may or not interest you.The following videos are of Swing A running solo. However notice that on the POV that the set of seats facing Zodiac reverses first. In the off-ride video the same set of seats move forward on the first swing. I have noticed that it is usually these set of seats that go forwards on the first swing at the moment.Do you think there is a reason for this change or did it just happen one day? Or does it just sometimes go one way and sometimes the other.Videos: A bit of change from discussion from the usual 'when is it gonna open' posts recently.
  19. Mitchell


    B has always been slightly lower than A but it has been extremely more noticeable this season.
  20. Mitchell


    I was there on the day of the incident and Rush opened at least 15 minutes after the gates did. It was also testing about 10 minutes before the park opened which is quite unusual as it usually opens with the park whenever I go. Maybe there was a slight problem which the engineers noticed during testing which may have been entirely resolved? Could it have been linked as well?I don't know if any of you have noticed but Swing B has also been swinging much lower than A and sometimes only getting to 90 degrees. Could that have been due to a loose part?It's a shame really as I adore Rush and I think ever since it's been put back together it has had great reliability.
  21. Oh god not another CF Member... P.S I'm on there as well.... lool....

    Read more  
  22. Colossus is now down as closed.
  23. Mitchell


    Both swings were in use today however Swing B (closest to Colossus) was going WAY lower than the other one. It was going out of sync quite badly too. Had one or two shutdowns but none too serious.
  24. Mitchell


    ^ Yeah I thought so too. Of my 12 trips last year Rush was on two swings for ten of them and closed on one.
  25. Mitchell


    2008 has officially begun...... got to beat 101 and a half this season!
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