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Posts posted by Will

  1. To be fair, Wild Asia was quite a big investment to the park - but 12 years without a new coaster is too long.


    You're absolutely right in saying that, but Chessie are a theme park and their last major "ride" (Rollercoaster/water ride) was 2004 and that was Dragon's Fury. 


    So the problem with Chessington and the council is what? Sound and height restrictions?

    In that case, if they really, really wanted to, they could have dug into the ground and give us a rollercoaster that is of a good, reasonable height. And then there's options they could take to reducing sound issues and keeping things quiet I.e. Duelling Dragons (will always call it that name).


    I think their current approach is very short-term and will stop the park from truly reaching it's full potential. You can't just rely on what you already have, you need to freshen things up, introduce new experiences, and the ride line-up is very stale. Most of the rides have been here for at least 20 years and approaching 30 years, next year, 2017.


    It would be truly awesome if Chessington for their 30th anniversary, had a new rollercoaster to celebrate their success and history, but I'm not going to bother stay optimistic.

  2. I understand that people have different views, the issue I have is when people just tell me to "shut up", "stop moaning" and the like rather than actually debating which is what forums are meant to be for!

    As for "don't treat people how you don't want to be treated" - find me anywhere I have verbally abused someone because I disagree with their opinion.


    On the one hand, these forums are meant for debate and discussion, and we are allowed to have views that differ massively from others. But, if you're always going to be negative without waiting to make a proper judgment, then that will annoy people.


    Initially, I wanted a Gringotts or Spiderman/Transformers-style ride, but if Thorpe Park are going to do this properly, then we should at least give them a chance, and wait till we see and experience the final product.

  3. Because a lot of your comments make me want to hang myself.


    That's a bit extreme, no?

    If you want to hang yourself because of a few comments he made, then I really think that you should seek out psychiatric help.


    Sorry you feel that way, but, this isn't Heathrow for you to be announcing your departure, just go.



    I'm glad you're mentally strong enough to make that decision for yourself, let's just see if you'll stick by it this time.



    I don't think it's good for you to antagonise things, you're just making it worse.

  4. Is it just me but does Revenge of the Mummy remind any of you of Terror Tomb? The first time I rode RotM I felt scared and unnerved, the same way I felt when I rode Terror Tomb when I was a kid.


    I would love for some kind of dark ride coaster to be inside Tomb Blaster's building, but it looks like that could never happen.

  5. Q: How does everyone feel IF Chessie were to replace Tomb Blaster / Terror Tomb with a SFX Coaster?


    It's been 11 years since their last coaster (Dragon's Fury) in 2004 and people have been saying that Chessie is due for a major investment in 2017 and that Tomb Blaster is to be getting replaced by a dark ride.


    Dynamic Attractions said that one of their SFX Coasters have been commissioned for a UK Park. It doesn't make sense for it to be Paramount, because I feel it's too early for them to be contacting manufacturers since they haven't got the final go ahead for the development of their theme park (correct me if I'm wrong).


    It DOES at the same time make sense because maybe they plans things way ahead in advance and I am certain that Paramount would get a SFX Coaster if they got given the green light, because they are the "It-Thing" in theme parks and attractions and would provide an experience similar to Gringotts.


    I could see Chessie getting a SFX Coaster because


    1) It's been a long time since they've had a coaster and the main problem they face is the issue over noise levels and height restrictions and a SFX Coaster is an indoor attraction so it should solve this issue.


    2) Terror Tomb apparently is a huge building with a lot of space and The Mummy as an example isn't a huge building and everything inside is very compactly put.


    3) Britain rains a lot and so it would be a big attraction that doesn't stop working when it rains.



  6. I'm just hoping it won't be an immersive tunnel because for a major ride, it would be a bit of a let down, the photo op thing is strong proof and hope it won't be one.

    I'm hoping for something like Ratstouille in all honesty, but the building shape and size says to me the ride as a whole could be a prototype altogether.

    As for Chessington's next big thing, I reckon Tomb's days are numbered and as a result the ride will be leaving soon to be replaced with a new dark ride attraction (it's almost 30 now).


    It's been 11 years since Chessie had a rollercoaster (Dragon's Fury 2004) and I would loved for them to get a SFX Coaster. I hope Tomb Blaster / Terror Tomb is going and gets replaced by something big-budget and amazing.


    I don't think Thorpe are getting an SFX Coaster but I'm interested as to which UK Park is, hoping it's Chessie.

  7. E3 2015 starts on Monday and I'm excited to see what Batman: Arkham Knight, the newly-announced Ratchet & Clank on PS4, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Fallout 4 & The Rise of the Tomb Raider.


    This is the year where The Last Guardian is said to be finally unveiled after being in production for nearly 8 years by Sony and was originally announced for PS2, then skipped a whole generation and is now coming out on PS4. It's also rumoured that we'll see the sequel to new Red Dead Redemption with Red Dead Redemption: Legends of the West, which would be so amazing. 

  8. I think Nick is very brave because he's basically putting a target on his head by going on TV like that. I wouldn't have handled myself as well as Nick did, for if someone kept jumping down my throat without giving me a chance to answer, think or breathe, I know I would've got annoyed.


    I found it annoying how she kept putting words into his mouth and kept trying to get him to admit / say that the existing regulations weren't strong enough. I mean, if they weren't strong enough an accident would've happened long ago, and for all people including Kay knows, it might not have been anything to do with the existing safety regulations but down to human error.


    I'm happy that Merlin decided to take precaution by closing any other coasters in case something happens, as it's better to be safe than sorry. I wonder how the new safety regulations differ from the previous ones and how this incident affects the rest of the theme park world and maybe this will be enough of a reason for the parks around the world to re-asses their existing safety measures.

  9. LOL so do I take it you agreed with the way she interviewed him?

    Interview implies asking a question, get the answer, then ask another, either related or not, she didn't let him finish one sentence and quiet often interrupted him before he'd even started talking. She is a repulsive, fear mongering hack undeserving of her position, nothing more.

    If that makes me insensitive, guilty as charged.


    I'm not saying you're insensitive for calling her a bitch or for disagreeing with what she did, because I do too, but saying no wonder she got slapped / physically-assaulted when she acts like that professionally, IS insensitive and is wrong.


    I do think how she handled her interviewing of Nick was wrong and I can't imagine what he's going through, and I am interested to know why this happened, as these coasters have been working fine for all these years.


    I do hope no one has lost a leg :unsure:  and I can't imagine how the ride ops and people working there feel, and hope they get through ok.

  10. Kay Burley is such a bitch, no wonder Frank Partridge smacked her one.


    That's bang out of order to say... 


    Frank and Kay had an argument at an office party about who should have the last word on some program they were doing, he lost his temper and slapped her. 


    Whether or not Kay Burley is a bitch on or off-air, or is a difficult interviewer is still not a reason to be slapped and doesn't make her deserving of it, and what you said, Ian-S is insensitive. 

  11. Still holding out for Dr Who, it just feels so right.


    If it is generic Jack the Ripper that could be a pretty smart move; it comes with a known 'backstory' to build on, is marketable to an extent and importantly is free to use so the money can be pumped into the experience rather than rights buying. It's all a bit dark though, murder and prostitution based attraction doesn't scream family fun, does it?


    London Dungeons is a family-friendly attraction and SAW isn't family fun either.

  12. Why would we need another ride about a serial killer? We already have Jigsaw!


    Why does every rollercoaster at every theme park seem to be about a monster / alien / animal / escape from (insert place)? 



    Why would we need another ride about a serial killer? We already have Jigsaw!



    I'd love a rollercoaster or a dark ride about Britain's most infamous serial killer and it's a ride that focuses and promotes our history

  13. The JTR theme can work seeing as there are plenty of theme parks in Europe that have horror rides / attractions that are all-year round and have the kinds of rides and coasters that Thorpe have.


    I saw the latest plans and JoshC posted about, and the ride building seems quite small... :(

  14. A Jack the Ripper theme is a little dark for a 'family' park, isn't it? Seeming as he murdered prostitutes and all that.


    Thorpe Park isn't a family park....it doesn't really give off that image when you have rollercoasters like SAW, Slammer, Fright Night Mazes and Swarm. And we learned about Jack the Ripper in school and I turned out reasonably fine. :D

  15. I find it interesting that part of the building is labelled 'Station', which confirms it's a tracked ride or a coaster I guess, and not a boring simulator or something!


    Ahh, nice find!


    I didn't see that when I first looked at the plans. It makes me think it's definitely a SFX Coaster and themed to something British. I would really like for it to be themed to Jack The Ripper, something that focus on British History. 


    I don't think the SFX Coaster would be for Paramount UK because to me, it seems a bit early to be having rides manufactured and built.


    And maybe if this dark ride becomes a huge success, it will allow Thorpe and Merlin to build more dark rides (of different types) in their parks. 

  16. http://www.dynamicattractions.com/products/trackless-dark-rides/

    What the ****?

    Nobody's going to all for this 'virtual' ride crap as they?


    On the link you posted, the trackless ride looks similar to the Spiderman ride at Islands of Adventure. Those rides aren't 'virtual crap' as you so wrongly described them as. :rolleyes:


    I will be so disappointed if this is for Paramount UK...but I don't think they would already be ordering rides just yet, or am I wrong?

  17. New info: Paramount UK have signed a deal with Aardman Animations who make the Wallace & Grommit and Creature Features. 




    The press release we saw a few weeks back said they're not just going to use Paramount IPs but also IPs which are typically British, so it's not impossible to suggest rides based on Harry Potter and James Bond. 


    We could also see IPs from Paramount Pictures such as Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Mission: Impossible, How To Train Your Dragon, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Terminator.

  18. For someone (like me) who hasn't seen the films, what can we expect to see from a hunger games dark ride (if it happens)?


    Pfft, I can't honestly think of anything - maybe a shooting dark ride with Katniss doing weapon training, something like Toy Story Mania.

  19. I feel like they would have to be further than significant conversations at this stage but who knows! Looking forward to 2016 immensely :D


    They aren't going to make it obvious, they can lie. Plenty of video game developer's lie, are vague or have said they don't have any plans for x, y and z and turn around a few months down the line and say that they're releasing a PS4 version with updated graphics or a port to PC.


    It would make sense since they already have a deal with Lionsgate for SAW and they could extend it to Hunger Games. Seeing as Paramount UK is most likely coming, this would provide good competition and a strong, successful and well-known IP.

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