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About MattyMoo

  • Birthday 05/27/1983

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  • Favourite ride
    Stealth is bae
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Jart

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    United Kingdom

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  1. MattyMoo

    2025 Season

    Going once, twice, 10 times and SOLD, auction has finished and there's money in the (paint) pot. That track is a right bobby dazzler. Orange? No, just rust.
  2. MattyMoo

    2025 Season

    Please don't say such things 😥 The only thing I want them to tack on is a proper fence around the "landscaping".
  3. At what point in closed season is it safe to assume Colossus is going to stay half painted for 2025, so it will look even more out of place when the other half is (maybe) painted for 2026?
  4. MattyMoo


    Things left behind = eAstEr EgG and definitely NOT laziness or cost cutting.
  5. MattyMoo


    Very very bizarre if they have the money for this and not for other things. We shall see over closed season I suppose. Similarly, have fond memories of Slammer.... well, maybe not fond, it was intense AF but I very much enjoyed it. Remember getting my mates to go on it when it had reopened following rumours of it never re-opening, as I told them they may never get the chance again (and they didn't!) If Colossus stays half painted for 2025, that's a very sorry state of affairs. Bonkers.
  6. Today must be the day of planning applications as the full planning application has gone in for Project Refresh & Renew. I think it's going to Minecraft themed.
  7. MattyMoo


    Fingers crossed the locals don't oppose the removal and vote to keep it as a world heritage site. Now all we need is the Tidal fire effect fixed to confirm that 2025 will be a golden year.
  8. That's mad. I don't even recall RAP being a thing on the Blue Light day I went to.
  9. MattyMoo

    2025 Season

    @Cal that's an incredible bargain, however I'm a fake fan and am MAP-less!
  10. MattyMoo

    2025 Season

    No bargain 2 day stay in non FN's October for me and my pal next year then
  11. Do you reckon they'll bother to finish all the coaster boarding videos for those flash new TV screens they had installed for 2024? Splashdown on Hyperia - it'll be cleaned up and never turned back on (similar to the Tidal flame effect). Their number 1 priority has to be, and surely will be, finishing off the Hyperia plaza. More landscaping and plants, and edge fencing to stop it being a queue jumpers paradise (and also prevent aforementioned plants being trodden all over) As @Inferno said - a rename of Vibes is well overdue. Just don't know what to believe anymore.
  12. If an Easter Egg is a put up in a forest and no one understands it correctly, is it still a Easter Egg?
  13. ....and everything open at 10.30, bar Saw The Ride but some could say that's a blessing.
  14. Towers appears to be absolutely shocking today. Glad I haven't bothered to visit this year to be honest...
  15. Selling Fasttrack when the queue is 240 minutes is just turning a problem into an even bigger problem.
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