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About Georgie

  • Birthday 05/06/1992

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  1. Seb , you are the ultimate rebel.Gah , anyone else hating school at the moment?With the exception of Phill really everyone at school drives me crazy! Since people left for college and jobs there are few of my friends left . The only people left are completely engrossed in themselves and flirting with girls that clearly have boyfriends rather than talking to their true friends. They completely cut me out of parties , talk over me when I am speaking and are generally chauvinistic silly billies!I am really loathing sixth form due to the sheer fact that inbetween lessons I rarely have anyone to talk to . I think the transition to the senior school has completely gone to their heads and they think there are clearly really mature and cool . For instance getting drunk at parties and ending up getting stitches on their neck as they were trying to shave drunk....too impress a girl!I feel completely lost because sixth form is rubbish , I have no January exams which means when I have my only exams in the summer I have one chance to pass! After that it is just another year of suffering JUST to get to uni to ATTEMPT my degree so I can HOPEFULLY get my dream job as a journalist.ARGHHHHHhaha
  2. Get you , Mr Articulate!That is just my point , the parties seem to bend their ideology completely just to be in power. Surely they should stick to what they believe and what works. If something changes context I understand but if it is purely to gain power then it isn't really fair.Maybe we should have a poll of the parties? I wonder how many of us are "politically active" ?
  3. Georgie


    There is no need to defend yourself, if they let you work it is their problem.Have you been to your GP?I have an uber cold!
  4. Georgie


    Yum. haha , the work place is already full of bacteria , imagine all the people that touch the tills in shops and even the customer when they enter their pin Though I do hope you feel better soon Will
  5. I am currently undecided on my political stance.I take Politics a-level and the more in depth I look into it all ,the more I feel none of the political parties represent me entirely . I also find it funny how the 3 main parties are all trying to obtain the "middle england" voters by bending their original ideology .
  6. Georgie


    Never been on Corkscrew!I think it is stupid to demerit a ride merely because it is old! Vampire is still one of my favourite rides and it's funking ancient
  7. Georgie


    Colds are rubbish.I'm back on TPMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  8. Georgie has proppa boobs innit.

  9. Rumba is a universal ride which is why I love it so much!Families and Schools can go on it and sometimes it is just a good break .
  10. hmm, a sunday...?put me on the maybe list Marc!
  11. Georgie


    In other news, saving up for a macbook!
  12. Matalan policy is to close at the time advertised , we had made several closing announcements , including two final calls.Also we had no idea she was in there for awhile and due to staff shortage we had to work superfast haha.
  13. Peter works at Chessie! enough said. hahaSpeaking of work , I had to serve a druggy at customer service yesterday and he was extremely rude.And today when I did the closing announcement there was still a customer in the store .I, politely approached her and informed her the shop was closed and that all of the tills were shut , the customer went on to shout at me and tell me I was loosing a sale. I don't understand why they stress out so much!?
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