Seb , you are the ultimate rebel.Gah , anyone else hating school at the moment?With the exception of Phill really everyone at school drives me crazy! Since people left for college and jobs there are few of my friends left . The only people left are completely engrossed in themselves and flirting with girls that clearly have boyfriends rather than talking to their true friends. They completely cut me out of parties , talk over me when I am speaking and are generally chauvinistic silly billies!I am really loathing sixth form due to the sheer fact that inbetween lessons I rarely have anyone to talk to . I think the transition to the senior school has completely gone to their heads and they think there are clearly really mature and cool . For instance getting drunk at parties and ending up getting stitches on their neck as they were trying to shave drunk....too impress a girl!I feel completely lost because sixth form is rubbish , I have no January exams which means when I have my only exams in the summer I have one chance to pass! After that it is just another year of suffering JUST to get to uni to ATTEMPT my degree so I can HOPEFULLY get my dream job as a journalist.ARGHHHHHhaha