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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. A Braille Rubix-Cube. Ooer.
  2. Queues are usually shorter in September as nothing really happens at Thorpe (school trips have just finished/Sun Scream is over by the end of August) so you can expect September to be quite easy-going on the queue front, no guarantees though - I've been twice in September and once the queue for Saw was about 15 minutes and the other time it was 50 minutes. :blush:It also helps if you avoid Colossus and Saw if you arrive first thing as most visitors run straight to them, so it's best if you start with Nemesis inferno or Detonator and work through Amity Cove and then back to the Lost City.
  3. Very odd that the ride ends where it does; so high of the ground and so far from the station... did the park run out of money? Could they not add in a cheeky helix or two? Or maybe a few S-hills/air-time hills back to the station and actually use up that gravitational potential for starters, and for seconds, lengthen what - at the speed of 92mph - is going to be a very short ride in comparison with it's Intamin rivals.
  4. Hmm... this is annoying.

    1. Liam T
    2. Sidders


      Not being able to sleep :P

  5. Thing is, they must be planning something before too long - It's the Olympics next year, and the visiting numbers are going to enormous. And to be perfectly honest, I'm sure Neptune's Kingdom would've been ideal to keep a few guests occupied for a few hours. Why would Thorpe leave Neptune's Kingdom as an out-of-bounds construction site when they could've just waited another season?
  6. Knowing Thorpe and the way they worded that paragraph, they plan to put something more than just a grassy area in Neptune's Kingdom's area. Which is a shame as Mark said, because that area of the park is already inundated with flat rides.
  7. I'm your first visitor in three and a half years. *spring cleans*

  8. Sidders


    I raise you Merlin, Archimedes and a bullying sugar pot.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bd5YUEOwlE
  9. Sidders


    I don't like having 666 posts. So here's my 667th. And what a lovely post it is.
  10. Sidders

    Lady GaGa

    Awful video. And this from a fan!
  11. I hope they don't add arm covers. One of the best things about Raptor (so I've read) is that the restraints are so roomy around the arm/upper chest area.
  12. Developing. Which involves four mighty diggers and numerous dump-trucks.
  13. My guess is The Swarm's will be on the exit of the Zero-G roll, and possibly another on the exit of the inclined loop. Thanks for clearing that up Adam. After asking about it, I did some research myself and after also being quite shocked at the scale of the plane, I figured that the "twisted metal" from the detached engine would act as a support for the wing, but well done on delving further and finding that quote from the section the majority of us would simply skip. It is very interesting that Merlin are constructing the plane to their own specifications as opposed to buying a cheap skeleton and wedging it in the ground. It's going to be one helluva tight fit through that gap between the engines. I did a bit of searching myself and I found this video about the construction and technical specifications of Raptor: Forgive the Italian man, but there are subtitles and at 1:15 you can see that he specifies that Raptor's trains weigh 18,000kg, are 14 metres in length and 6.5 metres in width, so we can assume the same width (at least) for The Swarm. Looking at the same plans that Adam posted, we can see that the engines will be 3.1m in height and width, meaning that it will indeed be a very tight squeeze for the train. I did some ratio calculations, and worked out that the gap between the engines is 6.8m. Somewhere along my line of calculations I appear to have made a mistake because that surely wouldn't be allowed?
  14. THRILLSEEKERS! Get yourselves to THORPE PARK!
  15. Sidders


    LOL. Loving the looks of Tulisa and Kelly's legs... they actually look like they're made of plastic and melting in the heat. Louis' trying to butch up by standing with his feet at two different post-codes and Gary's doing his best Cowell impression. But wait, that's not the response they want is it...? Let me try again...NEW PANEL OMFG NEW PANEL! Yay! It's Beyoncé's wannabe cousin, and council house chav, a geriatric Irishman and Gary Barlow!Hurrah.
  16. One cycle is enough for me! It genuinely is the only ride on park that makes me feel horribly qualmish, but I simply cannot resist riding it every time I go; I usually eat an apple or something and then I feel fine. Vortex is easily one of my favourite flats at Thorpe.
  17. Sidders


    I've always found Rush very tame compared to Vortex, Slammer and even Detonator, but they're extreme thrills for different reasons. I must admit though, what Rush lacks in intensity it certainly makes up for in it's thrilling ride experience. It really is quite the hoot. And for that reason I love it; it's a brilliant ride if you're in a big group.
  18. Going back to the trains, I did some digging of old documents and found this, a press release from Thorpe Park's PR team back when planning permission had only just been granted: http://www.thorpepark.com/press/releases/2011/31-03-11-2012-Coaster-Approved.doc The second page confirms there will be two trains, each carrying twenty-eight passengers.
  19. But that's like saying Nemesis Inferno should erupt every single time a train leaves the station, just because Thorpe promises a "fiery, death-defying experience". Granted there were many themeing opportunities missed with Storm Surge and ultimately the ride would've been better had it not touched our shores, let alone been clumsily dumped in it's current location, but that's where it is and that's where it will stay until it's removal. I'm all for a little themeing here and there, but with a ride like Storm Surge you can't expect some random inflatable hoop and a bit of seaweed to improve the ride experience.But who knows what may happen - anyone remember Eclipse?
  20. Just move on. No need to get annoyed with one person. And there's certainly no need to get annoyed if other people (presumably your friends) seem to get along with this person. If said person is bad enough, your friends will soon see for themselves that they aren't worth their time.
  21. Another No Limits Swarm recreation (or creation) . This one includes some of the themeing such as the plane, helicopter, lakes and the destroyed station building. Whilst not the smoothest track, it certainly gives more of a feel of how the ride will look compared to videos of green hills and trees.
  22. Courtesy of Go Merlin, our resident Mr. Coyston, and Page 48 of this thread:
  23. We have some footers, though some are yet to be poured. I think I'd be right in saying we have all the footer 'casings' (concrete rings that supports are cemented into place in) on-site and in place now, as they arrive mid-July.
  24. Well the station foundation is done, and Coaster Force seem to think they can see the station skeleton on-site as well. Not too sure what the track already on-site looks like, but it's possible it could be the station track and so should be erected before long.
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