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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. *Returns Virtual Hi 5*
  2. That makes me laugh, quite a bit. However, it doesn't change my sentiments towards Depth Charge, which are mirrored in James's post. It could be replaced with one of the new flats outlined on the MTDP, so here's hoping because it is far too out-of-place in a park that's claiming to be the Nation's Thrill Captial.As for Logger's Leap, keep that; if the park seems fit to theme it around SAW then let them: it's got the perfect surroundings. And can someone answer me this - does SAW - The Ride have it's own sector called 'SAW Island' now - I saw it up on the TPM Map Guide so I'm a little confused now? If this is so when did it happen?
  3. A raven can get tables but a table can't get ravens?
  4. Sidders


    I'm sorry, I'm only just regaining my coaster knowledge after being out of the game for a year or so. And as you said, it would be unlikely I still think it'll be B&M, they've been reliable-ish, comfortable, innovative and are vair good-looking coasters with reasonble/high throughput.So it could be either B&M, Intamin, S&S/Arrow, Vekoma, or Mack?And so far we've ruled out Maurer-Sohne and Gerstlauer... this is progress people, PROGRESS!
  6. I'd give you a well-earned cigar if I lived near you, I couldn't bare neighbours like that, really, I'd end up picking that little bitch up and throwing her head first into a bin. I've done it beore to my sister as a joke, so I know how to go about it best. -_-First you spring up behind her with duck tape, then you hold her hands back from taking the tape off, then you can tape her hands behind her back at her wrists. Then just find a bin. :(Ta-dah! Oh, don't thank me, it's a service I provide.On a lighter note, I had no idea you could get away with the word 'bitch' on this forum!?!?!? How great is that!? I'm a bitch, you're a bitch, everyone's a bitch, BITCH.
  7. Sidders


    If it were Maurer-Sohne, surely Merlin would have submit an image with at least an inclination the lift and drop would look like this:http://rcdb.com/3185.htm?p=15466From the image we have, there is no such structure similar to that we see on (the rather uncomfortable) 'Abismo', and I'm sure if Thorpe wanted planning permission for a Maurer-Sohne X-Car, they'd have to submit an image with similar support-work, they haven't, so that rules out Maurer-Sohne completely. So the only possible manufactueres left are B&M, Intamin, S&S/Arrow, or God forbid, Vekoma, with the fan-favourite being B&M.
  8. Sidders


    Thanks, Neilfever, that's a much more concise and accessible version of what actually is quite a few pages of rubbish with the odd gem of information in there.In regards to my original 'Q3)', the second image you posted, the one with drawn elevation on the park's skyline was the one I was questioning. The drop looks typically 4-D, with the supports looking unmistakeably B&M-esque. I think that drawing is only meant to show the 'High-Point' of the ride and is only there to show what the coaster will do to the sky-line, which is what I was confused about in my Q3), probably doesn't help that I was referring to the 2015 one before I realised it's actually the 2012 coaster, just now.
  9. Sidders


    Speaking of videos you just can't stop watching, here's one that's pretty disturbing yet unbelievebly compelling! someone tell me how that guy kept going? :LAnd he's a very talented singer too! (If Graham Norton was ever any use, these three minutes are golden)
  10. back again, my internet got a little botched up, so hopefully I'm back for good now, there's a lot to catch up on!

  11. I'M BACK! This time hopefully my computer won't crash everytime I get on the internet

  12. Sidders


    Thank you very much, Josh! I'm glad my presense is a bonus for you -_-As for answering the questions, thanks again but don't worry about Q3) I'm not sure even I get it now. :L
  13. Sidders


    I think I may have to return to this forum, things reeally are looking interesting! I have a few questions that need clearing up though, it's been a long time since I posted here.Q1) Is the coaster we can expect in 2012 definitely going to be built on Area 'C' of the MTDP and be of a height no greater than 50m?Q2) The coaster proposed for 2015 is confirmed as the MTDP claims "Three possible locations for no more than two coasters", but am I right in saying Thorpe have the choice to build it on either Area 'A' or Area 'E', and that Runnymede have already carried out analysis of what the 'High Point' of the 2015 coaster would do to the skyline when viewed from varying viewpoints?Q3) Do the 'proposed images' of the 2010 coaster in the photos, taken from varying angles, only show what the 'High Point' of the coaster will do to the skyline?Q4) Thorpe have nine possible locations for their flat rides, but they are only allowed to choose a maximum of 5? And that all these rides must not exceed 82ft (25m) when not in operation?But an interesting point to note is that if you look carefully - even after the watered down image of 'Elevation Plan 2', you can see that the 2012 coaster has an inversion straight after disembarking the lift hill. The very promising sign of a 4-D coaster. Plus, this was my suggestion all along! I like to think I might've had something to do with this decision. -_-Another thing to note, th track looks like it's going to be inverted, accomodating an A) an inverted coaster, B ) a flying coaster, or C) a 4-D coaster with an inverted coaster-style position when guests are embarking and disembarking, then moving into 4-D coaster position by tipping guests onto their fronts, รก la 'Air' because the riders appear to be below the track on the lift hll. Very odd.Of course, this could still be very wrong and severely misguided because as you all know - those photos are not very clear. But I'd still like my questions answered. Danke.Much obliged.
  14. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    No, what I meant was that I did spend four days writing the whole thing impromptu: whatever came to mind whilst writing it went on there. :PBut the reason I added the scare factor and went into it with great detail, is that I know some high git at Merlin sometimes reads these threads and hopefully the may nick ideas and actaully put them into place once LionsGate's contract is denounced. I think I'm clutching at straws tbh, but it's worth a try.And also, it would only be one area in the park that's this scary, and if Thorpe are becoming a thrill park it would make sense to have a horror area, but SAW is pretty bad, that's why I went into so much detail in my post revamping it, tbh my post about what I'd do is all boring apart from the 2014 period, which is basically all about renouncing the SAW area and turning it into a better themed, horror area.But I also included an area which is about adventure, but it is also for adults (hence the Flying Coaster) - 'Shroom Valley' is a crazy place similar to Willy Wonka's world but less edible.
  15. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    Not I! It's not like I'd spend four days to write a future plan for Thorpe....
  16. Benin's right, if yuo think about it, four buzzsaws aren't trademarked by LionsGate are they? Neither are the rusty metal barrells or the barbed wire fences. The signs will have to go though.
  17. I suppose Colossus is bearable, I don't find it rough enough to detract away from the experience, which let's face it, is still one of the best coasters at Thorpe. But as for SAW, it is becoming rediculous, especially the bottom of the drop, you first notice the saws and are like OMG and then it's like a battering ram is impailed onto your neck... nice things.
  18. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    Hey, we were all that sad once!
  19. With all due respect Bill, all ides do become very rough once they get on a bit. The proof? Colossus. And SAW is becoming rather rough, more and more each time I ride it, it appears. Even though it still hasn't lost it's re-rideabilty factor yet, it soon will.But on a plus point, that's no reason to scrap it. AT ALL.
  20. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    I didn't mean any offence btw. :L I forgot to mention this last time but I also like your ideas for the new areas you'd add (YY)P.S. You actually READ my post? My god not even I have read it back since I completed it. Bravo..
  21. Didn't say that now, did you?Cruelty is distasteful Ricky
  22. Nah, they should keep the general theme, but remove the exclusively SAW things about the ride. I posted a MUCH more detailed version of what I'd so in the 'Your Thorpe Park' thread but basically I'd make the whole area themed around an asylum village an extend the building into the lake so it could incorperate the Fright Nights horror mazes., because that's where I'd put them.If you want to read my SAW renewing ideas, just go to the thread and scroll down to '2014'. Mind you, it's VERY LONG, and depthy
  23. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    Steal my idea! Joking, I really like what you did with the Intamin Aquatrax, it's not an design I really give enough credit nor thought to, as Buzzsaw Falls is absolutely brilliant you'd think I would.... :| One thing I would note though, is that a lot of your new rides are very similar to what Thorpe already has.Huss Fly Away: It's a Zodiac but smaller.Fabbri Evolution: It's basically Vortex but you're caged in so it's a bit detrimental.Fabbri Booster Max: Very similar to Slammer, except for the spinning seats but you can't argue Slammer looks much beefier.Fabbri Cataclysm: Is basically in inverting Rush, but smaller.And surely, Dive Machines are practially wing riders aren't they? They're sometimes even floorless, a la Griffon.And also (sorry, I said there was only one thing to comment on ) You've added five or six rides, which isn't all too abnormal now that new MTDP is released but, surely you'd want to remove some existing rides before more are added? Thorpe is becoming far too crowded as it is. Mind you, I'd also like to see how that Fabbri Cataclysm near The Crust would fit. The floor space they need is just isn't there.^All meant as light-heartedly as possible
  24. I really only go to Thorpe once or twice a year, mainly because of where I live, but I wouldn't say that when I go I'm obsessed and all excited to be there, but when I'm not there I sure do miss it.
  25. My dog is deaf. She's also fat. And old.Stupid thing. <_<But of course I still love her (L)
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