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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Sidders

    This Or That

    Doubles,A Nail File or a Slice of Tiger Bread?
  2. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    It seems they do, because I also thought of that type of 'Infinty Loop' too... But I then thought it'd be too dis-orientating... But hey, I'm sure it would've worked either way a manufacturer were to do it.
  3. Sidders


    Thanks for clearing that up Jake C. I think I'm gunna be an idiot and buy an Ultimate Fastrack next time I visit.
  4. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    I had once thought of Will's 'Infinity Loop', but I first imagined it on a Flying Coaster - begin like a Pretzel Loop, then head upwards (the riders would be on their backs for this part), and then finally dive down backwards, heads first into the flying position again.Could work if the G's on the exit weren't too strong. :S
  5. Stealth's unavailable! :) -Cry
  6. Sidders


    I'm sorry... I didn't catch that?The top bit...? :S
  7. That's true, any more G-Force and abnormally short or thin people could be at risk of permanent damage. Some humans can endure higher but you'd need to go through the R.A.F. Flight Training to make sure you could withstand those higher G's.
  8. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    A brilliant idea; I thought of it myself once and couldn't think of a reason why it hadn't been done, until I realised why Vertical Loops can't be accomplished on Flying Coasters - the G-Force would cause the blood to rush to the heads of the riders far too quickly and so could cause fatalities or serious injury.
  9. But surely in doing this they've stopp something like a third of the original Soak-Zone from getting wet at all now? To me, they look so flimsy they could almost fall over with the next small gust of wind.
  10. Yeah, most times I ride Inferno now-a-days the pumps are turned off, so the waterfall doesn't flow. It was always nice when you flipped over the last corkscrew and then see the water running in the opposite direction with your feet just inches above - it always made it seems like the train was moving much faster.
  11. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    It'd be nice but I don't think Thorpe would lower the prices by that much... seriously. And I'm sure even if they did lower the prices that the On-The-Day cost would be higher than the Online cost.Hey, we can all dream though right?
  12. Sidders

    Songs And Lyrics

    I noticed... I love Love Game's lyrics too - 'It's complicated and stupid. Got my ass squeezed by sexy cupid. Guess he wants to play, wants to play, and Love Game, a Love Game' yh...But I love this song more: Take That - Said It AllOoooh,When the tears fall away,And there`s no conversation;There's nothing left to break,That's not already broken.You're staring into space,And every inch of silence;Been standing here for days, and days.Said it all.Nothing to say at all;Nothing to say that matters.Haven't we heard enough?Said it all.Nothing to say at all;Nothing to say that matters.Doesn't matter any more.In the sudden light of day,The weight of expectation;Hurt begins to fade,As you find a new direction.Been talking here for days, and days, and days.Said it all.Nothing to say at all;Nothing to say that matters.Haven't we heard enough?Said it all.Nothing to say at all;Nothing to say that matters,Doesn't matter any more.All of the miles of words we've spoken,All of the lines that got away;Didn't we take the time to say them all?All of the miles of words we've spoken,All of the lines that got away;Didn't we take the time to say them all?Said it all.Nothing to say at all;Nothing to say that matters,Haven't we heard enough?Said it all.Nothing to say at all;Nothing to say that matters,Haven't we said it all?Such an brilliant song. I love how Gary Barlow never fails to write an amazing full-blown ballad.
  13. Sidders

    This Or That

    Purple,Peter Rabbit or Gordon Brown?
  14. Sidders


    OMG! That's my favourite Coldplay song! I'm loving Lady GaGa as well. Love Game and Poker Face are my favourites. (Y)But I seriously cannot wait for MIKA's new album! I heard 'Blue Eyes' then I just had to buy the EP, and I also love 'Toy Boy' now. :PI have to say my favourite songs atm is without a doubt, Take That - Said It All. It will definately be a number one, if not, then something is seriously wrong - why on earth could 'Bonkers' be a number one and not 'Said It All'? It's such a beautiful song.
  15. Sidders

    Michael Jackson

    *sighs in sorrow*Why did it have to be Michael? He was one of the most influential music artists of his time, and he'll be sorely missed. :'(It annoys me, that it's always the legends who have to pass away before their time is due. It's so unfair.But his music will live on, and so will his legacy. Even today you can see his moves being re-inacted by today's artists: Ne-Yo, Chris Brown, even artists like Lady GaGa and MIKA claim to have developed their owns moves, but you can see, if you look back at all Michael's video's that their his, or at least inspired by them. It just goes to show how inspirational he was to other music artists still to this day, despite all the allogations five years ago, which in my eyes were a load of rubbish.I loved everything about Michael Jackson: the dances, the singing, the music, everything about Michael was a hit. And it's just a real shame that he's finally gone. RIP Michael.xx
  16. Agreed. The ride is so much more enjoyable and thrilling with all the effects working.
  17. Sidders

    This Or That

    Ugh, Coursework I suppose....Sun Cream or A Dinosaur?
  18. Back to Inferno, the effects actually make a massive difference! I never knew how much they'd contribute to the whole experience, going through the volcano actually feels like the real thing (in a safe sense). It's much more realistic when you can look at the floor and see smoke, rather than just a concrete floor with some broken lights, and speaking of the lights, being under the smoke makes it seem like there is lava on the floor, ergo, a more realistic volcano experience, which is something far more 'guest-friendly' and 'extravagant' than anything Tussauds ever did. So I'm happy.
  19. Aidan Smith should win, I know it's another dance act but if you ask me he's better than George Sampson.
  20. Sidders


    You can't post that! It's got naughty words on it!
  21. Well smoke on the floor is probably better than in the entrance to the volcano, because it hides the concrete floor which wouldn't be on my list of things to see in a volcano, and it makes it seems like there is lava on the floor too. So I'm happy
  22. Korikon, the pictures posted are pictures of Nemesis Inferno back in 2003. But recently the effects on Inferno have been gradually re-appearing, like the mist, red lights and water effects etc.
  23. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    Does anyone actually have a copy of the LTDP?Thanks, and please post if you do
  24. Sidders


    Just like a volcano in the middle of Surrey wouldn't suit Thorpe either.
  25. Sidders


    If I were being pompous I could say that Zaturn isn't quite an exact replica, because it's Air-Time Hill is shallower than Stealth's. But I'm not pompous....
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