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Everything posted by themeparkmad

  1. Discuss your thoughts on Mr Monkeys Banana Ride here!
  2. Went on this on the Annual Pass Day and enjoyed it quite alot where not been on it for ages!
  3. When I went on the Annual Pass Day, Bubbleworks, Rattlesnake and Safari Skyway all suffered minor technical difficulties so these might be unavailable.Hope not, as I am going on Saturday aswell! :ninja:But knowing Chessington, they will probably sort out the problem as soon as possible.
  4. I used to get audio music from CWOA off of Merlin Media and it is asking for a password and not letting me on.is this happening to anyone else?thanks
  5. Vampire is my favourite aswell at CWOA. Who was the first rider of the 2009 season on Vampire???? - ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!
  6. I Can ride this tomorrow!!!!!!!!!I wont be sleeping tonight
  7. was Boris the larger of the sealions?R.I.P. Boris
  8. It is the theming of the ride and the great music theme that does it for me aswell as the ride! (Sad I know )
  9. I would not go on Tidal Wave but I would definately go on the Rumba Rapida and Loggers Leap if I went cold or not!
  10. Does anyone know why Loggers Leap and Rumba Rapids were unavailable?
  11. You have got to love Vampire!Can't wait to ride!Any hints Area 1 workers weither Vampire's gates will be open straight away or be told annoyingly to try some other rides and come back later! Also, can't wait to hear Vampire ride music and theming! (maybe I am just sad!)
  12. I am going!Can't wait to ride Vampire!It is like my baby and it has been snached away from me but I get it back on the 22nd
  13. Has Colossus still got the 2006 start announcement?I hope it has NOT gone back to the 2007 one as it sounds perthetic! LOL
  14. My 1st ride is Colossus then Colossus again, then Colossus again LOL then Rush then Loggers Leap then Nemesis Inferno.Can you tell my favourite ride is Colossus?!
  15. I dont mind the roughness of Colossus, but then again I would say that as Colossus is my favourite ride at THORPE PARK but can't argue with Nemesis Inferno smoothness!
  16. I am glad Calgary Stampede went as Samurai is much better!
  17. Discuss Nemesis Inferno here!I think this ride is the best themed in the park but will probably change when Saw: The Ride opens!I love the station music and the whole atmosphere of the station.A great ride!
  18. Due to Zodiac being a Hydrologic ride, the wheel could not turn due to the oil freezing overnight, therefore there was no spin and the ride stopped.
  19. I love Loggers Leap.I have been on log flumes in the UK and USA manufactured by Mack and Loggers Leap is still my favourite!
  20. I was just wondering does anyone have any of the -> Dragon's Fury announcements.-> Imperial Lather Bubbleworks station loop / parts of the bubbleworks.-> Rodger the Dodgers DodgemsMany thanks!
  21. I have got Vampire but dont have the animation laughs like in the station :rolleyes:How have you got Tomb Blaster. Can you tell me where you got them? Thanks!
  22. I quite like going into Hocus Pocus Hall once in a while due to vertually having no queues apart from Halloween Hocus Pocus where I waited 60 minutes but probably because of having live actors!
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