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Everything posted by AJ

  1. I like the way you say I am proposing in all the group photo's I am in when only one photo of me as come up on the trip report... Just saying... So hello everybody - all of you TPM explorers. Part 2 of 5 is later than I said in part 1, but as many people know the plans in the evening change when your out and about and I have to say, I did get this done last night but fell asleep at me laptop whilst writing the conclusion So yesterday we left you with a nice photo outside the tomb blaster after people have found out about the rules of the game empire but what will we find today in the early time of the morning . With Jackstevens217 and JamesC now reunited. It was the beginning of the hourly bro hugs EC! feels left out, so thought he'd find love with his biscuit It was now time to try out the new attraction Zufari and as you can see everyone is getting immersed into the experience when they see a giraffe On Zufari we came across some Zebras What you doing on Safari you fools, In this trip report I said we are currently at Zufari You cannot get the members these days I tell you. That's better! Get yourself off Safari Skyway and see the rest of us back at Zufari Now we are back all together, Did I say we came across some white rhinos After having our first Zufari experience, Mr. Fish would like to show how happy he found the experience (and yes ladies he has chest hair - can you see it? ) From a few animals to a reptile, this photo makes it appear we have taken over the Kobra - where everyone is anticipating the force of the back rests To finish Part 2 off, I would like to introduce to you MarkC who has come to join us for the second half of the day So there we have it Part 2 of 5 is complete and you can see the whole trip report in the blog here. However if you want to keep on reading the topic, please continue reading . Tomorrow, what will we find in part 3 now the TPM explorer gang is complete? Has Mr. Monkey from Thorpe Park been eyeing out the competition? And how do the explorers gather their energy to defeat the competition in Empire? Well you can find out tomorrow when the you will find out the answers to these thought defying questions
  2. Hello all you TPM Explorers as we take you down into the magical Chessington where many stories and memories were formed for Part 1 of 5 of the official trip report. It was a fantastic day and it was so lovely to see all the new faces and I have to say probably one of the nicest crowds we have had so far this year. Thank you for your patience whilst I've been slaving away at the office, so without further ado, it's what a few of you have all been waiting for - The Official Chessington Trip Report 2013. What will happen on the TPM Explorers 5th adventure of this year? What a way to start the morning, meeting all these new faces who all happen to wear glasses... Before you TPM Explorers start your adventure can you please read this safety sign first please Whilst It's dark, so he thinks no one will notice - Matt Creek gets pleasure from pressing a lot of buttons! Han30 on the other hand gets pleasure from releasing an epic fart, and then blames it on the farting chair to hide her crime It may be a bumpy ride, but Jaymiee looks a tad bored whilst Mr.Fish is on the lookout for the ladies With the Runaway Train off limits - Phill Pritchard tries his best to get a sneaky look in However Matt Creek uses his brain to go up some stairs and around the fence to see the full picture Can I please re-introduce to you all the wonderful Jackstevens217, this time sporting some smexy glasses This is a Sealion you know, not a seal! Before some Tomb Blasting action, everyone gathers around to get ready to compete in this trips game Empire So believe it or not, but we are already at the end of Part 1 of 5 of the Official Trip Report. But what will happen tomorrow. Will someone else join the explorers? Do the TPM explorers really know what the new attraction Zufari is after chatting about it on forums for the last few months? What animals will come out to play? Plus some bromance starts to form Everyone go awww.... All these answers and more revealing fun will be out just after midnight tomorrow (That's just under 24 hours you know ) See you then! (When all the parts are done you will see this blog entry, will have everything summarised into the one page - brilliant I know....)
  3. Hello all you TPM Explorers as we take you down into the magical Chessington where many stories and memories were formed for Part 1 of 5 of the official trip report. It was a fantastic day and it was so lovely to see all the new faces and I have to say probably one of the nicest crowds we have had so far this year. Thank you for your patience whilst I've been slaving away at the office, so without further ado, it's what a few of you have all been waiting for - The Official Chessington Trip Report 2013. What will happen on the TPM Explorers 5th adventure of this year? What a way to start the morning, meeting all these new faces who all happen to wear glasses... Before you TPM Explorers start your adventure can you please read this safety sign first please Whilst It's dark, so he thinks no one will notice - Matt Creek gets pleasure from pressing a lot of buttons! Han30 on the other hand gets pleasure from releasing an epic fart, and then blames it on the farting chair to hide her crime It may be a bumpy ride, but Jaymiee looks a tad bored whilst Mr.Fish is on the lookout for the ladies With the Runaway Train off limits - Phill Pritchard tries his best to get a sneaky look in However Matt Creek uses his brain to go up some stairs and around the fence to see the full picture Can I please re-introduce to you all the wonderful Jackstevens217, this time sporting some smexy glasses This is a Sealion you know, not a seal! Before some Tomb Blasting action, everyone gathers around to get ready to compete in this trips game Empire So believe it or not, but we are already at the end of Part 1 of 5 of the Official Trip Report. But what will happen tomorrow. Will someone else join the explorers? Do the TPM explorers really know what the new attraction Zufari is after chatting about it on forums for the last few months? What animals will come out to play? Plus some bromance starts to form Everyone go awww.... All these answers and more revealing fun will be out just after midnight tomorrow (That's just under 24 hours you know ) See you then! Part 2 So hello everybody - all of you TPM explorers. Part 2 of 5 is later than I said in part 1, but as many people know the plans in the evening change when your out and about and I have to say, I did get this done last night but fell asleep at me laptop whilst writing the conclusion So yesterday we left you with a nice photo outside the tomb blaster after people have found out about the rules of the game empire but what will we find today in the early time of the morning . With Jackstevens217 and JamesC now reunited. It was the beginning of the hourly bro hugs EC! feels left out, so thought he'd find love with his biscuit It was now time to try out the new attraction Zufari and as you can see everyone is getting immersed into the experience when they see a giraffe On Zufari we came across some Zebras What you doing on Safari you fools, In this trip report I said we are currently at Zufari You cannot get the members these days I tell you. That's better! Get yourself off Safari Skyway and see the rest of us back at Zufari Now we are back all together, Did I say we came across some white rhinos After having our first Zufari experience, Mr. Fish would like to show how happy he found the experience (and yes ladies he has chest hair - can you see it? ) From a few animals to a reptile, this photo makes it appear we have taken over the Kobra - where everyone is anticipating the force of the back rests To finish Part 2 off, I would like to introduce to you MarkC who has come to join us for the second half of the day Tomorrow, what will we find in part 3 now the TPM explorer gang is complete? Has Mr. Monkey from Thorpe Park been eyeing out the competition? And how do the explorers gather their energy to defeat the competition in Empire? Well you can find out tomorrow when the you will find out the answers to these thought defying questions Part 3 Hello you scrumptious TPM explorers for Part 3 of 5 of the Official TPM Chessie Trip report. We last left you with the crew getting confused between a Safari & a Zufari, whilst meeting the last member to join the gang. So what will we find today I wonder... On the way to Black Buccaneer, TopsyTurvy15 practices his rock climbing skills by jumping the pool of death TopsyTurvy15 looks relieved to of made it to the boat, whilst Jaymiee still looks unimpressed (even though we have taken up half the boat!) However MarkC is way too short to ride and is refused entry before this lovely ride attendant announced the '4th rule' of our ride Meanwhile the banana boat, being really small in comparison to Black Buccaneer, tries to act BIG by chilaxing with a spiff overlooking the ride... ScaryCoasterBoy really wants to win the game empire so decides to recharge his batteries ready for the battle ahead ThrillSeekerAlex on the other hand does not need solar power to re-energise for the oncoming battle TopsyTurvy15 eyes out the competition, and works out how he can defeat ScaryCoasterBoy ScaryCoasterBoy however finds an opportunity to finish off TopsyTurvy15, EC!, Jonny392 & TP1214 before TopsyTurvy15 defeats him.... And pushes them all to their death down a gigantic slope, to the deadliest bath time in existence! To celebrate some people getting defeated out of the game, everyone went for a calming spin on the monkey swinger And there we have it - just over half way through our trip report and there is unbelievably still 2 more parts to go . But who will win the Empire game? Why did Peaj get so down? And who out of the explorers worships the vampire? I have no idea how you will find out unless you come back tomorrow to find out. You do not want to miss it Part 4 So you cheeky TPM Explorers, we have reached the 4th part of 5 at this early hour which means we are at the penultimate episode. Previously we have seen how our explorers get their energy in preparation for battle and a banana overseeing the events - so what will we find today... Phill Pritchard, Jaymiee & ScaryCoasterBoy are the last 3 muskerteers standing in battle (With EC! Trying to get in on the shot ) To be honest, it's amazing how Jaymiee has got so far - just look at him Mer, JamesC & ....EC! Again... get ready to help knock out the last contenders with some tuk tuks TopsyTurvy15 back from the grave and ThrillSeekerAlex are getting geared up and ready to crash into everyone After the final battle on the dodgems, the leader of the empire came through.....It was...Jaymiee , who donated his prize to the very chuffed ScaryCoasterBoy Peaj is completely devastated that Jaymiee won - he designed the game to be to hard for Jamiee to win.... Meanwhile whilst this fiasco was going on. MarkC gets really excited like a kid in a candy store and holds up the entire queue for 5 years This is one groovy talented Vampire with his organ - It's just so lucky he has no followers or he'll take over the world Oh No! I didn't know Han30 worshipped the evil vampire EC! Catches her praying/ meditating to the vampire and screams as he cannot escape! To finish off part 4 after all the drama that has happened today - I thought It would be nice to show a lovely photo from the fury queue line EC! AGAIN!!!! And there we have it Part 4 of 5 is complete and we have found out a member who likes to hog the limelight , But will he hog any more photo's on this adventure? What happened to some of the explorers after they left Chessington? And who ends up needing to be claimed? I don't know how you'll find out these answers but what I do know is that if you come back at trip'o'clock tomorrow you will find the conclusion to the adventure and the Official Group Photo will be available for all to see I can just hear the screams of excitement... Part 5 (The Final Part) So....All you TPM Explorers, it is the time you have all been waiting for. The conclusion - Part 5 of 5 of the Official TPM Chessington Trip Report. We have founf out who won Empire and yes the Lost Coaster Of Superstition Mountain DOES exist (good one ThrillSeekerAlex) and yes the end is nigh but what will we find on the last leg of our journey? Just remember we last left the adventure with that calm photo in the Dragon's Fury Queue line. EC! The photo hogger and Peaj get spun around in shock as the dragon unleashes it's anger on them ThrillSeekerAlex, JamesC & JackStevens217 appear relaxed and pleased that they have slayed the dragon Everyone loves it when the dragon gets furious - Thumbs up everyone After our spin we found out Zufari was still open. We sprinted as fast as we could to get there for a last ride, Only to find...the gates were still thankfully open After our sprint to Zufari, we were hungry, so then ran full pelt until we got to the Monkey Puzzle Beefeater With all this running around, it was too much for Han30, who collapsed out of breathe The super fit Phill Pritchard was disappointed with Han30's Stamina - but was even more disappointed with 3 other Individuals Mr.Fish, Peaj & ThrillSeekerAlex to be precise - Who were all eating a lovely big Chocolate Brownie Sundae Before we leave this adventure, we are sorry to report that a kid has been sent to Lost & Found - Does anyone know anyone who can claim him And now the photo everyone has been waiting for - The Official Chessington 2013 Group Photo Can I just say how much of a great day this had been. Everything just seemed to work - The sun was out, there was an extremely good crowd that attended and the day just seemed to flow naturally with ease. One of my favourites of the year for me come to think of it. So this adventure has come to a close, but for those who came to this meet also know that another adventure is looming before we go clubbing at Thorpe Park. But where? Only one way to find out and that is to wake up on Thursday Morning to find an Official TPM Announcement Peace People x x x
  4. Insomnia - Now that was one hell of a tune (Plus a sneaky bit of eiffel 65 with I'm Blue da ba de da ba di....)
  5. Coming soon to a blog near you - Peaj has been busy at work
  6. Sorry to hear about that Benin was looking forward to getting to speak to ya a bit more. Hopefully next time once that cars all fixes up
  7. Had the full works at a nice Indian Restaurant with some wine and some ouzo
  8. Right week 2 - it's been a hard one. I understand what you were saying jambhayla but I was on about my craving for things like cakes/ doughnuts/ takeaways just general crap really. I've been consuming enough calories to keep me going. This week at work I've started having 3 small meals. Roughly this consists of a banana and yoghurt in morning, a salad for lunch and a couple of rivitta slices with dairy lea for an afternoon snack. Since I've had more meals my energy has really picked up in the day. So the results. This week has slowed down a bit but last week was most likely water retention. So this week it's 13 stone 2.6 pounds which is a 3.6 pound loss bringing the bmi down to 23.7 (whoop in the 23s) This means in 2 weeks I have lost exactly 10 pounds (yay double figures) next week if things go to plan I might enter the 12 stone areas
  9. You northernist - I'll see ya at the meet
  10. The poll is closed and the date confirmed is the 90's Anthems Night on Saturday 13th July which won with 19 votes! This is going to be an extremely good day. On top of this not only are we going to have a fantastic day but we are pleased to announce that we will be combining our meet with the community at Towers Nerd. After many background plans with their meet organiser Stretchy, this is going to be a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our Northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community stretches beyond the one forum. TPM and TN are very friendly communities especially on meets so this is going to work fantastically well Edit: It Appears Ethan, you were just that little bit impatient whilst I was writing this out
  11. Really sorry for the two above posters The main thing though James is that you asked, which will gain you trust for future meets
  12. It's both - it's part of the beefeater chain
  13. You might of done - the first week or two is when you shift the most anyway with all the water retension leaving your body - plus I would assume your job is a lot more active than mine! The past couple of days has been torture - the first week I was really focused and found it easy to reduce the calorie intake but the last 3 days I keep craving stuff and really fancy eating some crap right now. I haven't but I'm constantly thinking about food at the moment
  14. Who will be victorious? Will will defeat others in battle? Who will end up leading the biggest EMPIRE to win the prize? When you receive a PM from me later today when I release my contact details - It will come along with a question, please respond to me with an answer but under no circumstances release your answer to anyone until the battles have been won at the CWOA meet. I look forward to seeing you all there
  15. Personally after bits and pieces I've heard in various places and with the fact the park just had a spruce up this year I believe we will see teasers for this at the end of 2014 for a 2016 opening. Having another new major coaster investment already seems a bit to soon without much happening in between on my opinion as well. Couple of minor things for the next couple of years will do nicely. For me on the type of ride its all about a woody for me but then I would like a space theme to go in which wood really wouldn't fit into
  16. Can I just point out please that TPM does not in anyway approve of lies and deceit to come to a TPM meet. By attending you are confirming that you have been given consent from a parent or guardian if you are under 18. Someone needs to know where you are and who you are with for your own safety! By telling us that your parents do not know the actual situation we sadly cannot accept you attending. This is because as a group we are not covered to take responsibility for you! I will update the what to expect from a meet topic as this is very important stuff - I suggest mark you get this sorted and inform your parents! (PM sent) My number is handed out to those attending the week before an I'm more than happy for parents to use it if need be but you need to be honest!
  17. Right the first week has happened. I've restricted myself to 1500 calories per day like Pluk is at the moment and geez did the hunger kick in sometimes but now I'm eating at a more normal level rather than devouring regularly in excess of 4000 calories per day I'm starting to feel content after a small portion. Have to say earlier on my drive up to newcastle tonight - when I stopped at a service station everyone was having a burger king and there was me with my vietnease pork salad wrap with sweet chilli sauce - I was well Jel! The arouma of that meat - but I know that one meal at Burger King would take up most of my daily allowance Anyhows the weigh in. I was hoping for the first week to lose 3 pounds and the results: I lost 6.4 pounds this week properly shocked and completely pleased. I know the first 2 weeks though is when you lose the most - however it now means my BMI is now 24.2 so I'm back in the normal weight classification. However my main aim is to get to 12 stone (ish) so at 13 stone 6.2 ive got a bit to go but the 1st weeks results were very encouraging. Over and out - Pete now over to you petr for your midweek weigh in
  18. The school playground is a very cruel place and from my own experience secondary school is a time I would not wish to return to - After secondary school was over life for me properly started and people I was with grew up. I was made fun of for my camp voice and camp ways in secondary school but when it got to like year 10 when I was growing more confident I used those characteristics to make fun of myself and also to be funny in general and everyone backed off then. Does irritate me sometimes though when full grown adults are so arrogant that because you act camp you therefore must be gay when thats not the case. But then in the adult world you can retaliate to such comments and put them in their place with words If anyone needs to come out, yes to their close friends, relatives etc but not at school not until you get to college really when all of a sudden it's trendy to be bi for some mad reason. I also found that most people who kept teasing about my campness at secondary school now they have grown up have turned out gay so that must of been their way to hide it from people who knows. Plus to add on all that - the amount of hormonal changes you go through at secondary school as well, everyone gets confused/ doubts at one point or another!
  19. About to make the Top Hat 9/10, plus just a great angle in general!
  20. But there is still a club night so rides will be open for the space of 4 hours - meaning technically that event youll be getting last ride of the season
  21. I'd love this - It's on record and I have someone beside me win! I have my weigh in on the friday night/ saturday morning so it should work well in terms of stuff happening in week for updates Oh yes Josh I totally agree better to be a bit over than a bit under and if I don't reach my goal won't be glum about it as I'm a respectable weight now - but with summer coming up and me not being used to my current weight it's something I need to do personally. As they say it's what makes you happy
  22. It's all about getting back to the days when we had ride takeovers tbh
  23. Just to add to the meet - as we never like the fun to stop - for those interested we will be going to the Monkey Puzzle after the park shuts for a meal and a couple of cheeky drinks If you wanna come along please just PM me
  24. The good thing about my height is that I can put weight on and nobody notices it - so I'm lucky in that aspect as a few people say why you gonna start losing weight - you look like a built up bloke now etc. But I am also one for making life easier on myself, before things become a problem. I sort it out first before its an issue. So I don't literally need to do this but if I don't now I certainly will need to in future if I want to maintain my healthiness. That touch wood I've been great with so far
  25. Hey Y'all, It has gotten to a stage where lately, I've got myself becoming really lazy and eating a lot of crappy food and naturally the pounds have crept up on me and literally breaking buttons so I thought it was time to take action and take a proper go at eating healthily and hopefully lose some weight ready for the summer season. When I was younger I could eat as much as I liked and never had to worry about putting anything on - I was skinny as anything and walked the dog twice a day which helped I'm sure. But Adult life has taken over - convenience is the way to go, dog has gone so no longer walk as much as I did - I now drive and work in an office so it's no surprise really. So why have I put this up here? Well I know I can fall off track and having it on record I know that's gonna keep me motivated to get to my goal plus it also means there is a place on here to talk about the food, and exercise we all enjoy and is really an essential part of our lives. So where am I now the day before I start? Well I'm 23 at 6 foot 2 with a weight of 13 stone 12.6 pounds which gives me a BMI of 25 which literally just puts me on the overweight mark (normal is between 18.5 and 24.9) as I know BMI is not totally reliable as it doesn't take in muscle I did a body fat test. Waist is 39 inches, hips 38.8 inches - forearm 11.1 inches & wrist 7 inches this gives me 18.5% of body fat (36.1 pounds) where I should be between 12-18% if I'm not athletic (which I'm not) so I'm just in the overweight mark again. I'm one of those people that like to sort myself out before it becomes a bigger issue down the line so I plan to lose 10% of my weight and get some exercise in there. So have other people done anything like this?
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