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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ

    2013 Changes

    I see it being left alone and only being open at Fright Nights this year. After this season I predict it will become no more/ moved to another area and rethemed to something else
  2. AJ


    Well at least I can put one christmas request on my wish list to Santa!
  3. I wouldn't say it's a waste of money of the infilling of the lake - It's created a cut through to the Saw area and just because it may not be used that much at the moment does not mean it will not be used for a new attraction in the future!
  4. Finally got round to doing some more responses: We know everyone has different schedules so will cater as much as possible for all these different schedules. Also to keep the momentum going we will be trying to organize as many trips as possible within the year and know that even though some people may not need any warning there are others that need as much as possible, sadly though for ERT events we cannot give lots of warning as it all depends on when Thorpe Park will let us so: After a trip has happened, another new trip will be announced a week later. The day of the trip will have a suggested date that will suggest different days of the week, but this date will be put up to a poll alongside other dates to see what day is the most popular within the community for 2 weeks before the poll is closed and the actual date is confirmed. Due to this method you will sometimes find the next 2 upcoming trips as the next trip will already have been confirmed after the previous meet! This will mean you will wait no longer than 8 weeks before the next meet and often a lot shorter. Regarding ERT events - Anyone who wants to come is more than welcome to attend, however there maybe the occasion when there are a limited amount of spaces. We do want everyone who wants to attend take on this opportunity but it's understandable people would like an element of fairness, therefore: For exclusive ERT events, you will get a provisional place on a first come first served basis. However confirmed places will be sent to you by a PM after those who are interested have been confirmed. Confirmed places will be given to those who have taken an active interest in attending meets and/ or who have been to meets. The more interest you show the more of a priority you will become to gain an exclusive spot. This ensures that people who actively try to attend (whether they can or not) will gain a spot and those who only turn up to an exclusive ERT event to not ever be seen again will not! I have a spreadsheet at home that I have set up to keep track of the people who have shown interest in meets as they have either come to one before or have contacted me and I have this to ensure no one gets left out and that I remember everyone. Now I understand any newer members may think this is unfair on them, but in time the more you participate the quicker you will go up the priority list and at the moment with the numbers that attend meets on average at the moment this should not be an issue at all for the time being. This also means that if you have a plus 1 and there are not enough spaces then your friend will not be able to join us if there are limited places. There are set 'grades' of participation level I have set on the spreadsheet so if there are limited places, the most active grades will get the place. If there are members who are within the same grade and their are not enough spaces to accommodate all of them then the one's who contacted first to attend the event within that grade will gain their spot.
  5. In terms of franchise, from my understanding from months ago was when the current contract expires it was going to be renewed for the ride but the maze was gonna have it removed and then when the next contract expires was when the whole saw franchise would leave...
  6. AJ

    The Crash Pad

    Well looking at that concept art of the Crash Pad, it looks a lot better than what I've been imagining due to people's responses - In a way it looks like it's themed to a boat slightly.... I know the concept always looks better than reality but, I can't see it being an eyesore - Originally I just thought it was a lot of shipping containers being dumped on a plot of land...
  7. ^^^^^ And by the fact that it is the best coaster in the park! *ahem - I know I am in the minority, when it comes to enthusiasts* but your right by the franchise as when I speak to random people I meet or just the general friends Saw is always one of the first rides they talk about eg - Have you been on Saw: The Ride, it's so scary... is the usual response, whilst I play it cool and make it look like I don't live on the actual coaster itself
  8. AJ


    After people's recommendations of American Horror Story on here - I bought the first season on DVD and OMG I am addicted. Cannot wait for season 2 to finish on TV so it can get on Box set now. FX why are you taking all the shows grrrr
  9. I'm in charge of H&S for the whole company at my work place and when I was a youth leader for 3 years was in charge of that there too - and even though I'm quite clued up on a lot on H&S, does not make me an expert! There have been many times I was certain I was right and have been wrong. All of this is a matter of interpretation and I can see why you have come to this opinion. However from my experience and once again I'm no expert but H&S is just annoying to deal with! Writing loads of ridiculous reports and making sure common sense matters are written down so if H&S Inspectors decide to do a random inspection we have all the relevant procedures in place for them to 'tick' us off. In regards that H&S have the power to close anything down - to some extent yes, but in regards to the issue that was being discussed it is down to the park. The park have the responsibility to make sure everything is under H&S standards and every business has a team that deals with it. They will make sure if anything looks wrong it is closed off or amended as necessary and record it down in their documents so when the 'official' inspectors come they can see that the park/business has the relevant checks in place and that they are actively making sure it is adhered to. If by whatever means the inspectors are not happy with the documentation that is presented or see flaws in the management of the business in relation to H&S then they will inspect further and delve deep into the cracks of the business and fine the company for not managing it properly and will come back and inspect them shortly afterwards - A bit like OFSTED for schools I suppose to make sure things are satisfactory. To summarise the business/ park choose what closes and opens and do the necessary things to make things safe and its one of the many H&S governing bodies that inspect/ review the procedures of what the company/ park is doing. This may be different in other areas that I have not worked in but to just pointedly say that your wrong and I'm right is in my opinion a bit arrogant because no one in life knows fully everything! both points that have been put across have both been right at the end of the day and from what I can see, peeps are reading into posts more than what they were originally stating....
  10. AJ

    The News

    I've heard it tastes like Camel. Personally I really want to try it and think they should keep it on the shelves and just say to you when you buy it that that product is now actually horse. Me dad and his partner had this the other night and thought it tasted weird and through it away and I was like hello, I would have eaten that! Over reaction this whole story. I get people are concerned about the labeling and that is the issue so you Joe public start whining about the labels and not the meat!
  11. I know it's bad of me to say but I really want some of this 'contaminated' horse meat - I wanna know what it tastes like - I hear it taste's like camel. speaking of camels
  12. Mark your far to kind James by all means copy it however the way I would see it work if it was copied is that they would pick the person who submitted it first. It's like a school assignment the first person gets the credit and the one's who follow are deemed the copy cats personally for me, I've entered as a bit of fun - in fact me and my girlfriend had an hour thinking up a slogan whilst watching friends on comedy central this afternoon - it provided quite a bit of entertainment and some bonding and teamwork between us. Thank you to Thorpe for creating that opportunity, if we win the prize it's a double bonus but plenty of fun was had in the thinking up of the slogan
  13. I am really bad at being creative so my entry was Swarm Reborn: Fight or Flight!
  14. I also believe mark9 is not skating from what he has said. Plus I know I won't be skating the entire time as my ankles would kill over. Plus I'm sure others here will pop on and off
  15. 31st I predict to be packed due to it being bank holiday and Easter holidays for some boroughs so that's a no really. 17th will be relatively quiet but also a fair few enthusiasts who have the closed season blues so wouldn't be as quiet as the 24th I would of thought which is in between the 2 'special' weekends
  16. AJ

    The Smiler

    In time for my birthday then - fantastic. I was originally one of those at the Winchester having a pint, waiting for the worry of it not opening in March to blow over - however it appears my confidence was completely wrong on that occassion. I myself would think if they rescheduled there should be no problems of it opening then, it's just more and more lately it's been a 2013 opening - so got me thinking
  17. To all you wonderful people attending this fantastic gathering and are going to do some Ice Skating, to avoid any possible disappointment of a full rink - now will be the great opportunity to get your tickets online at the url below https://spectrumonline.freedom-leisure.co.uk/eSRO/auto_choose_ga.asp?area=82 It should be the skate for all on Sat 16th Feb at 12:30pm to 14:00pm. Excited much!
  18. AJ

    The Smiler

    I have doubts about the May opening now, only because I am now seeing more of 'Opening in 2013' than 'opening in May 2013' as if they are trying to slip the May out of it and hope people forget that May was said....
  19. Spirit Of London (Taxi Ride) is in my opinion one of the best dark rides in the UK, and for me probably my favourite within the UK. It goes through a lot of history the atmosphere is brilliant and it's a casual slow ride for the entire family and is suitable for the very young and very old. That's all I will say in terms of that attraction as don't want to spoil you the details but you will love it! In terms of Scream, some people will get scared by it but in terms of scare mazes this one is relatively weak. Rather than going in groups of 8-10 they practically let the whole queue go in at once, so you don't really get to much attention from the actors like you would elsewhere. Your 12 now, the maze is suitable for you and personally cannot see you having a problem with it. Go in and try it and tell us what you think Enjoy your day out tomorrow, good to see you making use out of your pass
  20. Welcome Backer Spider! If I remember correctly you were the first person on the forums I properly got to know first as you kindly chatted to me at my first meet back in 2006 - geez, many years ago - argh! Glad to see your presence again
  21. It was very close - but the votes have been coming in the past 3 weeks and we can now reveal the official date for the Thorpe Park opening meet is Sunday 24th March 2013. If you can make this date, please PM me and I will add you to the list - look forward to seeing you all there
  22. Went Ice skating this afternoon, was utter out of practice could not balance to save my life - my intention being that by the time I see you all in Guildford it'll look like I can kind of skate and can actually chat to some of you rather than be like 'Balance Peaj, Balance' and not actually realising there are people around me as I'm concentrating to much So when you see me on the ice just remember I cheated to look that good 3 weeks to go whoopee!!!
  23. AJ

    The Smiler

    Being a bit slow on the uptake of the news at the moment - I have just realised SW7 has taken my member title Grrrr, will have to change it, shame as It was quite fitting for my 'keep smilin' signature I have had for a couple of years Anyway back on topic - Love the name, however it could of just been called Smiler as so many rides at the moment have 'the' with it, plus one words make it more punchy Plus if it's opening in May it'll be in time for my birthday - what a fab present whoop! Very excited for this - as many of you know I love SAW: THE RIDE and know am within the minority there so this beauty will be right up my street, plus it's themed to characteristics which I'm into. SW7 = WIN.
  24. I also believe when it comes to a 'vanilla coaster' that these will never become extinct - only because any new parks or up and coming places will usually go for the standard coaster as their first port of call. No gimmicks etc as the first roller coaster's gimmick is - hey check us out we have a roller coaster. It's not until they expand further and want to offer a difference to their ride line up that the gimmicks start to make an appearance. Interesting thoughts though
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