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Everything posted by AJ

  1. It will certainly be worth a trip in 6-8 years time as it'll be a world standard theme park attraction which the UK surprisingly has not had up to this point in time
  2. As Ellie Says, nothing to worry about - Headline will make it seem it's on halt to grab attention and get you to read. They had a smiliar problem at the Olympic Site but work still progressed as they wanted it to happen. There is a lot of buzz in the area about this and the majority of people in the area want it to happen, councils have given full backing and to be honest it's all a bit of publicity to keep the project in the limelight rather than it being forgotten about and therefore it not happening at all. It's good to see it's still rolling strongly. Plus it's the daily mail they LOVE to Scare Monger!
  3. From people I know - who finally came out to their family, there was all this big build up to telling them and they were getting really panicky - what would they do? will they reject me? etc and then when they actually got round to it thinking it was about to be some major drama they got a 'Don't worry Dear, I've known for ages dear' etc. and then have continued on normal discussion as if nothing has been said and then of course if my friend wanted to talk more about it theyd pick it up further. Parents and therefore other family members generally know already and from what I've seen - There has only been one person who got abandoned temporarily whilst the STEP dad came round to the idea who didnt even live with any blood relatives at that point so for me I ain't including that one. Blood relatives will generally know - they will accept you for it and they will wait until you are ready to come out to them as they know it's a difficult subject to bring up. From what I've seen there always seems to be this big build up for very little reaction So when your ready personally to tell your family then do it - it won't be as bad as you imagine it to be. Just don't do it just because someone else is saying you should do it - It needs to be in your time and when your comfortable to talk about it with them. If someone says you need to do it to the point you feel you have no choice but to, even though you ain't ready then that person is not worth your time!
  4. Good evening all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our Ministry Of Sound Meet at Thorpe Park! The date of the event is Saturday 13th July 2013 90's Anthems. There will be 4 parts to this meet - Thorpe Park during the day and a meal afterwards that can be enjoyed by everyone and the clubbing event & Overnight stay to try out the Crash Pad in the evening which is unfortunately over 18's only! We also in a joint meet with Towers Nerds who will be coming down south to join us for the event. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. The Outline of the day will be as follows: Meet by the annual pass entrance at 09:30 am by the cash machine just on the off chance the gates could possibly open earlier than advertised such as last year. As soon as the gates open we will go into the park, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little we will get to the Stealth rocks so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 11:30 am if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at THORPE PARK. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. There will be another meeting point at 8 pm on the bridge for those coming to the Ministry of Sound If you can't handle the park during the day I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attending Lists Will Be Updated Once Date Is Confirmed Attending (20) Coaster Crazy (Plus MOS) (Staying At CrashPad) - From Tower Nerds EC! (Coming With Snowy & Friend) JackStevens217 Luke_A Matt (Plus MOS) (Staying At Crashpad) - From Tower Nerds Matt Creek (Plus MOS) Mr Fish (Plus MOS) (Staying Overnight Travelodge) Peaj (Coming With Saskerina) (Plus MOS) (Staying Overnight Travelodge) Phill Pritchard (Plus MOS) Pluk (Plus MOS) (Staying Overnight Travelodge) Ricky (Coming With Chris & Mariana) (Plus MOS) Rocket (Plus MOS) Scarycoasterboy Stretchy (Plus MOS) (Staying at CrashPad) TopsyTurvy15 (Plus MOS) (Staying Overnight Travelodge)
  5. 30 mins if I go straight to Chessington or over 3 hours to collect sidders hmmm.... Edit: with Mer to Thorpe park yes on route to chessie maybe not so - let's see yar
  6. These mad hatters can't ever ride these things like normal, I tell ya!
  7. So here it is the final part 5 of 5 is here below ready to be seen. We have finally got there over a week on. So after the Detty Marathon what will be finally revealed in the last leg of our journey... To celebrate the detty achievement and now the hugging virus has infected us all - It was time for a spinning version of THE HUG To keep ourselves spinning we clumsily walked over to the storm in the teacup, where Top Trumps were played Which was watched over by a different perspective by the Mad Hatter herself Han30 (who don't like spinning - Mad I tell you ) To continue more spinning we stumbled our way to Zodiac - just so we can lock JackStevens217 up However after all this the cold took as over and turned us to Beetroot So it was sadly time to go inside. OOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGG everyone has been taken over by some unseen force TopsyTurvy15 still has his spoon you know In fact I believe he is the last one standing! TopsyTurvy15 therefore wins the Easter Egg - Give us a jump for joy TopsyTurvy15 MattyMoo is very pleased for the champion of spooning 2013 And to sum our adventure up - Here is the OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO for the Open Meet at Thorpe 2013 . Everyone go Awwwwww.... Thanks everyone for a fantastic day - And it was great for such a large group (especially of recent times) to stick together. I really liked meeting the new faces as it was good to see some different dynamics and It was also great to catch up with some of you regulars. It really makes me happy to be part of it all . So Next trip is Chessington and I hope to see a lot of you there again as it'll be a great fun day out, plus we can try out the new Zufari: Ride Into Africa. It'll also be good to see some new faces also and if you just have a hint at wanting to go - I highly recommend them as your guarenteed to not be disapointed with the great bunch of people we have at the moment. Look out tomorrow when there will be another exciting announcement - I wonder what it will be?
  8. Gotta keep with past storylines to some extent
  9. So here we are - back again (quite late on a Sunday evening) for the penultimate episode of the TPM Thorpe Park Open Meet - That is part 4 of 5 you know So we last left you with a lovely PANORAMIC PHOTO (always goes to caps - I have no idea why?) of us on the monkey boat - however it's getting really cold now so I think it's time to take advantage of those free hot drinks they give you after 3pm Dan9 gets very excited for his Hot Chocolate IanNem then thinks of an evil cunning plan whilst preparing his Hot Chocolate And makes Ryan have an accident So Back to Rumba where we find Phill Pritchard calm and composed and the group behind us getting right into the rapids. However the Rapids become to much for Sidders and Maximillion (Now Cornflakes ). So JackStevens217 laughs as Sidders squirm after he is hit However for ScaryCoasterBoy he just loves getting splashed nothing can scare him.... Until the hugging virus of Cornflakes (Maximillion) - He just takes hold and you can't get away JackStevens217 defends for his life - hoping he doesn't follow the sad loss of ScaryCoasterBoy to that contagious virus After the hugging virus (TopsyTurvy15s spoon is still safe - phew) has past it was time for a Detty Marathon - And here are the survivors Ec! Just about So there we have it the penultimate episode and there is still one more to go - you lucky peeps But how much more Spinning can we take? Do we come across the mad hatter from wonderland? Who will win the Spooning competition? Find out tomorrow lunch time (I hope) where you will find the final part of the trip report along with the OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO!!! Everybody Cheer WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (O.K. I've just run out of breath)
  10. So here we are. A week on from the trip we are now exactly half way through the trip report at Part 3 of 5. (geez that's a bit delayed ain't it ) So what mishaps will we see our TPM Adventurers get up to today? That's bring you back to last time when Ryan was practising his Bay Watch run to go and save someone - but where? Ryan has run to a Tidal Wave as a couple of idiots have put themselves on their in minus degrees The pain in Sidders & Peaj's face Serves them right! Meanwhile Dan9 gets ready to face his fears on Detonator whilst Mark9 & Turtle sort themselves out We make our way to Bar 360 to find Smidget, Iannem & Marc standing around - I wonder if Iannem has an evil plan today I wonder After a long wait, Mark9 & Dan9 are ecstatic to see their food arrive And Ryan then decides to pray to a tomato - hoping he has passed his audition Peaj on the other hand, does no praying and just scoffs the tomato down with his burger and spoon still in hand After lunch, Peaj, TopsyTurvy15, EC!, Maximillion & Sidders decide to spoon on Quantum to ensure their food settles down perfectly For some more Stomach food settling fun - we all then have a nice ride on Mr Monkey's Banana Boat Ride Mark9 looks unsure about this.... Everyone has loads of fun - so there's only one thing for it - PANORAMIC SHOT - Love this pic So you have survived Part 3 of 5 of the Peajinators trip report. But what will you find in store in the penultimate episode. Well one thing I can tell you is that Iannem is successful in carrying out another one of his evil plans. Maximillion becomes a hugging virus and there is lots of drama happening down the rapids in the village of rumba So please join me next time at don't know'o'clock tomorrow - where you will see the penultimate episode
  11. You don't need to worry about that matey. As Smidget says people with history between them will just acknowledge each other but not engage with each other one to one but will still speak to them if need be if they are in the middle of a group discussion. And personally if anyone did bring their own personal issues to a meet and were bringing the vibes down for everyone - I'd personally tell those concerned to piss off and join the group again when they've sorted themselves out, as it ain't fair for those who ain't involved
  12. Welcome to Part 2 of 5 (Another Part 2 - who have we managed to confuse ) Today is a Saturday in fact in between the Easter extravaganzas so what situations will we find our TPM adventurers in today? A divide in the group has been created - Sidders moans and points his spoon at the group going to the front as it ain't Inferno However us Backster's know we have made the right choice clutching onto our spoons And we were right as we waltzed past the people queuing for the front - they were extremely annoyed Turtle & Tommy #BraveItBackwards and as we went past the fronties Tommy starts getting intimidating Here's a general picture of THE SWARM - Can anyone see the two TPM Adventurers who have been captured? These TPM Adventurers may have got captured by THE SWARM - but they have still managed to keep hold of their spoons! The look so proud On the way back to the main park - Two mischief makers (Tommy & Turtle) do some mad thing to Peaj - I still have no idea what they were playing at Phill Pritchard, Mark9, Peaj & ScaryCoasterBoy have a race down Depth Charge (Glorious Fun ) in a rush to see... Dan9 who is surprisingly cheerful after a nightmare journey This then gets Ryan practising his run for his upcoming audition for the return of Baywatch. But who is Ryan running to save? Who else joins the adventure when these lovely TPMers stuff their face and why does Dan9 become so scared? Your more than welcome to find out tomorrow when some more spooning takes place and you'll see a panasomic photo Toodle Pip!
  13. Right I've finished my project at work so FINALLY I can give you PART 1 of 5 of the trip report. Kudos To Phill to keep it going whilst I have been busy! There was too much choice regarding photos this time around to narrow it down to 50, which made it very difficult to choose the best one's for the TPM Adventurers story! So I hope we got a few of the best. Sorry for those I may not have included but I have tried my best. So let us begin - what will we find out in the first part of the open meet After Peaj losing his wallet from the last trip - Sidders continues this TPM lost wallet curse - but thankfully for both their belongings were at Guest Services! Whilst Peaders were panicking Mark9 is impressed that Slammer is working despite the cold So Impressed in fact, that Tommy runs around in celebration Unfortunately Sidders they'll be no Nemesis Inferno today EC! gets worried for his safety whilst Ryan feels smug about riding Slammer! To make up for this disappointment - we decide to #BraveItTunnelless And then Ryan ride's Rocky Express whilst it's snowing It was time for Rumba and this motley crew spent ages posing for a photo, when they saw my camera Talk about desperate! We then found out how Thorpe Park get Stealth to work in the freezing cold.....They loosen it up with....WD40 It's time for some Fishy Fun with C1hrisin and Jody Everyone then gathers round at THE SWARM to start SPOONING - You dirty minded individuals, it's a game we played - but you can't drop your spoon! And there we have it Part 1 is before you to enjoy and thank you all for your patience - it's been hectic this week! But what will happen in the future episodes of this Thorpe Park open meet 2013? Who knows, but I do know that some of those spoons will make it to the end, Dan9 comes to join after his awful nightmare and Ryan starts a new career. Read more tomorrow at some time near you
  14. Yep it was Ellie And for those who didn't catch it - you can thank the spooning fun from the creator Ellie Just a shame she couldn't make it to compete. There is a slight delay with the trip report as I'm currently in business talks this week in setting up a new business and also with it being financial year end as well as you can imagine it is quite hectic at the moment so my prediction is that it will be released bit by bit over the Easter weekend with my current schedule. There are a lot of pictures to choose from and currently in process of choosing the right photos for the best story (there are many potential routes it can take with what has been taken!)
  15. People were introduced, but it was deemed more unnoticeable this time around. Due to feedback from the ERT event when someone new in the group joined I went round everyone over and over again, by end of day members who had been there all day were like 'not this again...' etc. So in this meet whenever someone joined the group I did shout out to everyone who it was and then spoke quietly to the joiner pointing out who everyone was. However, taken your point on board and have an activity in place at Chessington for people to get to know who is who and will try to ensure I make more 'public introductions' to remind people in day who is who as there are a lot of names to remember at the moment for those that forget - whilst making sure there ain't as many as the ERT event. So apologies if bits to you felt a bit crazy, I think at the moment we are going through a trial and error phrase - to see what properly works So to make things a bit more official: When you come to a meet and arrive at the beginning of the day and ain't too shy, there will be a short period where everyone will get to say who they are and reveal 3 interesting facts about them. Later in the day once everyone attending has arrived there will be a small optional 'get to know each other activity' which should encourage some conversation starters so you'll get to know your fellow TPM Members.
  16. Welcome to the final part 5 of 5 of the Swarm Photo Shoot ERT Event. We left you last time with Dodge & IanNem reaching to the stars/ Praying to the Lord for the Swarm Event to start.... Mr Fish & Smidget having the privilege of front row show off their acting talents on THE SWARM Captain Mark9 gets Smidget & Marc lost by taking them on the wrong ride - You know we ain't meant to be on Stealth right now right? Phew at least Marc has found THE SWARM again, however is about to puke all over Gary After our 9 rounds of THE SWARM here is a picture of a few people putting on a brave face with the cold - Browneggsandham though is a pro at this Whilst everyone just cannot wait to get back into their car - Dodge is still reaching out for the Lord Everyone was able to get all their bags back off MattyMoo before we all said our goodbyes So after seeing us all cold and wet it's about time to show you the 3 pictures that TPM star in within the press release - Picture 1 a billboard Picture 2....A Helicopter Picture 3...A billboard (hang on a bit of de ja vu me thinks ) And time for the photo I know that LOADS of people have been waiting for as many people have kept asking for it - The Official TPM Group Photo Thank you for everyone for such a fantastic day - Everyone stayed together during the day (Which is a first in a long time at Thorpe Park I believe) and their were many laughs to be had. Sorry I disappeared for a couple of hours during the afternoon when I know a lot of you turned up but I has lost wallet issues and needed to sort out how I was going to be able to live at the weekend going straight up To Alton Towers after the event and getting into the park etc but good news came to me on the Monday when the wallet was handed in (which I will collect tomorrow ) So yes thanks for waiting that extra day as well for me to get the report up and anyone else feel free to post your reports of the day and any pictures to this topic - All photos and one's that have not been included within the trip report you will find on my facebook page latest Monday morning. So I look forward to seeing everyone on the next meet next month, what really that soon TOMORROW!!! In the blistering cold
  17. Do not be concerned the meet will not be cancelled! The only way the meet will be reduced in length is if the park does not open (and if it is I will plan something else on the spot ). We live in Britain people and we know how to brave unpredictable weather the best in the world so this should be able to just get on with it I understand that transport could be a problem for some people tomorrow with potential weather conditions but all of you going have my number so you know how to contact me to meet up with us if you arrive later than expected
  18. Thorpe park at -1 to 1 degrees - They'll be loads of fun to be had! I have no idea what your on about Perfect time to take up on that free hot chocolate after 3pm for annual pass holders me thinks
  19. Right,moving on from all this medication talk it's time to make way for Part 4 of 5 of the trip report - The penultimate episode - The episode where you will see a lot of standing around waiting for the rides to take shape.... I thought I'd start off with a Panoramic view of some people around the Swarm area awaiting the whole group to arrive from KFC We are soon joined by Jackstevens217, Jody, C1hrisn whilst TobyNBZ wonders what the hell he is doing there So the general public leave the area, without wondering why we were staying put - A very social moment in the shop occurred - It's never been so busy We are then finally summoned to the station where we get prepared to #BraveItCold Michelle can't bare to be on the opposite end of station, with no chance to escape from Childish Sidders throwing another tantrum as we ain't on Inferno Captain Pluk becomes theatened with a new rival trying to take his place on Row 7 and starts a fight - His deputy browneggsandham steps into help Mark9 retaliates and wins the fight - helping the damsel in distress of Husky to the back row of 7 and thereafter becomes Captain Mark9 During this drama Michelle takes comfort by making love to an alien known as THE SWARM The cold and the rain have taken hold of everyone and C1hrisin, Jackstevens217 & Jody become drowned rats But no rain or cold can stop Dodge & IanNem as they Reach For The Stars, enjoying the wonderful cheesy music that has been playing in the station And there we have it the penultimate episode - Next to come on the finale of the TPM Explorers, Action Shots of THE SWARM experience. Captain Mark9 gets lost and the aftermath of the Official Group Photo of the meet that everybody has been waiting for! You don't want to miss it - so tune in tomorrow at time'o'clock to catch this breath taking conclusion
  20. It's 12 give or take - If you can come just say and then I can just amend the reservation
  21. Right Restaurant is booked at 7pm for a dozen people - so at least that part is sorted
  22. Welcome to the middle of our story - Part 3 of 5 In fact! We left you with the flirty Mr. Fish before we went to join some more people into our fold And Mr Fish Flirting works as Phill Pritchard, Michelle & StevenVig are attracted to his flirtatious powers ready to have a midday group photo. Oh no! Peaj is replicating what he did in Guildford and starts dancing again with Mer as long as he doesn't do the point it'll be ok.... Ah Geez - Peaj has done the 'point.' - The world is doomed Mer seems joyous though... After a long time apart - there is a HUGE EMOTIONAL BIG REUNION between Tommy & Ellie - It's so sweet StevenVig is like Well Jel.... Afterwards it's off to #BraveItTunnelless, Michelle & Peaj are excited & Sidders is stilling throwing a strop he is not on Nemesis Inferno anymore In the boat behind - which looks a bit of a squeeze is Phill Pritchard, MattyMoo (Wearing his bag proudly ), Dodge & Captain Pluk. Whilst Everyone was on Loggers StevenVig, Tommy & Ellie squirt everyone in the boats No wonder they look sheepish - And yes Ellie you hide in shame! After those antics it is time to head to the Swarm photoshoot - Han30 gives us an evil glare as we drag her towards it Peaj holding onto a whistle all day, waiting for the perfect time to use it - Grabs his chance and blows away let people know we're here MattyMoo also grabs his chance by helping Peaj get everybody's bags together ready to ride the Swarm. He has finally obtained his dream So there we have it - the happenings of the trip before the Swarm Photoshoot where a lot of people's mini stories for this chapter come to an end. However loads of new faces come to the picture. Captain Pluk becomes theatened when someone tries to take away his captainhood & loads of people may soon end up in the gutters as they struggle to stand after being kidnapped by THE SWARM and being drenched like a drowned rat. To know what the hell I am on about you will have to tune in approximately same time tomorrow to see the events leading up to the photoshoot!
  23. Oh yes - What a spot! I didn't realise he'd come back to hog another photo - Talk about a TPM Gatecrasher
  24. Welcome to Part 2 of 5 of the Swarm ERT Event (You lucky people ) Last night we left you with Sidders throwing a tantrum. MattoMoo went bag hunting, therefore got on Detty after the rest . Everybody sing it now - 'All by myseellf, Don't wanna be...' Whilst waiting Han30 & Mer had a pouting contest by Tidal Wave The contest/ games continued as we ventured to Saw: The Ride where Peaj picked up the ladies Meanwhile, Rumba was playing a more evil game than Saw ever could and kept picking on Tommy to soak him Sidders is not impressed with Tommy screaming and MattyMoo protects his bag at all costs Captain Pluk leads the boat behind, with Mer, Husky & Mr Fish. As you can see Mr Fish does good sailor boy faces After our soaking it was time for some great food in Bar 360 and we welcome Dodge to the party After Lunch it was time for Depth Charge. The child in Sidders came back out but Pluk shows him how to do it and wins What's happened to Mer's Face! I always thought she wasn't human... Watch out Ladies - Mr Fish is in town and he knows how to use that eyebrow So there we have it - racing down Depth Charge on our way to meet up with the afternoon people. The morning crew is about to expand, but who will they come across? I hear some mischief makers are making their way onto the scene - some Guildford antics make a return and MattyMoo comes face to face with his dreams There is only one way to find out the happenings of these TPM legends and that is to tune in somepoint tomorrow. What time I hear you ask? Well your gonna just have to keep checking
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