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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having at least 2 Bazinga! T-Shirts
  2. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned because I also can literally ban you
  3. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for getting rid of your sideburns
  4. For those wanting to stay over but yet haven't booked a room - I have booked 2 double rooms for us to get into at the travelodge by heathrow. I was delayed booking so prices had gone up a bit but the cost of it with the taxi will still be cheaper. Currently people in these rooms are Peaj Jaymiee Mr Fish TopsyTurvy15 Current price of stay is £22.50 per person. The more people who come into these rooms the cheaper it will be as it's priced by the room. Just bring a sleeping bag and chuck it in my car so I can drop it off at the rooms in between the park and club event. If you do not wish to use these rooms and want to stay at the Crash Pad or elsewhere - by all means go on ahead and book them with your own party
  5. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for being a side kick rather than being the 'main' star
  6. It's such a shame there is more bad news fr rameses revenge and as te ears go on the news sees it get progressively worse. 2001 people stuck upside down for 5 mins before being flipped upright for 20-30 mins before getting off 2006/2007 people were stuck at the top in te blazing heat for 3 hours (this year was also one of the hottest on record) but they got them down in the end just couple had to go hospital for dehydration. 2013 cut out restraints - poor rameses Chessie is getting such a bad rep this year, and after all that effort building it up a reputation 09/10/11 were some of the best seasons it's gone majorly downhill again. Just hope chessie will pull it off again in the long run
  7. As I personally think these individual events at our favourite theme parks don't get enough attention or discussion (as its not all about the rides) I thought I would create this to put all these mini events held throughout the year in one place rather than loads if mini topics that disappear into Oblivion (Scuse the pun) The next event at Alton Towers is ALton Towers live which has quite a lot of artists for a theme park standard and the concert is 8 hours long - I myself am really looking forward to it. The artists don't get me wrong are not outstanding but they are a lot of the current artists we hear in the charts nowadays. And hope that more of these come in the future. What are your thoughts an who is attending?
  8. AJ

    Video Games.

    Certainly Ryan and your argument is very similar to many peoples - I will break it down as best I can. So not being able to share games with friends/borrow games/buy pre-owned games/sell your games, This is where Microsoft couldn't get the point across but you can do these things!. It's easier to explain if you take discs out the equation. So let's say this is a discless console for easier explanation. If you buy a game you and everyone on your console can play it (like you would normally). Now this is where it gets exciting, this game you have bought you can share with 10 people in your 'family' so basically your friends who you would play with. Generally to share/ borrow a game you would take the disc to your mate's but due to the access of the cloud you can allow your 'family' to play it without having to see them to hand over a disc. But only one of your family can play it a time. Look at it like this. Ryan buys Titanfall so gets the primary license rights whenever Ryan wants to play it he can without any hassle. However Peaj, Mark9 & Pluk want to borrow the game from you. Peaj can log in and play it from the crowd as I'm in Ryans circle of friends e.g. borrowing the game and can play it the same time as Ryan is. However as they are the secondary licesnse holders - Mark9 and Pluk will have to wait for Peaj to stop playing that game until they can have a go. But in the meantime can play any other game from your 'shared library.' This is great news in my opinion as games I have wanted to play that my mates get I have to wait for them to finish it until I get it but now I can play along with them. Rather than Two consoles needed one copy of the game - One copy of the game can be played at the same time on two consoles. Hope that makes sense. Selling and Trading can still be done if it's Microsoft games but for 3rd party games they can if they want to restrict it. If they did the likilihood would be that whilst it's new it can't be resold straight away but they will lift the barriers up as it gets older. (However you can still share with your circle of friends) For retailers to stay in the game if you sell a game to a shop then they will put a code into a database to take access off your machine (and circle of friends with your copy) so the new owner can play it. having to be connected to the internet for the console to be used If you don't have internet then this is a big problem - I must agree but as I know I have internet then this is not an issue for me. Also the way the country is heading the majority of people will be online anyway and in day to day life now internet plays a part just to do simple things. It's the way things will be heading forward, they are just moving with the times, and unless you do not have internet (and at the moment you wouldn't know too much detail about all this if you don't have internet) then negative reaction to this is in my opinion the fear of change. having the kinnect camera on at all times This can be paused/ turned off, if you feel the camera is spying on you. have to sign in every 24 hours It's very rare nowadays for the internet to go down and if it does, you can sign in by connecting it up to your mobile. It literally only uses a few kilobytes so will in no way eat up your data allowance. This also means through your mobile you can take your XBONE to somewhere without internet connection (even though this device is designed to stay in your living room) paying more for online (PS4 you have to get PS+ but you get free stuff too) I see it as the same for me as I don't know what the free stuff is. They are both around the same price so yeah.... and having to pay almost £100 more for the console However XBONE comes with the Kinect and PS4 you need to get the eye seperately. PS4 and eye together comes to £400 which if you want motion control is £30 less. Also I find the Kinect is a much more sophisticated device than the eye and has a lot more potential with what you can do with it (Thinking right now of potential Illumirooms and the interaction between the device and the heavily rumoured augmented reality glasses down the line) I honestly don't see why anyone would want to chose Xbox One over the PS4, unless it's for the exclusives which do look quite good. The exclusives that Playstation had at one point that I was really into was Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. But these go through both platforms now so both would be on equal terms there. However as you said there are more exclusives on the XBONE at the moment and I'm liking the look of Quantum Break & Project Spark. The playstation's exclusives have not really drawn me too much yet to be honest. I would love to hear why you'd prefer the Xbox One Peaj! And that is why currently I prefer the XBONE to the PS4 at this moment in time. Microsoft have kept mentioning looking to the future and potential plans they have for it. If you think of the 360 just think of the extra amount of features that now has to when it first came out for example. PS4 as a gaming machine with the specs just slightly wins it on it's power as a solid games machine but XBONE I believe is much more than just a gaming machine with the other multimedia cross overs they have with it and I can see it developing into something quite amazing as the years go on. In a way I wonder if they are trying to carve out their own niche like Nintendo have done. I also think it's a possibility it could be a bit ahead of it's time trying to go digital and through the cloud - a bit like PS3 did with the Blu-Ray, but as the recent years go on and the things they are proposing become more the norm, I think they have built something that can last a bit longer into the future.
  9. AJ

    Video Games.

    Well after looking into things a little bit more - I am completely gunning for the Xbox One. Yes Sony destroyed them at E3 but people are looking at the bad aspects when in reality in the modern world those 'bad aspects' are not actually a problem and it gives a lot more scope for future development.
  10. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for starting it
  11. AJ

    The Banning Game

    Banned for carrying out lethal kidney jabs on meets!
  12. Me and jay will be there whole day too. Meeting points in original post (I believe) Pluk I will text Michelle about your request for BOGOF if she has not seen it yet as I know she will say yes to that straight away
  13. AJ

    The News

    I'm not saying they've had a bad upbringing, but there is quite a bit to suggest this. There seems to be a lot of family issues going on at the moment to. Her brother disagreeing with her seeing her mother. The grandma being found out of neglect a few months back. The constant press releases of the family sueing more people and keeping Michaela death in the public eye must not be that great for the kids with constant remindment, whilst growing up the bad press their dad was getting at one point must of been tough. And also in terms of Paris someone else claiming they are her dad. All of this must be pretty tough on the poor girl. I'm not saying its bad upbringing (bad phrasing on my part) but it does sound like there is still some odd going ons in the Jackson household and what I named above must be pretty tough emotional situations try had to face whilst growing up.
  14. AJ

    The News

    So Paris Jackson has attempted to commit suicide? It seems bad childhood or upbringing seems to be a trend in the Jackson family - what are your thoughts?
  15. I am soooooo joining this for next season with my no knowledge on football - Will provide a laugh
  16. Blasted website people. You would think that after we have paid them £30k to get this website designed for the consumable side of the business they would if tested it for bugs before givin it to me but nooooooo. They amount of bugs I have found and a major part of the specification linking online orders to our system just blantently not working I will be more than happy to have that fudging website team stand in a line in front of me whilst I slap them all with a wet fish. Can't get on with any of the day to day tasks and projects that need to be completed so we can make a bit more money because as soon as I attempt to get on with my normal work there is another sugary problem from that banana'd website they have so badly built. User face is brilliant but the functionality of it is taking the right old pastry. (Runs away and screams into the open fields)
  17. AJ

    The Smiler

    The thing I will be interested to know is if there was another 'secret' element thing that they keep saying will be kept under wraps until opening. I don't wanna know what it is but I do want to know if there is one
  18. Good Afternoon to all of the fantastic members on here! It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce this FANTASTIC opportunity we have been given. It is something that none of you will want to miss! Thorpe Park are holding an exclusive ERT event for us on Nemesis Inferno to celebrate it's 10th Birthday. Date Thursday 27th June 2013 Time 5:30pm (Please be there on time) Number of places 30 Where - Rocks Opposite Nemesis Inferno Fast Track Entrance So book the day off work and come! This event I know quite a fair few people have been hoping would happen and THORPE PARK have listened! This event should provide many laughs like many of the meets that have already happened this year. Please can I also point out that general pleasant behavior will be expected at all times! You will get the opportunity to ride NEMESIS INFERNO a number of times and if you can't handle countless amount of times in a row just sit out and give someone else a go Please PM me immediately If you wish to attend as there are a limited amount of places - If you want to come! Contributing members and those who contact me first will be given priority - for details on how people are chosen for an event please look at this topic http://forum.maniahu...rom-a-tpm-trip/. Deadline to book your place is on Monday 24th June 2013 If you are coming to spend the day at THORPE PARK there will be some additional meeting points for you all to come and join us. Outisde the park entrance before opening at 9:45am, by the stealth rocks at 1:30pm. We will not wait if you are late! attend these meeting points and will still like to meet up beforehand you will all have a contact number so you can arrange to meet us in park. I think I can speak for everyone that this is just a BRILLIANT thing for THORPE PARK to give us the time to organise this event, and would also like to express my Thanks at this point. Attending (26) DarkAdder312 EC! Han30 IanNem Jackstevens217 KingNemesis Matt Creek Marc Mark9 Matthew Mer Michelle (With Sarah) Mr. Fish Peaj Phill Pritchard Planenut Pluk Ricky ScaryCoasterBoy Smidget Stretchy ThrillNation ThrillSeekerAlex Toby NBZ TP1214
  19. Whilst I'm here I might as well frame a contributing member on this topic For Mer and I appreciate her as she is good at face planting on a twister board
  20. Have now changed the Topic Title reflecting the new meaning whilst keeping the old. JoshC has the claim for fame in the influence of the topic title
  21. AJ

    Wicker Man

    If you think about it though we have had the dragon built at legoland that is a dark ride/ coaster and is very popular but how many years has it been since the same concept has been built on uk shores? I would love it to happen but am doubtful for sw8
  22. To make a meet official doesn't mean I need to be there you know - it just needs an official announcement through the team and get it planned via the process you already know. Meets don't evolve around myself you know
  23. Hope you have a great day to get some fun time away from all those exams - I would attend but out the country - I expect lots if pictures!
  24. Double posting - shoot me However I have a big urge to do so as its a very big day for my best mate Jaymiee who turns 21 today and that I get to celebrate it with him in Disneyland Paris over the coming weekend. Also have also noticed its another great guys birthday as well that I have just noticed which is Phill Pritchard who I have found to be an extremely great bloke to hang around at the meets and enjoy his company. I wish you a good one
  25. AJ

    The Smiler

    The bit of the music that sticks with ya is the Alton towers tune being played with the laughing sounds. We may have finally got our own version of its a small world stuck in head music scale
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