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Everything posted by AJ

  1. So it is confirmed. Legoland will take place on Saturday 22nd June - this is looking set to be a fab day and who will win at Lego bingo? Only time will tell - that's start getting these names added to the list! (Please be patient for those who have co firmed whilst I play catch up )
  2. Yes I know phill exclusive event I've received a couple of PMs from yourselves and people will be getting on the list over the next 24 hours - just need to play a bit of catch up
  3. Right after a nice quiet month - it's time to ramp up the excitement of these meets again. In terms of this meet in relation to MOS tickets and overnight stays please read the following: In regards to the hotel stay element I have given you a rough guide price of the local area. For some it might be cheaper to get a travelodge and split the cost of the taxi to and from the event. I know there are some groups of friends on here so please arrange the groups between you and book the things up. If you feel you have not known people long enough yet to feel part of a 'group' of friends (Or it's even your first meet) please just contact me and I will make sure you are with people you will get on with so your not 'left' out the hotel element of the trip. Tickets You will be expected to arrange your own tickets, for season pass holders they are £15 and available from Thorpe. You will need your season pass number when booking. For none season pass holders, if you book your ticket early you can get the early bird tickets of £18 otherwise they are £20 Hotel Accommodation: There are some options here. The choice is up to you guys. We don't have to all go to the same motel but DO discuss with each other and make sure that your not on your own with no way of getting to/from the park. Crashpad - This is £89 per person (including tickets to the theme park for both Saturday and Sunday) - at the moment I don't know if we can get any discounts. The beautiful Staines Travel-lodge, current price of a room is £93 per room (2 miles away) Heathrow Terminal 5 Travellodge, current price of room is £24 per room (4.4 miles away) Sudbury m3 Travellodge, current price of room is £41 per room Please PM me with any questions
  4. Awww - Thanks guys for all those messages, means a lot - Was a brilliant day/ weekend thank you. Rainforest Cafe/ Late Night Comedy Show/ Go Ape by Leeds Castle/ Homemade Mexican & Indian Takeaway with booze was the weekend itinery
  5. AJ

    Still Alive

    Glad your ok - had a final destination experience myself once with snow, a bus, a van and me that was nearly crushed between a vehicle and a lamp post. You end up alright but your still really shook up and keep playing what ifs in your head. Hope your ok
  6. AJ

    The Smiler

    Dang It - I'm abroad - Will have to wait until June - However by then, all opening technicalities - should have been sorted and the finishing touches should hopefully be properly in place - so I can wait This is true that the design of a warehouse is a bit restricted. But I have worked in many industrial estates and if I look around now I will see brickwork, buildings that have those metal ridges like shipping containers and actual shipping containers.....I don't see any cement block buildings.....but of course this is just my view from personal experience. Plus I didn't realise this whole ride was meant to be based around an Industry site (Perhaps I'm being dumb one way or another)
  7. Was surprised there was no topic on Education as so many people on here are currently going through the system. So found this old topic named Exam Results and amended it to be a bit more broad Anyhowz - This bank holiday, I have been grinding through one of my courses in the bookkeeping world and since Saturday have completed 5 out of the 6 assignments for the course. 3 of the assignments I got the results back today and 3 of them were marked A's and 2 of those were 100% . So I submitted 2 more assignments this evening. So at the moment am proper chuffed Now this course should take around 6 months, but with it being a home learning college - I am very hit and miss in how much I do at a time. I go for 2-3 months without doing nothing and then literally spend a week or 2, grinding through it to catch up which I generally do when 'I'm in the mood for it.' I know in the past when I force myself to do little bit by bit over the weeks I lose motivation so generally catch myself when 'I'm in the zone.' One advantage with this course is that as I do it as a day job anyway - I think that's why I've been able to breeze through these assignments. (Cheat - I hear you say - well it gets me my student discount ) plus I'm doing an apprenticeship on the side in Team Leadership so I'd rather pick and choose what I'm doing - working full time. So fingers crossed on those last 2 assignments and then I can start on the mock exams to take my exams to be one step closer to getting letters after my name Plus I know a few of you are going through the exams at the moment so thought it would be good to dig this out the grave!
  8. AJ

    The Smiler

    Will they be doing anything else to the station at all as at the moment it just looks like cement blocks with some yellow piping. I imagined it to look like a general building etc with normal facading (sp) not the cement blocks it is now.... Could of sworn the art they made with the pre plans had a glass semi circle bit with an industrial looking building, not this....
  9. EC! I say that I'm not exercising enough but that's for long term plans with my health and fitness. In terms of weight loss I've done enough and yeah some people hate being skinny as well as fat but the size I am currently I am more than happy with. The main aim at the start of this diet was so I could fit in my trousers again without popping the buttons. Getting the summer look is just an extra which yes I would like to have one day but its not my biggest priority (I like my drink and takeaways too much for me to ever get the 'perfect' look)
  10. AJ

    The Smiler

    For me the smiler has got a lot of firsts coming out of it - as I think matt said, 14 inversions, most compact, a long time since a long ride etc. now even though all these things may be 'standard' stuff to an enthusiast point of view as its not exactly original compared to the last weapon, it is still an amazing feat and records I'm extremely pleased to have in the uk where it is relatively easy to access. And in terms of the general public (the main guests) they will lap it up and loads of people are talking about it. So it's worked. Plus we have all these stages happening during the ride that until we actually get to ride it we ain't truly gonna know the unique experience. During this whole project and even so now they have been tight lipped on certain aspects of the ride and with them playing up so much on the mental aspect this is gonna offer a lot as it is. To be honest I put my hats up to Alton towers for focusing on all aspects on the ride but the inversions! Even on some John wardley interviews he mentioned 14 inversions plus a secret element so that leads me to think the disorientor will be something brilliant. But I believe that this secret element will not be the marketable point of the ride when you have 14 inversions which is the thing to draw the crowds in - the rest is a bonus. I also remembering at the beginning of the build it was being advertised as world beating, not world first so that lead me to believe from the get go it will just be a record breaker. For a small island, and for what we have on offer. In terms of the stuff on what we have - I think we are extremely lucky and naturally as humans we will always expect / want more, but in terms of the smiler - just look at that beautiful beast, with all those features on the ride - what else do you need? I also think if there was another world first thing on there it just wouldn't have so much of an impact aka thirteen and just get list within the ride as there is already so much going on with it.
  11. One thing that I've only just recently got was where the Gong Farmer was. On my first visit Henry's Wrath was closed so we went straight to the pre-show before Guy Fawkes and missed the first two sections. On my second visit I was one of the last people off the boat so the talk at City Gate was already half way through the show which just had some random fart jokes and a talk about keeping the invaders out - I really didn't get it to be honest - but then I wasn't there from the beginning. It wasn't until today that I looked at the map that it was the Gong Farmer in charge of the City Gate - Hmmmmm... Mind I get why that's there as a bit of a 'waiting' show for people to get off the boat but yeah hmmmmm.....
  12. Yeah smidget as the bmi is not the most reliable tool hence why I'm concentrating on fat percentage too, by using a combination of health calculators that's what gives the best results. EC! Every week through this diet I have been increasing my intake week on week - exercise a little bit yes but not enough. The reason though why people put weight back on after a diet is that they starve their body of food so that the body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down. Some people after finishing their diet go back to how they were eating so the body keeps stores it as it still thinks your in starvation mode. To keep it off you need to gradually increase your intake again week on week so your body gets used to it and resumes to a normal metabolism again. After that its making sure you stay eating moderately to keep it off.
  13. I remember the days when I could eat what I wanted and not need to balance myself afterwards - damn metabolism slowing down as I age! So I am 1/3 through this diet and this week I'm actually shocked with the results (In a good way) as I lost another 4 pounds which brings my total weight loss to 1 stone 2.8 pounds in just 4 weeks My BMI has gone from 25 to 22.7 so just 0.2 away from ideal. As it is also a month since I've started this week was also my measuring day so here come the comparisons. Weight: 13 Stone 12.6 Pounds down to 12 Stone 8.8 Pounds Wrist: 7 Inches stayed at 7 Inches (No fat there) Forearm: 11.1 Inches down to 10.9 Inches (Glad that didn't get smaller) Hips: 38.8 Inches down to 37 Inches Waist: 39 Inches down to 35.6 Inches Body Fat 18.5% down to 14.5% (Overall out of the 16.8 pounds lost 10.4 pounds of that was from fat) So yes according I'm only 1/3 through the diet and I'm now only 1.8 pounds away from my target weight, I can say I'm chuffed. Found another fat calculator which is more accurate I have found which increases my body fat percentage but as I started off with this calculator for you I will keep at it. The difference with the other one is that it just tells you if your in the acceptable range, in the fit range or athletic range. The result of this is that before I started my diet I was 26.45% body fat (51 pounds of fat), which would of made me obese in terms of fat but now I am an acceptable 21.96% (39 pounds of fat) So that means 12 pounds of fat is lost and I'm in the acceptable range between 18-25%. Increasing calories by another 100 this week so I'm now on 1900 a day and once I've lost my last couple of pounds I will be continuing the diet but concentrating on decreasing the fat levels to get to the fitness range of 14-17% (Athlete of 6-13% is a bit extreme coming from the obese category - another time perhaps). So yes all is good
  14. Comedy nights are not about the big television stars. They're meant to be cosy, personal feel to them - like a small gathering and some of these comedians on the circuit can often be better than they're commercial counterparts. They have 3 comedians, the dome will be small enough to make it really interactive. They don't need big names
  15. And may that be the last reference to him please. RideAddict left ages ago now, and the joke is getting stale - it's time to move on
  16. THORPE PARK are certainly coming up with some great events this year in terms of things I like (bar 1). Comedy Club Night has topped it off for me, not that I will be attending as I'm busy that weekend but if I was free I would be there. I'm a regular attendee at the comedy club in Leicester Square and love to get to front row and they are always an extremely enjoyable night. I hope to see more comedy events in the future!
  17. Can I just clarify - that whilst Meryl was having a drama with her phone that we didn't know about, that we do a head count at the exit and entrance of each activity and she happened to be there on the occasions mentioned whilst moving between activities potential loss can happen, which you see did not end up being the case just saying y'all
  18. .Vote In the poll for the days that you can do - Date currently set is provisional and the date will be confirmed in 2 weeks when the poll closes and the date is the one with the most votes
  19. Good morning all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our meet at LEGOLAND! I was a bit doubtful of Legoland but after the fun relaxed success at Chessington and after hearing there is interest for it - I'll give it a shot. After the success of Empire at Chessington - there will be another optional Ice breaker game named Lego Bingo (details sent to those attending) The meet is on Saturday June 22nd 2013. As voted by YOU The Outline of the day will be as follows: Meet by the Lego Dinosaur at the entrance plaza before you go down to the Hill Side Tram between 09:30 and 10:00 am opposite the entrance by the green. As soon as the gates for the rest of the park open we will go into the park. If by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little bit more we will calm down slightly and then have a chill for 15 minutes around the lighthouse by Wave Surfer so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 11:30 am if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! A couple of members have found out this on previous meets. We will then continue visiting the attractions and we will try our best to get on all the attractions people wish to ride, which will be arranged before the meet. One thing that has been annoying in the past is the decision making on where to go next and then the group changing their minds if a queue is above a certain level. This just ends us up in the past riding less as we spend a lot of the time deciding where to go. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Legoland, but at the end of the day Legoland is more than just the rides. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. If you are going I will be talking to you beforehand to see what attractions you are most keen to do so I can make sure I can arrange the day so that everyone gets a chance to ride what they wish to ride. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day,around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken I’m sure and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you’ve never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending. Look at previous trip reports to give yourself a taster - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different. Names will be added to the list once the date for the trip has been confirmed. Attending (10) Cornflakes Darkadder312 Han30 JamesC Marc Matt Creek Mr. Fish Peaj Phill Pritchard Rocket
  20. So....All you TPM Explorers, it is the time you have all been waiting for. The conclusion - Part 5 of 5 of the Official TPM Chessington Trip Report. We have founf out who won Empire and yes the Lost Coaster Of Superstition Mountain DOES exist (good one ThrillSeekerAlex) and yes the end is nigh but what will we find on the last leg of our journey? Just remember we last left the adventure with that calm photo in the Dragon's Fury Queue line. EC! The photo hogger and Peaj get spun around in shock as the dragon unleashes it's anger on them ThrillSeekerAlex, JamesC & JackStevens217 appear relaxed and pleased that they have slayed the dragon Everyone loves it when the dragon gets furious - Thumbs up everyone After our spin we found out Zufari was still open. We sprinted as fast as we could to get there for a last ride, Only to find...the gates were still thankfully open After our sprint to Zufari, we were hungry, so then ran full pelt until we got to the Monkey Puzzle Beefeater With all this running around, it was too much for Han30, who collapsed out of breathe The super fit Phill Pritchard was disappointed with Han30's Stamina - but was even more disappointed with 3 other Individuals Mr.Fish, Peaj & ThrillSeekerAlex to be precise - Who were all eating a lovely big Chocolate Brownie Sundae Before we leave this adventure, we are sorry to report that a kid has been sent to Lost & Found - Does anyone know anyone who can claim him And now the photo everyone has been waiting for - The Official Chessington 2013 Group Photo Can I just say how much of a great day this had been. Everything just seemed to work - The sun was out, there was an extremely good crowd that attended and the day just seemed to flow naturally with ease. One of my favourites of the year for me come to think of it. So this adventure has come to a close, but for those who came to this meet also know that another adventure is looming before we go clubbing at Thorpe Park. But where? Only one way to find out and that is to wake up on Thursday Morning to find an Official TPM Announcement Peace People x x x (To see the entire trip report in one place you can find it in this blog here). All other photo's that did not make it onto the trip report you will find on my facebook page before the announcement is out
  21. So you cheeky TPM Explorers, we have reached the 4th part of 5 at this early hour which means we are at the penultimate episode. Previously we have seen how our explorers get their energy in preparation for battle and a banana overseeing the events - so what will we find today... Phill Pritchard, Jaymiee & ScaryCoasterBoy are the last 3 muskerteers standing in battle (With EC! Trying to get in on the shot ) To be honest, it's amazing how Jaymiee has got so far - just look at him Mer, JamesC & ....EC! Again... get ready to help knock out the last contenders with some tuk tuks TopsyTurvy15 back from the grave and ThrillSeekerAlex are getting geared up and ready to crash into everyone After the final battle on the dodgems, the leader of the empire came through.....It was...Jaymiee , who donated his prize to the very chuffed ScaryCoasterBoy Peaj is completely devastated that Jaymiee won - he designed the game to be to hard for Jamiee to win.... Meanwhile whilst this fiasco was going on. MarkC gets really excited like a kid in a candy store and holds up the entire queue for 5 years This is one groovy talented Vampire with his organ - It's just so lucky he has no followers or he'll take over the world Oh No! I didn't know Han30 worshipped the evil vampire EC! Catches her praying/ meditating to the vampire and screams as he cannot escape! To finish off part 4 after all the drama that has happened today - I thought It would be nice to show a lovely photo from the fury queue line EC! AGAIN!!!! And there we have it Part 4 of 5 is complete and we have found out a member who likes to hog the limelight , But will he hog any more photo's on this adventure? What happened to some of the explorers after they left Chessington? And who ends up needing to be claimed? I don't know how you'll find out these answers but what I do know is that if you come back at trip'o'clock tomorrow you will find the conclusion to the adventure and the Official Group Photo will be available for all to see I can just hear the screams of excitement... To see all the trip report so far in the one spot you can find it in this blog here.
  22. At the start of the year I would of had lots of things to add to my bucket list. However I've achieved so much lately, it's getting to a point I need to sit back and think about what I want to work towards now. For the time being I have got: All of these by the time I'm 30 1) Finish my Bookkeeping course 2) Persuade boss to pay for an accountancy course 3) Start my own business 4) Get a mortgage 5) Find that 'special' someone 6) Get Married 7) Have no more than 4 kids (Not 4 by the time I'm 30 but would hope to of had my first one) 8) Take my mum to Mexico for her 50th birthday 9) Compete at Blackpool with my dance partner 10) Ride The Smiler 11) Go to Oakwood 12) Go to Lightwater Valley 13) Go to Drayton Manor 14) Go on the new Wallace & Gromit Ride 15) Get TPM meets averaging 20+ attendees 16) Clear out my workshop 17) Get to 12 and a half stone and maintain it rather than yo yo diet 18) Drive no more than 1500 miles a month (I'm driving too much lately) 19) Obtain a salary that is higher than the national average 20) Build up some muscle and end up with a 32-34 inch waist. 21) Sky Dive 22) Bungee Jump 23) Run a Marathon 24) Go and have a professional massage 25) Go to Ibiza 26) Go to Amsterdam 27) Go to Edinburgh Zoo to see the Panda's 28) Stay Ahead of JackSteven217 Inversion count for the year 29) Get my fortune told (Won't be true but It'll be a laugh - interested to know what they'll say) 30) Start playing the saxophone again Hmm once I got going, a few things came out it seems....
  23. Hello you scrumptious TPM explorers for Part 3 of 5 of the Official TPM Chessie Trip report. We last left you with the crew getting confused between a Safari & a Zufari, whilst meeting the last member to join the gang. So what will we find today I wonder... On the way to Black Buccaneer, TopsyTurvy15 practices his rock climbing skills by jumping the pool of death TopsyTurvy15 looks relieved to of made it to the boat, whilst Jaymiee still looks unimpressed (even though we have taken up half the boat!) However MarkC is way too short to ride and is refused entry before this lovely ride attendant announced the '4th rule' of our ride Meanwhile the banana boat, being really small in comparison to Black Buccaneer, tries to act BIG by chilaxing with a spiff overlooking the ride... ScaryCoasterBoy really wants to win the game empire so decides to recharge his batteries ready for the battle ahead ThrillSeekerAlex on the other hand does not need solar power to re-energise for the oncoming battle TopsyTurvy15 eyes out the competition, and works out how he can defeat ScaryCoasterBoy ScaryCoasterBoy however finds an opportunity to finish off TopsyTurvy15, EC!, Jonny392 & TP1214 before TopsyTurvy15 defeats him.... And pushes them all to their death down a gigantic slope, to the deadliest bath time in existence! To celebrate some people getting defeated out of the game, everyone went for a calming spin on the monkey swinger And there we have it - just over half way through our trip report and there is unbelievably still 2 more parts to go . But who will win the Empire game? Why did Peaj get so down? And who out of the explorers worships the vampire? I have no idea how you will find out unless you come back tomorrow to find out. You do not want to miss it To see all the trip report so far in the one spot you can find it in this blog here.
  24. Also, no new guy has taken a moderator position. I believe what you are referring to is the new moderator test1. This however is not a member and was set up for testing purposes. I thought I'd add that in there as I think that might be where you may of been concerned in relation to a new person becoming a mod
  25. A day late on the update from me! Was very surprised about my results this week. Was expecting to gain a little due to the Indian Takeaway I had, the meal at Chessington and some nights outs but I still managed to lose 2.8 pounds which has given me a 12.8 pound loss in 3 weeks . This means I only have just under half a stone to go to get to my target weight of 12 and a half stone, and I still have another 9 weeks on the diet . Next week I also have my measure in as well so I'll be able to see if I have lost any fat percentage whilst doing this which is the main thing at the end of the day. Depending on next weeks results (which I think will be bad after the amount I have eaten this weekend) then I might start raising my calorie intake again gradually to get my metabolism back to normal.
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