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  1. Really looking forward to this as I just LOVE Wallace & Gromit. However I notice it also said Mine Ride. Which got me thinking... Is this replacing that mine train ride that goes inside that restaurant, above that calm boat ride?
  2. This would be the best time right now to come up with and say something witty - but I can't....
  3. AJ

    The Smiler

    The last time I got this excited over a new rollercoaster was for Saw. Bring on the smiler, I'm gonna love this sexy baby and that storyline is my cup of tea - right up my street!
  4. Good evening all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our meet at Chessington! This is generally a good relaxed fun day out and it means we all get to try out the new Zufari attraction for this year. The meet is on Sunday April 21st 2013. The Outline of the day will be as follows: Meet outside Hocus Pocus Hall between 09:30 and 10:00 am opposite the entrance by the green. As soon as the gates for the rest of the park open we will go into the park. If by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little bit more we will calm down slightly and then have a chill for 15 minutes around the steps/ seats of the sealion bay so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 11:30 am if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! A couple of members have found out this on previous meets. We will then continue visiting the attractions and we will try our best to get on all the attractions people wish to ride, which will be arranged before the meet. One thing that has been annoying in the past is the decision making on where to go next and then the group changing their minds if a queue is above a certain level. This just ends us up in the past riding less as we spend a lot of the time deciding where to go. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Chessington but most of the things on offer cater for all. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. If you are going I will be talking to you beforehand to see what attractions you are most keen to do so I can make sure I can arrange the day so that everyone gets a chance to ride what they wish to ride. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken I’m sure and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you’ve never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending. Look at previous trip reports to give yourself a taster - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different. Names will be added to the list once the date for the trip has been confirmed. Attending Full Meet (16) EC! (Meal As Well) Han30 JackStevens217 JamesC (Meal As Well) Jaymie (Meal As Well) Jonny392 MarkC Matt Creek Mer (Meal As Well) Mr Fish Peaj (Meal As Well) Phill Pritchard (Meal As Well) ScaryCoasterBoy ThrillseekerAlex TopsyTurvy15 (Meal As Well) - No choice in the matter he's in my car TP1214
  5. I see a storyline on the peaj storyboard already starting to develop for the next meet....
  6. Welcome to the conclusion (Part 5 of 5) of the Guildford Adventurers - The Bowling Results are in (I've only just worked them out myself - it was very exciting ) and the last random antics are about to be shown. What will be shown in the last chapter... Please Let me present to you the exclusive members of 'STRIKE CLUB' - Sheepie; Peaj; Boris; Sidders; Tommy & Dan9 - They all look so proud! The first of the Bowling Results - In 3rd Place.... ............ It's Iannem's Team of the Ministry of Joy with 485 points (I've amended scores to include 5 members) In Second place with 511 Points is........Sidders Turkey's Which means in 1st Place is Peaj's Smilers with 520 points To celebrate Peaj does a dance to the Party Rock Anthem plus he is excited to find out more results Ricky seems to be enjoying the show... However Smidget does not want to know more results and is disgusted by Peaj's celebratory dance (Smidget has come in 14th place with 161 points) So the other bowling games results and combining both games the individual combined score placements are... In 13th Place is Marc with 174 points; 12th) Ricky = 180 Points; 11th) Husky = 181 points; 10th) Tommy = 185 Points; 9th) Mer = 186 Points; In Joiint 7th Place is Dan9 & Sheepie with 194 points 6th) Han30 = 198 Points; 5th) Jaymie = 204 Points; 4th) Boris = 210 Points; 3rd) Peaj = 215 Points; 2nd) Iannem = 225 Points; Cripple Sidders 1st) 251 Points And last but not least is the all important OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO taken by camera shy Ricky Anyone else see THE SMILER in the photo? Ministry of Joy has taken over.... And there you have it the Meet in a nutshell - It was a brilliant fantastic day and it was great to see everyone again, plus some new faces If you have concerns coming to meets - These photos give you an insight to what can be enjoyed - Highly recommend attending! For more photos they are now all uploaded on my facebook so you can go and have a look Finally now my Guildford Trip has come to a close I'm sure there are a couple of you I know wanting to write a trip report with your own material by all means go for it...Please make sure you come back on the forum tomorrow for another fantastic special announcement - I wonder what that could be....
  7. She says she's gonna sign up she liked some of the peeps here so will be signing up as husky
  8. You don't look moody in that group photo at all Han, just a sophisticated look about you Welcome to Part 4 of 5 of the Guildford Adventure. In the last episode we saw Dan9 and Peaj set up and exclusive 'STRIKE CLUB' will anybody else join? OMG Is that Marc, the owner of TPM, the guy that got skinned in the last trip report for not showing up. Well better late than never I suppose Sidders is getting himself syked up to become an exclusive STRIKE member - will he do it? On the other lanes everybody else is just chilling - it's not the end of the world if you don't get in after all (so they say.... ) Husky stop hogging the photo! Han30 gets ready for action. Just look at that girl go - she has a right swing on her Meanwhile Sidders scores a strike! Peaj and Dan9 are shocked and disapointed that we won't be the only exclusives after all that time Sheepie not wanting to feel left out tries his best to get in the exclusive 'STRIKE CLUB' And Sheepie STRIKES and joins the club. He is so shocked and overwhelmed by it all - It just bring a tear to my eye - Well done Sheepie! Boris all of a sudden gets two strikes in just a few frames. All of us want her bowling power so tried to draw it from her Sidders however has a cunning plan... Oh no! ANOTHER MERLIN BREAKDOWN!!! Seriously some needs to sort this stuff out Sidders succeeds with his cunning plan and starts the 'Legendary Turkey Club' of which he is the only member. Anyone else notice his poses are all the same And there you have it the penultimate episode of the Guildford Adventures. Please come back tomorrow for our Conclusion where you will see all the members of the exclusive 'STRIKE CLUB,' some dancing. The OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO and most importantly the scores and Ranking of the TPM Bowling competition. Enjoy your day.
  9. Welcome to Part 3 of 5 of the Guildford Trip Report. Yesterday we saw the last bit of Ice but where do the TPM adventurers end up next? After finding out Iannem works for the ministry of joy. Jaymie ends up turning to drink... Meanwhile Husky enjoys a soft drink whilst Mer finds her pizza way too hot Whilst Mer is still trying to eat the hot pizza, Sheepie is loving it - Jaymie however needs to sort out his drinking problem Some of the others went to Wimpy and hey look! now they've joined us back Oh yeah did I forget to mention (as I did on the day ) that Mer is celebrating hee birthday - 23 you know... Iannem has done some of his nasty work again and it looks like Peaj has become a victim #getcorrected Before the bowling started - it was an appropiate moment for another group Photo The bowling has begun and Tommy is ready to get his swing into action Dan9 is the first to gain a strike and is like 'what you looking at, I do this all the time.' It also means Iannem's hold on him is over Soon after Peaj also gains a strike, so Dan9 and Peaj set up the exclusive 'STRIKE CLUB' So the bowling has begun, who will join Dan9 & Peaj in the exclusive 'STRIKE CLUB' and will anybody be too good for that exclusive club and set up on their own. There's only one way to find out and that's back here on this topic at some point tomorrow...
  10. Nor did I, so it was perfect for story captions - Thank you for the material with your randomness
  11. ^^^ Thanks Mer, but the story has all been written and ready for posting but thank you anyway - However you can use your own on your own Trip Report! Welcome to Part 2 of 5 of the Guildford TPM Storyline. We last left you with a hint that Iannem has something up his sleeve... Peaj see's the evil and tries to skate away as fast as he can, only problem is he cannot balance at all... Tommy feels sorrow & worry for Peaj, but he better watch out as we find Dan9 who appears to of been #getcorrected Mer is horrified as she is actually an employee of the Ministry of Joy Meanwhile, whilst Husky, Sidders & Boris get used to the news of what's happened. Han30 hopes they don't realise she let one loose Sheepie is drawn to the smell and gives Han30 a big bear hug, who worries what a freak he has become being drawn to smells Join us tomorrow when we leave the ice and make our way to some glourious food and one member finds it difficult to cope with what has happened...
  12. AJ


    I've been very fortunate with my jobs and never had much problems getting one - which is extremely lucky especially the last few years. I remember at one stage whenever I turned up at a meet people were like saying what you working as now as due to circumstances I had a lot of jobs in a small period. However now I'm very lucky I've landed a very secure and well paid job as a Finance Manager and the owner of the business has taken me under his wing and is training me up to director level and beyond for the future. #LIG
  13. The time has come Part 1 of 5 of the Photo Story Trip report is about to be released. What will become of the TPMers this time round and who will win the bowling? All will be revealed over the next 5 days... After our initial introductions, it was most appropiate to get some of us in a cheesy mosaic 'hello' photo... Very Cautious first steps out onto the ice - Quite a few newbies to the ice... Peaj is very cautious - you can see him so hard trying to balance Han30 is being cautious too, after all the worry of falling on the ice is quite high Oh No Han30 cannot stop, so there is a horrifying crash, and Boris tries to save her but there is glass in the way Tommy however has got the hang of it! Look at him in the centre of the ice Sheepie starts turning evil and wants to see more crashes so decides to scare as many people as possible by hiding Husky becomes his first victim and gives a gigantic scream
  14. This is great news! This looks like exciting stuff, as long as the animals play the main part of it then everything will be sweet. The amount of new potential rides is just enough to keep you entertained for a but whilst not taking the attention away too much from the actual main area. Have to admit slightly disapointed polar express will now not be fully built as that looked brilliant but I'll make do. This is a major step in a new direction
  15. Watch the mania hub trip forums for future announcements and who knows one day your wish may come true.
  16. Was a fantastic meet. It has been probably one of the best weekends I have had in ages if I'm being totally frank! Thanks for all those that attended, and some of the new faces I have been waiting to meet for ages was well worth the wait. Now have the post meet blues but am just lost for words really as it was just Great! People who have been taking photos of the meet please send to me via facebook or other methods, so I can pick some from the bunch for our Guildford Picture Story over the next few days. I look forward to see the majority of you again at Thorpe Park on the 24th March plus more!
  17. Your right! Back in the 90's before the new trains took over there was loads of signs in the queueline to say you had 30-40 seconds to drop your bags, get in your seat and be checked. As it appeared in the queueline a few times I remember it made us guests have a sense of urgency in the queue thinking if we didn't get in on time the train will leave and we'd get run over - it was also a lively environment as there was a lot of focus. The new trains come in and all is lost
  18. AJ


    Oblivion I do find very comfortable and being tall does mean the majority of coasters whilst riding them are comfortable as your head is cleared from the restraints to be bashed into. Tall people however have problems with Top Spins, as soon as those restraints go down they dig right into my shoulders and constantly pushing down. Your chest feels squeezed as it's at the top of the restraint and you can't move an inch - Painful as hell before the ride has even started let alone when it moves!
  19. Samurai at Chessington was legendary, and because of how I remember how it was - I've never got into it at Thorpe Sadly due to that hairline crack they found on transfer grrrrr. That was a good reminder there Han, I remember the days when Chessington would close really late. That was awesome! Fingers crossed one day they'll bring them back to how it was it's been 13 years
  20. AJ


    I've been a qualified First Aider at work now for 5 years and it's come in very handy, getting jobs when I've lost some. I remember when I once worked at Marks & Spencer I signed up to the course they would pay for as it'll mean I would of got another £0.20 per hour and for a 17/18 year old still in college that was a big deal! However when I first signed up I was expecting to deal with the odd kid who scraped his knee or the old lady who might faint in the heat, just little minor things you can deal with easily - however my first ever situation was quite horrific. I remember the date quite well as I passed on Valentines Day in 07 and was on duty the following day. It just so happened my first call out was someone who had jumped 3 floors in the shopping mall in Bromley and landed outside our store. The guy nearly fell on top of a pregnant lady and her baby after having an argument with his girlfriend and mum after phoning them suggesting what he was going to do. Never seen so much blood, all his bones were broken so couldn't move him - luckily the Glades had an air tank to help him breathe as the broken ribs had punctured his lungs. There wasn't much you could do really but put foil on top of him to keep him warm waiting for the air ambulance as he turned blue. The thing that got me however and I still have a vivid image of this in my head is when he got carried out on a stretcher and bits of his brain fell out. Albeit to say he died later that night in hospital - surprised tbh he survived that long, so my first ever casualty died! I know when you renew your course as an ice breaker they go round and say what your first ever case was and no one seems to beat me on the scale of OMG!
  21. Live Life to the full, as tomorrow you might be dead - 'Buffy - Speaking at the bronze, S1E1'
  22. AJ

    2013 Changes

    They will just blame it on the Truple recession instead and that no one could afford to go
  23. Same experience for me to. I've had some complete dire experiences there, but I've had enough great experiences with the great food and the indoor heat to keep me coming back to the Glass House. Plus it's a great place to just sit down and chill and chat with your mates. However not getting the AP discount on your meals? Perhaps you had a newbie serving you - I've had pleasure taking up on the AP discount for the £12 meal deal all year round - even up to the last weekend! I am too guted about the Greedy Goblin, I thought it was a fantastic eating venue and loved eating there. Since it's gone I have never set foot back into the building Didn't even realise it was a fake Nando's as I've refused to look at it since it took away my Greedy Goblin. Which now means where can you get the decent pub grub at Chessington nowadays?
  24. AJ


    He used to play a gangster in brookside for years when it first started. He was a sinister character and many characters would owe him debt and many other things - Was well known back in the day for playing the role. Due to his 'evil' presense in the soap world then that's why he may of been hired to play the lord of darkness
  25. AJ

    2013 Changes

    Saw alive was closed due to the high running costs. Actors are not cheap! The attraction was not pulling in the crowds as expected hence why they're just opening it at fright nights. I'm sure once the saw franchise is removed from it after the contract ends they'll some day make use of the area again. I agree it's a large space unused and the path leading up to it from vortex just feels dormant but I'm sure one day it'll become more lively.
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