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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Fortunately I only had my first filling 3 years ago for which I was quite looking forward to it as I like the random prodding and attention the dentist does - it's like a mouth massage - random, and odd yes. However I had known from X-Rays that my wisdom teeth have been rotting away inside my gums and at one point they will have to get pulled out as they just didn't want to appear to be cleaned. This is what caused my first filling when my first wisdom tooth appeared it required attention. I got another filling 6 months later when another wisdom tooth just about came out of the gum. However this experience was horrible, my mouth wasn't numbed properly and I could feel quite a lot of what was happening and with it being quite near the gum - well yeah you get the picture. To top that off that filling fell out so had to go back and get it redone 2 weeks later. It was at this point I could hear the dentist hinting the wisdom tooth extractions would be coming up soon. After such a horrible experience the second time round I avoided the dentist for 18 months to try and delay the inevitable. However last month I couldn't leave it any longer and braced myself for news I knew I would be getting. However the news was worse than I predicted. Currently undergoing treatment where I have had to currently go to the dentist 3 times this last month. Due to me not having any room inside my mouth the wisdom teeth have damaged 2 of my back teeth due to how they have been knocking around. Had to go back the second time to sort out the filling on one side of the mouth and a 3rd time for the major filling on the other side of the mouth as they can't do your whole mouth in one go. I have my 4th visit next week for the dentist to extract one of my wisdom teeth at the top and all of this is getting my mouth ready for the hospital visit my dentist is making me go on. Due to the lack of mouth space and way the wisdom tooth is - The second extraction Is too complicated for the dentist to do so have been referred to go to either Kings College or Guys & St Thomas' for them to open my gum up from the side - remove a bit of my jaw and sew me back up. However even though all this work is quite major at the moment - the dentists has made sure I have been numbed up properly and currently the experience has been OK. However the extraction & operation I'm not too sure about at the moment. I think it all depends on the dentist and how busy they are as my new one as my old one has left to be a stay at home mum
  2. Hey Dan9, The points you made their are very valid about the one trip report being condensed into one big blog but not knowing when it has been updated. However just for your own reference (and anyone else who wants to know) The Official TPM Trip Reports Blogs get immediately updated as soon as that part has been posted into the relevant topic. I create the blog to summarise the trip so that you don't have to go through loads of posts in between each part to find the next section and also more that once those topics get archived in the future they are easily accessible to locate
  3. So you did come back! You follow instructions well . Your reward you get to enjoy Part 4 of 5 of the Official Nemesis Inferno Celebration Trip Report. We start off this part when we jump into the future when some of the hosts Nath & Megan steal my camera to say Hi Coming back to the present, Han30 channels the spirit of Sidders and refuses to budge until the ERT starts. So the rest of us went off to Rumba Rapids where ThrillSeekerAlex practices his modelling skills J.S217 is just there! This half of the group seem to be calm & content with their Rumba experience However Peaj is over excited knowing that the Nemesis Inferno Celebrations is about to begin And so it begins - First Front Row consists of the excited ScaryCoasterBoy, ThrillSeekerAlex, DarkAdder312 & TobyNBZ Thorpe Park Mania have filled up a whole train you know! Getting some back row action you will find Michelle, Sarah, TP1214 & ThrillNation. With my old mate Nath jumping into view Whilst riding our hosts played with my camera & took a sneaky shot of Dan & Francine who were great operators that night After the ERT finished, the majority of the group walked away crying After being told they couldn't go up the lift hill. So the penultimate part of this adventure concludes. But the last picture says the majority of the group - So who stayed Behind? Why should you never let enthusiasts left to their own devices by themselves in the Nemesis Inferno Station? Why has Mr. Fish turned into an Alien? All of these answers that you need to know for you to be able to move on comfortably with your life will be given to you at the latest on Monday. MONDAY! you say 'but a part is revealed every day.' Well my fellow chums - I'm off to a drinking marathon over the weekend and all the files for this report are saved at work. But you know what If your nice you MIGHT get it a bit earlier than I promised. But for your troubles of waiting I will reveal the OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO at the end of the next chapter
  4. #@!$#* #@!$#* whilst #@!$#* #@!$#* stuck #@!$#* #@!$#* work #@!$#* lucky #@!$#* #@!$#* #@!$#* #@!$#*#@!$#*#@!$#*#@!$#*!!!!!!!!
  5. And your chain of 7 meets in a row is now broken However Orlando is a MUCH better alternative - Have a fab time whenever you are going there
  6. Get the drums rolling Part 3 of 5 is ready to roll out onto your screens We finished off part 2 with the TPM explorers getting ready to Rave even though it's still a few days to go before the Ministry of Sound.... But the refurbishment of X has opened up another clubbing spot, Michelle gets into the groove In every club you will always find a young couple smooching over each over Like Smidget & IanNem foor example... Likewise you will always find someone smelling of B.O. Poor ThrillseekerAlex is subjected to Han30's armpits Generally the smelly one's are always the one's who get drunk licking the walls on the way home. Phill Pritchard & DarkAdder312 are delighted the taxi has arrived whilst KingNemesis is looking after Han30. After arriving back at THORPE PARK from the club, Mad Hatter Han30 is feeling the after effects from her rave However Peaj, Pluk & Matt Creek still seem a bit dazed drinking all that Tetleys at the club Having all that drink once again gets Pluk fired up and once again tries to start another fight in THE SWARM queueline. However TP1214 & Darkadder312 did the sensible thing and flew away Before we headed for the Nemesis Inferno celebrations, another not so mini group photo took place awwww So wish I got into that last photo - I love it! However there are more important things in life. The next chapter in this story being one of them! But who steals the camera and takes cheeky shots whilst we are riding Inferno? Is there time for one last group ride before the ERT event starts? And why is their an emotional farewell that says goodbye to the majority of the group? You just have to come I tell you. YOU MUST COME BACK TOMORROW!!!!!!
  7. You've just got back from holiday from when we were at the Ministry of Sound Lucky #@!$#*
  8. After finishing 4 hours worth of exams at work today - I can finally start my lunch at 16:45 and write you Part 2 of 5 of this wonderful, amazing, scrumptious and delightful trip report for the Nemesis Inferno Birthday ERT Event. So what will unfold in the next chapter? Before we continue R1C4Y would like to say Hi Mr. Fish, Peaj, J.S217 (wondering why R1C4Y is so happy ), Mer & KingNemesis get ready to Rush... All the way to the Flying Fish (Like the way how I used a ride name to link the story ) to greet TobyNBZ & ScaryCoasterBoy However as soon as the ride starts ScaryCoasterBoy gets upset as he gets scared of the flying fish forces However he is not he only one when we also find out Mark9 & Pluk find the Flying Fish too much to handle As the ride comes to a stop however, IanNem, Mer & J.S217 get really upset that the ride is coming to an end You know what goes well with Fish? Chilli Sauce so Mark9 decides to eat a pot of it J.S217 jumps at the opportunity to eat some chilli sauce raw Mer - Like she was at the London trip - is not impressed! Before the group get ready to dance - a nice mini group photo appears by Stealth And there we have it, Part 2 of 5 is complete. But I hear you say 'The last photo says before they go dancing, are you confused with your trips? I thought the next trip was the ministry of sound?' And also Why are so many people becoming ill in part 3? And is Pluk starting another fight? You know what I'm gonna say? You guessed correctly - come back tomorrow to find out more. Now it's the end of the day time to go home for a nap
  9. It's been a long time coming, but then you have been getting a lot of trips recently However FINALLY the Trip report Part 1 of 5 for the Nemesis Inferno ERT event has come to hit a web page near you! On our 7th Adventure of the year - I wonder what new stories will come about and old stories that make a slight return...... THORPE PARK know we hold events so they have so kindly made a sign for us for a meeting point To Start this event off J.S217 would like to say Hi We start off this story with some fun socialising in the Colossus queue line, Michelle laughs whilst Mer's neck curves When we see Slammer is actually open - Naturally we go to ride it - EC! has a wonderful tongue you know After Han30's ingenious invention at Legoland, she shows off her new range of colours she is bringing out. Sarah, Michelle & Peaj seem happy to take the first drop on Loggers Leap However Han30 is distraught her invention is starting to turn into a mini paraglider The group containing J.S217 & KingNemesis make a huge splash - Big enough to make a wave come overboard In the Saw queueline - Stretchy is deep in thought whilst EC! starts to enjoy the first bit of sun we have had this year. Marc, Mr.Fish & Han30 scream in pain going through a blade to escape the deep thinkers, whilst Peaj smiles ecstatically It's the end of Part 1 already! Damn, time does go quick after a good read huh But there's still so much more to tell you. So I'll tell you what - come back tomorrow for Part 2 and you'll wonder - Why is Mer disgruntled? Is there actually people terrified of the Flying Fish? And what is so special about chilli? Smell you laterz! After finishing 4 hours worth of exams at work today - I can finally start my lunch at 16:45 and write you Part 2 of 5 of this wonderful, amazing, scrumptious and delightful trip report for the Nemesis Inferno Birthday ERT Event. So what will unfold in the next chapter? Before we continue R1C4Y would like to say Hi Mr. Fish, Peaj, J.S217 (wondering why R1C4Y is so happy ), Mer & KingNemesis get ready to Rush... All the way to the Flying Fish (Like the way how I used a ride name to link the story ) to greet TobyNBZ & ScaryCoasterBoy However as soon as the ride starts ScaryCoasterBoy gets upset as he gets scared of the flying fish forces However he is not he only one when we also find out Mark9 & Pluk find the Flying Fish too much to handle As the ride comes to a stop however, IanNem, Mer & J.S217 get really upset that the ride is coming to an end You know what goes well with Fish? Chilli Sauce so Mark9 decides to eat a pot of it J.S217 jumps at the opportunity to eat some chilli sauce raw Mer - Like she was at the London trip - is not impressed! Before the group get ready to dance - a nice mini group photo appears by Stealth And there we have it, Part 2 of 5 is complete. But I hear you say 'The last photo says before they go dancing, are you confused with your trips? I thought the next trip was the ministry of sound?' And also Why are so many people becoming ill in part 3? And is Pluk starting another fight? You know what I'm gonna say? You guessed correctly - come back tomorrow to find out more. Now it's the end of the day time to go home for a nap Get the drums rolling Part 3 of 5 is ready to roll out onto your screens We finished off part 2 with the TPM explorers getting ready to Rave even though it's still a few days to go before the Ministry of Sound.... But the refurbishment of X has opened up another clubbing spot, Michelle gets into the groove In every club you will always find a young couple smooching over each over Like Smidget & IanNem foor example... Likewise you will always find someone smelling of B.O. Poor ThrillseekerAlex is subjected to Han30's armpits Generally the smelly one's are always the one's who get drunk licking the walls on the way home. Phill Pritchard & DarkAdder312 are delighted the taxi has arrived whilst KingNemesis is looking after Han30. After arriving back at THORPE PARK from the club, Mad Hatter Han30 is feeling the after effects from her rave However Peaj, Pluk & Matt Creek still seem a bit dazed drinking all that Tetleys at the club Having all that drink once again gets Pluk fired up and once again tries to start another fight in THE SWARM queueline. However TP1214 & Darkadder312 did the sensible thing and flew away Before we headed for the Nemesis Inferno celebrations, another not so mini group photo took place awwww So wish I got into that last photo - I love it! However there are more important things in life. The next chapter in this story being one of them! But who steals the camera and takes cheeky shots whilst we are riding Inferno? Is there time for one last group ride before the ERT event starts? And why is their an emotional farewell that says goodbye to the majority of the group? You just have to come I tell you. YOU MUST COME BACK TOMORROW!!!!!! So you did come back! You follow instructions well . Your reward you get to enjoy Part 4 of 5 of the Official Nemesis Inferno Celebration Trip Report. We start off this part when we jump into the future when some of the hosts Nath & Megan steal my camera to say Hi Coming back to the present, Han30 channels the spirit of Sidders and refuses to budge until the ERT starts. So the rest of us went off to Rumba Rapids where ThrillSeekerAlex practices his modelling skills J.S217 is just there! This half of the group seem to be calm & content with their Rumba experience However Peaj is over excited knowing that the Nemesis Inferno Celebrations is about to begin And so it begins - First Front Row consists of the excited ScaryCoasterBoy, ThrillSeekerAlex, DarkAdder312 & TobyNBZ Thorpe Park Mania have filled up a whole train you know! Getting some back row action you will find Michelle, Sarah, TP1214 & ThrillNation. With my old mate Nath jumping into view Whilst riding our hosts played with my camera & took a sneaky shot of Dan & Francis who were great operators that night After the ERT finished, the majority of the group walked away crying After being told they couldn't go up the lift hill. So the penultimate part of this adventure concludes. But the last picture says the majority of the group - So who stayed Behind? Why should you never let enthusiasts left to their own devices by themselves in the Nemesis Inferno Station? Why has Mr. Fish turned into an Alien? All of these answers that you need to know for you to be able to move on comfortably with your life will be given to you at the latest on Monday. MONDAY! you say 'but a part is revealed every day.' Well my fellow chums - I'm off to a drinking marathon over the weekend and all the files for this report are saved at work. But you know what If your nice you MIGHT get it a bit earlier than I promised. But for your troubles of waiting I will reveal the OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO at the end of the next chapter Welcome back to the final part - 5 of 5 of the official Nemesis Inferno Birthday Celebrations Report. Congratulations you survived the weekend hanging on the verge of existence wondering what will happen. You can now take a breather as your about to see the conclusion. The Secret Six - Peaj, Darkadder312, Matthew, J.S217, Han30 & Michelle got to stay in the station for the Lift Hill walk With no one around, Han30, Michelle & J.S217 touch Nemesis Inferno in a way that no one should.... Michelle & Peaj then pose outside the railings - Just because they could After the behind the scenes tour, some lucky TPM Adventurers got to also go up the lift hill. Lucky #@$!% getting everything Whilst waiting to leave the park a game of Drink Capsule Jenga erupted to loads of interest However R1C4Y was more interested in playing ping pong and losing the balls on top of the games machines There is also a new claw machine game in the dome where you can win Mer as a prize After the adventures, classic panoramic view of a meal at Frankie & Bennies & Mr. Fish starts morphing into an actual fish J.S217 struggles to keep his drink down, with the shock of what is happening in front of him Finally we are at the end of the adventure so that only means one thing. THE OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO!!!!! I would like to finish this off with a huge thumbs up for everyone sticking together. It was an extremely big group that stayed together for the entire day, so that's no mean feat! The crowds have been as good as always and a few people even mentioned on this trip (One's who can remember the meets of the old days) that the overall people on the meets have matured and everyone seems relaxed and is turning into one big happy family. To get it to that point we can only Thank You! As without you, things like this would not be happening. Once again, also a HUGE thanks to THORPE PARK for putting this together for us and in helping make these meets so special! So with all these last few meets being so close together, I now have the Ministry of Sound report to put together. I can already see your trembling with excitement.
  10. It's been a long time coming, but then you have been getting a lot of trips recently However FINALLY the Trip report Part 1 of 5 for the Nemesis Inferno ERT event has come to hit a web page near you! On our 7th Adventure of the year - I wonder what new stories will come about and old stories that make a slight return...... THORPE PARK know we hold events so they have so kindly made a sign for us for a meeting point To Start this event off J.S217 would like to say Hi We start off this story with some fun socialising in the Colossus queue line, Michelle laughs whilst Mer's neck curves When we see Slammer is actually open - Naturally we go to ride it - EC! has a wonderful tongue you know After Han30's ingenious invention at Legoland, she shows off her new range of colours she is bringing out. Sarah, Michelle & Peaj seem happy to take the first drop on Loggers Leap However Han30 is distraught her invention is starting to turn into a mini paraglider The group containing J.S217 & KingNemesis make a huge splash - Big enough to make a wave come overboard In the Saw queueline - Stretchy is deep in thought whilst EC! starts to enjoy the first bit of sun we have had this year. Marc, Mr.Fish & Han30 scream in pain going through a blade to escape the deep thinkers, whilst Peaj smiles ecstatically It's the end of Part 1 already! Damn, time does go quick after a good read huh But there's still so much more to tell you. So I'll tell you what - come back tomorrow for Part 2 and you'll wonder - Why is Mer disgruntled? Is there actually people terrified of the Flying Fish? And what is so special about chilli? Smell you laterz!
  11. Just in case people here are unaware.... This event being a Photo shoot works completely different to an ERT event. There is no guarantee you will be riding Stealth multiple times as you are told where to sit - to a degree - and there is a bit of hanging around whilst they are working out how to get the best shots. We thought this was worth mentioning due to some people being disappointed at the Swarm ERT That there was not a constant amount of re-rides, some sitting off ride for a small period. This is another fantastic opportunity that THORPE PARK have given us but want to point out that these type of events work differently to an ERT event. If this is a problem please contact me
  12. Now the date has been set for the 28th & 29th September 2013 for our Alton Towers Trip and 88% of you voted to go to the Splash Landings Waterpark during the trip for it's 10th Birthday - The poll has been reset so you can vote when you want to go. The waterpark is £12 with you annual pass which is 20% off. Now is also the time to start informing me if you are attending and what days and what parts you are attending etc.
  13. Hey coastergod. You can be any age to join the site and go on meets. And welcome all ages. Meets in the past have had people ranging from 13 to mid 50s if you want a rough idea of the demographics. However if you are under 16 we would expect that your parents would have been told where you are for your own safety as TPM can not act as your legal guardian etc.
  14. Hi again everyone, Due to the overwhelming response - All spaces are now filled! In less time than The Smiler's usual queue time However if you are still interested in attending please by all means get in touch with me. I will put you on a reserve list for when a space pops up as going by past experience organising these meets there are always some drop outs leading up to the event. Thank you everyone for your huge positive response! Peaj
  15. Good Afternoon to all of the fantastic members on here! It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce this FANTASTIC opportunity we have been given. It is something that none of you will want to miss! Thorpe Park are holding a Stealth Ice Cream Shower Photo Shoot and have invited us to attend it. Date Thursday 25th July 2013 Time 07:00am to 09:30am (Please be there on time) Number of places 30 Where - Thorpe Park Staff Entrance (By External Cash Machine) So book the day off work and come (I already have)! The reason for this is they are hoping to make it rain ice cream at the park on Thursday 25th July to announce the start of their summer activity Sun Scream. As part of this they are doing a photo shoot on the morning of the 25th and need people to ride Stealth. This photography will then be used in all of the parks publicity materials throughout the year and possibly for longer. The images could be used in newspapers, on posters, on leaflets, on social media, Park signage, etc. So if you attend please bear this in mind! If you attend you must wear light non-branded, non offensive clothing (I.e. no logos or offensive language/slogans) Everyone who takes part must be willing to sign a photography release form to allow us to use them in promotional material. If you are under 18 I will need to send you the form for your parents or guardians to sign that I will need to give to Thorpe Park early next week. Please can I also point out that general pleasant behavior will be expected at all times! You will be required to ride STEALTH a number of times and there will be breaks in the middle to give riders a breather! Please PM me immediately If you wish to attend as there are a limited amount of places - If you want to come but cannot due to not having a ticket please do not worry! THORPE PARK as an incentive to come due to the early hours mid week are offering priority passes for the day for those that come, which will include your entry. Contributing members and those who contact me first will be given priority - for details on how people are chosen for an event please look at this topic http://forum.maniahu...rom-a-tpm-trip/. However for this event there will be slightly different priorities as we need a good mixture of both genders - Deadline to book your place is on Monday 22nd July 2013 If you are coming to spend the day at THORPE PARK but cannot come to the photo shoot and want to meet up with the guys and gals from TPM there will be some additional meeting points for you all to come and join us. Outside the stealth rocks at 10:30am & 13:30pm. We will not wait if you are late! attend these meeting points and will still like to meet up beforehand you will all have my number so you can arrange to meet us in park. I think I can speak for everyone that this is just a BRILLIANT thing for THORPE PARK to allow us to come to this event, and would also like to express my Thanks at this point. Attending (33) Amber J (Guest of Peaj) Charlie R (Guest of Marc) Chris Dan9 EC! Ellie Han30 IanNem James & Co Jonny392 JoshC J.S217 Katie A (Guest of Stokeseyboy) Kerry H (Guest of Marc) Kimberley S (Guest of Stokeseyboy) Marc Matthew MattyMoo Mer Mr. Fish Peaj Phill Pritchard Planenut Ricky Rocket Ryan Sarah S (Guest of Peaj) ScaryCoasterBoy Smidget Stokeseyboy Styles ThrillNation Tommy 0 Spaces Left! PM me if your interested and will put you on the Reserve List. Chances are people will drop out before the event!
  16. 16+ if done in your own organising skills without TPM involvement. 18+ with TPM help/ involvement Also due to the votes that have been cast - THE FORUM HAS SPOKEN and has changed the provisional date to a confirmed date of 28th-29th September 2013. Date now confirmed
  17. Thanks to all those that made this day and night great fun. I will second to Pluk how impressed I was with the transformation into Ministry of Sound. Just under 18 hours in the park did take a toll on my energy - I must admit, so apologies for being grumpy/ moany between 9 and half 10, my energy levels took a tumble (not an excuse I know) and got ratty . But thanks to those who snapped me out of it ready to party it up in the dome for a brilliant night. Entertainment from some of the members in the 90s zone with their dance moves and as always look forward to the next meet. the after effects today was waking up feeling sluggish so thought I'd have a hair of the dog laying in my mates paddling pool in the garden. Next time I promise I won't start drinking before 10am....
  18. I'm just really glad that I have a park nearby with such a good selection of thrill rides. I don't really know any other park that had built 5 major coasters in just over 10 years with many flats and a temporary hotel. Yes it has in the past been growing because of all the new additions but, over 10 years ago it was a completely different park. They needed to establish themselves as the thrill capital in the UK, and offer a great selection of rides rather than some predictable rides they used to have. Thorpe Park have now established themselves - the name is known - people know what it offers. 10 years ago it was just starting to be noticed. Alton Towers & Chessington have been established for much longer on the radar map and when they have had little investment on some of the years as they were established they have still survived and in some cases even thrived due to the marketing of that year. Now Thorpe Park are established - yes it would be lovely to have a great investment and I want MORE MORE MORE, but I also know I have been spoilt and been getting to used to something coming every year. Even though I'm likely not to use the Crash Pad, knowing the extra events that have come about due to it being there and in the long run will attract a different market - I can only see good things for the long term future of the park. Yes some people will not come again for a while but how they market themselves will also bring new people to the park and replace those that didn't want to come back again the following season.
  19. AJ

    The TPM Quiz 2.0

    I'll be doing it, But will be PM'ing you as I'll be in college at that point in time
  20. Yes that is perfectly fine, Being under 18 will not stop you from coming but we cannot as a group help you sort out how you will stay over. We do however welcome you to the days at the park and possible meal/s Great night life compared to the country odd pub here and there dotted around Alton (and other nearby towns come to think of it) But compared to Upon Tyne - It's crap We will see what the votes say Your 18 and over - I'm sure we can arrange something so that you can get a lift Wow attending sixth form at the weekends - Now that's dedication
  21. Good evening all of you wonderful people! I'm very excited to officially announce plans for our TPM Trip Head North: To Alton Towers! The date of the event is the weekend of Saturday 28th - Sunday 29th September 2013. As you can see it's the whole weekend! Which gives you a choice - come on the Saturday, come on the Sunday or stay the whole weekend! Please take note if you plan to stay with us overnight, it will be your responsibility to book your own rooms and unfortunately if your under 18 we cannot help you with this! If you were to stay the night - under no circumstances will TPM get involved and take responsibility with how you stay overnight, as for the overnight section of the trip will be an over 18's event.. We will however like to see you during the day at the park Also this meet Towers Nerds are more than welcome to join us for the event. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialise with our northern counterparts and to show that the enthusiast community spreads further than one forum. The Outline of the day/s will be as follows: Meet by the frog jumping fountains at 09:00 am just inside the entrance if you wish to take advantage of the park's ERT. We will hover for 5 minutes whilst everyone gets together but then going off for ERT, if by any chance you happen to miss this meet point due to travel arrangements/ Cannot participate in ERT or just plain lateness you can either a) phone or text so we can arrange to meet you or meet up at the second meeting point later in the day. This first part of the morning we will make the most of the quiet park and churn out those rides. Once the park starts to fill up a little we will get to the Nemesis Egg outside Sub-Terra in Forbidden Valley, so if for whatever reason you could not get there for opening you can meet us at 10:30 am if you had not arranged to meet beforehand via phone. Please bear in mind we will leave without you if you are late as it’s not fair on time keepers! As members have found out! We will then continue visiting the attractions and it will be arranged beforehand that we will try our best to get on all the attractions.. I know not everyone will want to do some of the rides at Alton Towers. If you decide to not come on please be polite and wait for everyone to come off and chat to other members whilst you are waiting. Or go off and do another attraction as long as you’ll be back after the group has finished riding the attraction. Please respect other people’s wishes who wish to ride certain things that you yourself may not be too keen with. During the day, around half 1, we will stop for a bite to eat where you can go and eat where you like and we will arrange where to meet after everyone has finished eating. (Who knows we might all want to eat the same thing anyway ) After lunch we will group together for the Official Group Photo for the meet and continue going round the park and riding the attractions people want to do until the park closes. I will be handing out my phone number for everyone who is attending the meet that day, should there be any problems. We aim to stay together as a group for the day, going from one activity to the next, enjoying getting to know people you share very similar interests with, the idea is to just go with the flow and enjoy the day with some awesome people. There will be many photo’s in the day being taken and the possibility of a few video clips. Whilst we cannot force you to stay with the group, it is the general purpose of these meets! You will have my number (and some of the senior teams) if you become split so by all means use it. The meets are a fantastic laugh and everyone is invited, even if you have never posted before or been to any kind of meet at all. If it's your first meet, I understand it can be nerve breaking - but we were all there at one point so know how it feels, please don't let this stop you from attending - Once there you'll be part of the group in no time! Just look at the past trips this year! I will soon be posting up a separate post on possible accommodation locations which you can use to help you decide where to sleep (If your staying for the night.) If however you know where your going already by all means book it up when we confirm the dates this time next week. I know for example I will be staying at a Travelodge in Newcastle half hour away as it has some good night life around there Once again, everyone will have my phone number so please use it on the day If anyone has any issues or concerns or even nervous about coming, feel free to post here, or PM myself and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you feel like my response is taking too long another member of the team will be more than happy to help. We will all try and help you out as much as we can. Please PM me or post here to say if you’re attending. If you are bringing a mate along with you, please also include who they are so they are not known as ‘Plus 1.’ The events with TPM have been fantastic this year and this one will be no different! Attending (21) Alpengeist Darkadder312 EC! EndlessDayz Han30 IanNem James & Co J.S217 Liam_T Luke_A Marc Mer Mr. Fish Myk (Coming with HackSaw) Peaj Robert (From Tower Nerds) Smidget Stretchy Styles TopsyTurvey15
  22. With these events though - and I will use a concert as an example. With an annual pass discount the cost of the concert for what your getting us a margin less than what you would pay at a normal venue. I understand points made that if you wanted to see an artist you won't see them at a theme park but the theme park concerts have a smaller amount of people than you would have at a venue and its more of a personalised/ intimate feel in my opinion. Plus at Alton towers discount on your drink to make it standard pub price to the typical concert venue prices makes up for it greatly, I assure you when you are getting in the party spirit! In response to Pluk - yes the theme park is more crowded but these events I come for the event/ concert - not the rides - they are just a bonus. Today I feel I've done pretty well in the 3 hours it was open before the concert - 13/ smiler x 3/ rapids/ duel/ oblivion - that's a big bonus in my eyes from my point previously covered. Will try and do a little report of the event today later but so far it seems to be a great success. To the point traffic is an hour and a half to get onto the resort with traffic goin back all the way to stoke! Weather is helping the mood I'm sure
  23. AJ

    The Smiler

    Well whatever was wrong with it - it's now back in operation with queues going back all the way to the towers - Joy! Looking forward to a couple of years time when I can start looking at it as part if the ride line up. Currently it's enjoy the park without the smiler and queue up just before the queue closes for the day However the tickler, the hypnotiser and the flasher are not working!
  24. AJ

    The Smiler

    It appears the smiler is closed again today
  25. So the final leg has come to us - But what is going to happen in the last chapter now Legoland is about to close . Let's continue with this story to find out what happens... After leaving Legoland we continued our trip to Central London - (It's Christmas already ) However London seems to be currently under a terrorist attack To escape the group took a one way teleport system back to Legoland, to start making their way home but were faced with a problem Maybe delays equalled MAJOR delays and this photo does not give it any justice to what we faced To admire the view and to take it all in Mr. Fish feeling hurt by Han30's rejection turns Han30 into a leaning post Phill Pritchard starts to fall asleep at the wheel due to cars literally moving a few inches every few minutes So the group decide to quit waiting and go back into the park when Han30 decides to cook for everyone The warmth inside - The pizza, The cider everyone starts to relax and enjoys another after meet meal - But this time on park! With Peaj's new found weight loss he struggles to eat the poisoned food Han30 fed him and looks like he is about to collapse. After all this it is time for the one and only Official Legoland 2013 Group Photo - Awww!!! So there we have it - half way through the trip reports for this year. And due to the close proximity of the current meets you get another one starting on Monday . I'd like to thank everyone that came to Legoland - I was actually amazed at the turnout for it, in the past Legoland only used to grab a handful of people and mid way through the day people bugger off to Thorpe Park, but this time everyone stayed together AND stayed at Legoland. The meets have been a great laugh so far this year and It's a pleasure to get them all together for ya's. You'll find all the other photo's on my facebook that has just been uploaded.
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