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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. Click here for the Stealth construction mini-site "how does it work pictures" section at Thorpe Park.com = still on their website! These are some of Stealth's finest pictures.

    Theme Park Bloke, the cobra roll you found is on Alpengeist in Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. I have been on it once but I can't remember the roll specifically well; I know it was more forceful and (imo) better than Colossus' because it didn't hurt me :D

    Well, we all know how smooth B&M inverters are.

    Ooo yes, 'tis a very smooth transition throughout the entire ride. Alas, Colossus is not. :D

    It was once.

    OMG > don't get me started.

    Kleenex?I know what you mean though, it's bunny hop is well designed. At the hop's peak, you are level with the window in the shop, so it makes everyone look twice ahead, thinking they're gonna end up in the shop! On my very first ride I ducked because I thought I was gonna hit my head on the underneath of the shop!
  2. I sometimes wonder why they invented the Nintendo DS. Some of the games they make for it are just awful! Look after your own puppy-type games and other simple ones that you can find elsewhere are just a few prime examples. The only decent one is a coking tutorial.

  3. Can we get Colossus some new trains, please! Would sort out roughness, and the awkwardness that is loading.

    No we cannot. And new trains is not going to sort out the roughness. Don't forget each train has a new set of wheels for every season, and at the beginning of the seasons, the ride is still rough!

    Not to mention the lack of legroom, argh it hurts.

    Yes, as my mate with size 15 once found out!

    Being dragged off the top of the lift hill is great!

    Being dragged off the top of any lift hill is great! I must ride Nemesis at the back when I go back in February!
  4. Detonator seems to be 50/50. Some days it has a good days and and some it has bad. It seems that since they introduced the awful music that you can't hear when walking past it hs gone downhill. I haven't rode it since mid-2006. Another thing I hate is the rumbling noise it makes from the box at the side when the catch car is driving back down.

  5. Enough of what? I have not started anything.People can't see here that it wasn't safe to let it get up the lift hill before letting them off. Because I certainly wouldn't let that happen. People here are turning around what I am saying. If they can't see that letting it get up the lift hill wasn't safe before hitting the emergency stop button, then that's not my fault. Surely before the despatch the ride operator must have realised something was wrong, because then the team would've realised and not let anyone load, thus evacuating the queueline. It's a bit different if it left the station and that point they realised something was wrong.It is clear it left the station and headed for the lift hill, they then hit the emergency stop button. Therefore a ride operator and other employees are responsible.

    His point is that they should have let the train go all the way round instead of E-stopping it on the lift hill.

    No, no, no, no, no! And this is where people are wrong. Cripes at this rate I'm gonna have to spell it out sentance for sentance, for actually what happened, and what should have happened. I'm sorry Mark, but you've seen it just like everyone else has here - completely wrong.
  6. I'm sure more than half the operators find out somethings wrong, decide to fill up a train, check restraints send then estop on lift. Such a laugh. Theme park bloke - you are a moron, goodbye.

    And you've just been reported!Just because we're all visitors and you're a ride operator, and visitors don't know that much, are we all morons? Because according to you we are.Well Peter, I know how things work, and I know I'm right on this.
  7. Looking at the picture, I hope the cars make it up that banked turn into the brakerun :unsure::o Great picture though.

    Is that the section that goes to the left in the picture, of the section which comes towards us?The latest update of pictures certainly are the best. Am I right in thinking that the CCR is going a slightly different route now? I mean, yeah, it's going the same route that it was changed to in 2007, but surely one or 2 sections of it will be different thanks to Saw?!You never know, the CCR may be packed next year! Anything for a good view!
  8. Another rant:In the papers, I keep on reading about Strictly Come Dancing, and how John Sergeant's poor dancing is making the public love him and keep him in, and infuriating the judges! So what?! If they love it, keep him, yes, so why are the judges wanting him out, no matter how bad it is!I wanna keep Christine Bleakley and Rachel Stevens in, now what do you say about that judges, has that annoyed you?

  9. Ooh, an update!Posted ImageI love that spiral staircase!The theming's starting to happen, as is the electrics for lighting and power! Comissioning of the ride starts in January. And this is interesting too: "The general area around the ride is starting to take shape with some of the foundations for theming being prepared and the excavation of the channel which will turn the site for SAW - The Ride, into an island."

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