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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Ellie


    Yay! Me too. I used to have one which was one half dark glittery green and the other half red You can buy these on ebay, I found an ebay shop selling loads :(They're called pop boxes
  2. Ellie


    Anyone else remember these
  3. *waiter brings rib eye steak*Mark: .....I ordered ribs...Waitress: I thought Ribeye Steak was the same as ribs..... isn't it?
  4. Thank you for your poor attempt at a compliment.
  5. It's like stalking without the effort p.s. I cant believe you cut me out of that picture lol
  6. Yep, they do! The canvas ones do as its just material. But then again the sole is surrounded by rubber so doesnt really get to the soles, mainly just the upper part. Unless you stamp in a puddle! :PHi btw
  7. For a start I technically don't work with food, I work with 'dry goods'. ;)It's cool, happens a lot but it doesn't affect anybody else, this was just the worst it's been. It's to do with my asthma so isn't infectious and only happens in the morning, I'm fine now! It's just disgusting...
  8. Don't you just hate it when you throw up into your hands, then repeatedly into the toilet for 15 minutes and have to be at work in an hour
  9. Ellie


  10. Just for info, in the room I've booked is; Tidal Rave, Dan A, Chris, Dan H and me
  11. Ellie


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga1WAHn0dK0Don't blame me if you read the translation in the description
  12. I'd like to say a big congratulations to my step dad for successfully ruining another day by being rude and selfish. Well done!
  13. Ellie


    Waitrose and John Lewis staff get so many good discounts!
  14. I quite clearly don't care about Tescos. If you already knew them, why try searching for them
  15. I'll be there Sheepie and 7pm sounds great to me!
  16. I think the only Tescos in Reading is the tesco extra garage in Southcote...
  17. I can't stand smokers. It's been building up for years and years but I just cant stand smokers. Smokers are weak and pathetic in my mind. Many people take up smoking socially because they think it's 'cool', they want to be like their friends or their friends encourage them to do it. Why take it up knowing that it smells disgusting, gives you premature wrinkles, yellow teeth and nails, bad breath, causes asthma and a build up of tar in the lungs and makes you 10 times more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease when you're older because it makes the fat stick to the inside of your blood vessels. CHD, btw, can lead to heart attacks, people, heart attacks!! It's the biggest waste of money I can think of. Who on earth thinks; 'Hey, you know what, I want to start smoking even though there are no benefits whatsoever'. STUPID IDIOTS, that's who!And it's not enough that they decide to ruin their own lives, oh no. They decide to ruin everyone elses too! I particularly hate people that walk and smoke. Regularly, I'm walking along (this especially happens on the way to the train station where people have to walk in single file) and then BAM, the person in front of me lights up and is breathing this disgusting smoke which wafts all over me, makes me cough, and makes me feel like I smell of cigarettes. The ignorance and selfishness of it is horrible, it makes me want to punch them in the gob! ****s. Another thing is when people flick their 'fag butts' on the floor. If I just dropped an empty packet of crisps on the floor, that's disgusting and people would look at me like I'm a slob. But when people flick cigarettes on the floor, oh thats normal. It's all rubbish! Get your act together, stub it out and put it in a bloody bin!! It's even worse when they don't stub the cigarette out before or after they've thrown it to the ground! It's just sat there, infecting the air around me with the smoke. ERGGGGGGG!!! I hate all of you smokers.
  18. Bring me back some snow! (And yes, it can be done, its been done before )
  19. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't try in GCSEs. I just walked through them, didn't really care what grades I was gonna get. They're not really that important though, once I've done A levels they're pretty insignificant, just as long as you've passed English and Maths. People at my college who tried desperately in their school and got As and A*s are now failing and I'm just taking the same attitude I was before. It's not that I absorb the information, being calm just helps me focus and feel better. You wear yourself out by being stressed!
  20. I really feel for you Tidal, my college is the complete opposite. On results day everyone was laughing, and always does, that they failed chemistry exams. I'm doing the best in my maths class with an E! You are so much better than tons of people and have the ability to do something so good at uni. You really shouldnt waste it.
  21. What's this? Smells like....Beef.
  22. People. I hate people. People are sh*t.
  23. Ellie


    That record company writes songs and makes videos on request by paying customers. Her mum apparently paid $2000 for that video to be made.
  24. Ellie


    http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/5-minute-nutella-mug-cakeBest mug cake I've ever tried!I've only tried two... but thats not the point! It's so damn good. I'm not even a quarter if the way through and stuffed :PMade a bit of a mess of the microwave though... and the mug.... and the kitchen. FUN ;)Update: I gave up. Theres loads left!!
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