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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. "I'm so cool I'm going to drink alcohol while everyone else is having fun blah blah."
  2. Foot is swollen and sore. Won't be skating. Anyone wanna sit in the cafe with me? :\
  3. I would like to see a retheme or revamp of X. It's looking a bit shabby bless it but its still a good ride! Even just sorting out the old lighting in the ride would be an improvement. Anyone know why they stopped using the old lighting?
  4. Ellie

    News Desk

    Ricky! That's out of line. Give Outfit a chance before criticising him. He's grown up enough to be sensible and mature about this. Perhaps you should try too?
  5. I'll just put this away...
  6. Haha oops. That's the problem with wishes, gotta be specific otherwise they'll come round to bite you in the arse. It's true, I saw it in a film once.
  7. Congratulations, you just wished your family into debt.
  8. As idiotic as he may be it still makes sense. You could aim to make something but it doesn't turn out as well, then a few years later and the formula is perfected elsewhere.
  9. Ellie


  10. They can just take pictures of us looking pretty on the ice
  11. This is an inappropriate comment for tpm, we have people under the age of 16 here Harry. Tut tut.
  12. Ellie

    This Or That

    Sea lions.Gnomes or Elves?
  13. Ellie

    TPM awardssss

    It was clearly just to piss off Rich :DHaha! Sexiest fangirl?!
  14. I've gotta say, I strongly approve of your tv viewing my friend
  15. Haha, Posts: 1 ;)Welcome Dave! Do you enjoy comedy reruns?
  16. Ellie


    Nah they werent with us, just sorta followed us around...
  17. Ellie


    Guess which one I am although I look like a big rectangle
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