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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. An old picture I found of my dog when he was a puppy two years ago, curled up asleep on my tummy
  2. Ellie


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69vfQtkTqLAI'm in love with this track.
  3. Ellie


    LOL didn't see this before love it.
  4. Ellie


    Ha, I'm not surprised. Last year, massive mosh pit opened up and everyone toppled sideways! In Mumford and Sons!! Watched people fall to my feet, I was by a fence and a hench guy so I wasnt falling anywhere!
  5. Ellie


    I swear one year mosh pits will form in the alternative stage for a comedian... Reading is just full of nutters.
  6. Ellie


    Ehhhh, Kawaii!! :3:)
  7. I saw my best friend everyday, we practically lived at each others houses. And France is 'next door' but, especially from the age of 10, how was I supposed to see her? I still wouldnt be allowed to now and my parents would never go with me so how big the distance is really makes no difference, I still wasnt able to see her...
  8. I'm seeing one of mine for the first time in 7 years as her family moved to France. They never really stop being a best friend
  9. Ellie


    No my HTC Desire is dead. Kaput. After a while it was getting difficult to get the charger/connector into a position for it to charge and in the end it just stopped charging. It slowed down loads too though I did have a 4000+ text conversation on there....
  10. Wasn't Pixar saying that they wanted to do a Cars sequal but the contract didn't allow it? Whyy would they lie? :SI wanna go see:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPo4XdeSL4QAnyone? Nope? Nobody? So erm.... I'll just go by myself...
  11. Ellie

    We're not relatively young now?! I feel old. Omg is that a wrinkle!!

  12. Ellie


    Wondering whether punching a colleague in the face would be worth losing my job...
  13. Ellie


    So, on the weekend, went on a Virgin Pendolino train for the first time. On my outward journey the train was packed and I'd gotten an earlier train so had no seat booked. It felt very dark and gloomy, looked a bit like a narrow airplane. I didn't really see what the fuss was about until my return journey! It was empty, had a window seat, could see out windows either side of the train. It's really cool seeing the train tilt through the corners and only being able to see sky out of one window
  14. Ellie

    Lush Cosmetics

    Too expensive for what it is. Love the chocolate face mask though
  15. Oh Matt, hello you beautiful person! You're back :)

  16. Just read all the old posts on my tpm profile wall. Oh the memories ;)

  17. Funny really how Kevin feels the better of the two parks is Chessington partly because of its themeing and atmosphere. So why he's complaining about adding a little more themeing to Storm Surge I don't know.
  18. People just see it as an oppportunity for a free for all. It is in no way linked to the shooting anymore, people are just taking advantage of the fact that all the police's actions are currently under scrutiny.
  19. Ellie


  20. Father Time?I don't get it, are you gonna tell us something you know or are we really just guessing...
  21. Love the site, the video, artwork, idea. Hate the name. The swarm just doesn't sound like a ride. Let's go ride the swarm? Not feeling it. Keeping my hopes up that it'll live up to what looks to be a good theme!!
  22. Thanks for drawing more attention!!!! [/sarcasm]
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