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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Check my post again. I didn't say he was queue jumping, I said he was jumping the queue's fence.
  2. Ellie


    I watched them too! Then proceeded to spend the next hour watching other various JK videos on youtube.... bed time!
  3. Ellie


    "And she said: You ent my muva and I ent your door-uh."
  4. Don't know if you noticed... but, by your left cheek, there's someone *cough*chav*cough* jumping over the queue-line fence with both butt cheek outlines visible. Just sayin'
  5. The youngest I think I've met at a meet was 13 I was 14 when I went to my first meet :PI'm 16 and others are 16/17 so you wont be far off
  6. Ellie


    In contrast to 99% of people, I quite like the line up. Enter Shikari on main stage!Not quite sure what they were thinking with the Streets though?
  7. It was only an idea. Thinking about it, would be best to sleep after it for a tpm meal? But what do you guys think?
  8. Pretty sure it'll be dead.10 minute queues maybe, if not walk ons.
  9. Thanks Ross!Lovely mod? You'll be waiting a while
  10. Well I would like to blame Daniel up there for incorrectly informing me its a Sunday! :P7.46am? That'd mean leaving home around 6.50am, getting up at 6am? You guys are mad! I'd rather be late for the meet Some of us are thinking of getting a hotel so could do the night before depending on opinions. Would make my life easier. hint hint ;)Otherwise ill turn up later in the day. I'm not nice when I'm tired
  11. Reading. Takes around 2 hours and on Sundays, getting to station for an early enough train is a problem. I usually get to chessie around 11.
  12. Chessie is too far away for some people to get to for 10am. *cough* me :PIf we made the meet a little later, there will no doubt be tpmers there earlier to meet up for the beginning of the day!
  13. YES YES YES. ASAP please! Easter sounds good, first week preferably due to revising?Thank you Sheepie
  14. Ellie


    Looking at it now! It's beautiful
  15. Ellie


    I'ma sorry! My accenta, ita does not showa over the internet!
  16. Ellie


    Sexy new avatar, ja? Just living up to my reputation as 'sexiest fangirl 2010'.
  17. Bloody typical. The night I actually have the money to pay for my provisional, after so many times on previous occasions just going through the application for no reason, the site has 'technical problems'.
  18. Maybe I definitely didn't look through his folders.
  19. Ellie


    I don't care? I never gave praise to Apple so there was no need to correct me...
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