Don't know if you noticed... but, by your left cheek, there's someone *cough*chav*cough* jumping over the queue-line fence with both butt cheek outlines visible. Just sayin'
Well I would like to blame Daniel up there for incorrectly informing me its a Sunday! :P7.46am? That'd mean leaving home around 6.50am, getting up at 6am? You guys are mad! I'd rather be late for the meet Some of us are thinking of getting a hotel so could do the night before depending on opinions. Would make my life easier. hint hint ;)Otherwise ill turn up later in the day. I'm not nice when I'm tired
Chessie is too far away for some people to get to for 10am. *cough* me :PIf we made the meet a little later, there will no doubt be tpmers there earlier to meet up for the beginning of the day!
Bloody typical. The night I actually have the money to pay for my provisional, after so many times on previous occasions just going through the application for no reason, the site has 'technical problems'.