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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Ellie


    Peter and Outfit, you two are quite alike.
  2. Ellie


    Lol, basically, it's good that they're living in the same town as each other because they're married.
  3. Okays my dear! I hopes to see you there =3 xxx

  4. You. Are. Going.

    The march meet, you will be there. My dear, you have to beee!! D: xxx

  5. Lol, Tim, that's the one in Reading isn't it? He didn't mean that specific shop. Outfit works in John Lewis in KIngston and he doesn't like his job... at all. He's not attacking the Reading John Lewis
  6. Ellie


    ELLIE PWNS. Professor X is teh failrar.
  7. Professor X is currently peeing.

  8. Ehehe =3 I likes it ^-^

  9. LYING LIAR LIARPANTS. Stop lying.

  10. Beeeethhhh my dear!

    LOL that'd be really cool actually xD

    Buh we still need to meet in Reading at some point because today I found this manga shop and Tim wants us to take him when we all meet up. It's near the knob shop xD

    Muchos Love x

  11. A little portable train thing in Basingstoke. Thought I might as well...
  12. Lol, you sig made me giggle xD

  13. Merry Christmas my dear ^-^ xx

  14. I feel for you. I really do.
  15. Ellie


    Looky what I found!!I thought it was funny anyway
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