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About noob230

  • Birthday December 28

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  • Favourite ride
    Nemesis Inferno, Th13teen & Black Buccaneer
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Alton Towers

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  1. Fangtasia/Vampires shop was apparently unaffected by the fire
  2. They already had one at AT called Bone Shake/Energizer but it was removed.
  3. God, those metal coverings look AWFUL, nice one H&S
  4. They wouldn't rush the music just because construction was delayed... They've had ages to do it. I like it, if fits in with the whole 'Not-serious-but-very-serious' atmosphere - and it drives you crazy
  5. Looking fantastic They really missed a great opportunity with the Smiler eyes over the entrance... Would of been fab if they spun!
  6. Does anyone have a download link for the old End of the Day theme? I remember there used to be one in the audio section but it's disappeared
  7. Hello, I'm back! I've been a member since 2008, went on one TPM Chessie meet-up and met a few of you! I went away for a few months but came back for The Smiler updates How is everyone doing?
  8. You're asking if they are going to flood the ride area? Yes. Yes they are.
  9. The thing I love about the Marmaliser, is that it's so cartoon-ish. At first I thought The Tickler looked naff but in that photo showing how close they are to the track and the garish yellow, along with the oversized Syringes, It's like a machine straight out of Acme™
  10. The majority of the general public think it's a good addition to the park, with the only down point being the animals kept away during the cold moments. They even said the water cave was surprising and exciting
  11. Do you think "The Flasher" would be where the ORP would be placed/taken?
  12. noob230


    It's amazing what a lick of paint and some lights can do to make a difference
  13. Does anyone have a "Call to Adventure" download link as the earlier ones have been removed? (2 years, 2 late )
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