Sheepie, you aren't talking about someone you met yesterday, you have known him for almost two years. True you haven't actually met, but over that length of time you get a pretty good idea what a person is like - they would have to be totally insincere and very clever to keep up a 'personality' for that length of time, without showing 'chinks' of their true self.So, you like him, the next step would be to meet up and spend a bit of time together. The fact that you haven't already done that suggests to me that there is something you are wary of, so do it properly, and publically. Let him know that you think it is time to meet and get to know each other better, but not necessarily in 'that' way, and see how it goes.The trouble is that, at the moment, you say you are tortured by the situation, so you have to go for it, if only to release the torture. It might work, or it might not. If it is 'complicated' then that is up to both of you to work together to sort that one out - commitment is everything in life. The real deal is always that you can either live your life regretting the things you could have done, rather than living your life knowing that you didn't pass up opportunities. Both can cause the same amount of joy and pain, but surely it is better to have tried than not?Uhm, hope this helps.