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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Air (6) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (8) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (2) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (1) The Gardens (8) Sub Terra + RMT - The minus would go to The Gardens, but saving Sub Terra and knocking out something else is more important at this stage.. XD
  2. I think that the way Alton's planning permission works is they have a General Development Order (not entirely sure if that's right?) so that they don't actually need to apply for planning permission for any coasters in the main park, as long as they meet the pre-agreed conditions in the GDO. The planning permission was more for the construction of the station building and large theming, I think.So, in theory, it is possible that the layout we've seen on the plans could differ to the layout we get. There are a couple of things which lead people to think this is the case, such as the track crossing bits of theming / itself on the plans and the rumours that what we've got was not the original plan for SW7. Personally, I don't think the track will change dramatically / at all, but the hole for the interlocking batwing / cobra roll is a lot deeper than shown on the plans, so possibly the track is too? There's been the rumours of the 'actual' SW7 being pushed back till SW8 due to technical issues or something, hence why we've got this unexpected coaster. I've heard rumours that trick track was meant to be involved, possibly what TT had mentioned, and then that had issues, which has resulted in the delay we've got now. Really and truly, this project is a complete mystery, and my goodness I'm loving it.. Personally, I think that SW7 is the first coaster to feature invisible track, and most of the coaster has already been built...
  3. Air (6) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (6) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (3) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (4) The Gardens (5) Sub Terra + Gardens - "If I wanted to look at grass, I'd go to a Garden Centre"
  4. I'd be very interested to see where / when they posted that. I know that rides aren't paid in one lump sum, but for them to publicly say 'We're in debt after building Swarm' (maybe not those words, but to a similar effect), would but rather silly of them (could spark fears that 'Thorpe Park' is in debt and may not open or whatever with all the stupid rumours that happen on the internet..)
  5. Air (5) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (6) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) The Gardens (3) Th13teen (2) Th13teen (+1) The Gardens (-1) Standard choice for me. EDIT:
  6. His turn is just reversing Benin's decision, and is quicker to say so than the quote thing.. My go.. Air (5) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (6) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) The Gardens (1) Th13teen (4) Th13teen (+1) Gardens (-1) (Includes pluk's go!)
  7. The Swarm backwards rumours said that only the back two rows would be turned backwards. Hence, it could reduce throughput because many people would want to go backwards, but then there's only 2 rows, which can cause huge complications. A bit similar to how Single Rider Queues can reduce throughput if they're not run properly I guess, except to a greater extreme. It just seems so ridiculously unlikely I don't know why we're even considered it.. (Then again, whenever I say something like that, I've always found that thing actually happens, so I have no idea what to think.. ) As for this big announcement, would it really be the return of CCR? I mean, they're announcing it on Facebook (and likely Twitter) to their millions of fans - would they take that opportunity to advertise a ride re-opening that doesn't directly fit their target market? Personally, I don't think so - they're going to use this opportunity to announce something bigger than that, and something that hasn't already been announced (ie - it won't be The Crash Pad, though I guess it could be something special about them).
  8. Air (5) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (6) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) The Gardens (1) Th13teen (4) Th13teen + Gardens -
  9. Gonna need some more members playing to settle this one...
  10. Air (5) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (5) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) The Gardens (3) Th13teen (3) Th13teen + Gardens - If you go down to the woods today, you better knock The Gardens out of the competition first...
  11. Air (5) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (6) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (5) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) The Gardens (4) Th13teen (4) Sub Terra + Gardens - (Love them, but it's time they went I'm afraid)
  12. Helps if you actually take the 1 away Liam... Assuming the 24 hour rule applies, here goes: Air (5) Congo River Rapids (2) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (6) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) The Flume (5) The Gardens (5) Th13teen (6) CRR - 1 Nemesis + 1
  13. Ah, misunderstood you a bit there - sorry! Like the new countdown. Also makes more members aware of what the next meet is much easier as well and isn't as easily missed as a notification / announcement; all good!
  14. I quite like the countdown actually, think it should be kept. But that's still a good idea; having a scrollable list of meets on the side of the forum. Maybe replace the welcome to TPM forums box with it, which is just needless in my opinion.
  15. Yeah, happy birthday Sheep! Hope you're having a great day, whatever you're doing.
  16. Air (5) Congo River Rapids (4) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (5) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis: Sub-Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) The Flume (5) The Gardens (5) Th13teen (5) Sub Terra + CRR -
  17. First of all, great idea for a topic Benin! For me, 2013 looks set to be much of the usual, with a couple of extras. No doubt regular Thorpe trips will happen, along with a couple of Chessie trips. This year it looks likely I'll have a couple of days at AT in late summer / early Autumn (currently looking into that; nearby hotels with good transport links are a must there) and, depending on the dates, there should hopefully be a Scarefest visit on the cards as well. Then there'll probably be the usual MAP abuse, with London and Warwick Castle. When it comes to new cred, Drayton Manor is looking to be happening, either in late Spring / early Summer or Autumn. When it comes to the UK parks I haven't visited, Drayton and Flamingo Land have been the two I've wanted to visit the most, but FL is unlikely to happen this year for various reasons. But still, new cred is new cred. At the moment, European parks are off the menu it seems, mainly due to costs at this stage. However, looking ahead quite a way into the future, 2015 or 2016 could be quite huge, with the long term plan of saving up enough money to do a large Euro-trip to hit up the big parks I've wanted to visit (at this stage, really don't have a clue where exactly, but Germany, Holland and Italy are countries high up on my list at the moment... A case of waiting another year or two to make more concrete plans...)
  18. Wasn't really like that tbh - there was a LOT of focus on booking for the hotels, with all the benefits and such. They showed some rides, certainly some clips from that ad are used in this one though. No doubt someone will get a recording of it and upload soon enough though.
  19. The ad I saw, which was aired about 1ish, had nothing related to SW7 in it. The main focus was about booking hotels and the like, and showed some standard clips which I think I recognised from older ads.
  20. Had no idea where to post this, but may as well post it here: This was recently posted on Lightwater's Twitter account: "A few laps on The Ultimate is usually sufficient! #GetCorrected" Niceuse of that hashtag there to perhaps get people following the 'getcorrected' hashtag to look at other theme parks? Seriously love LWV's marketing / social media usage!
  21. So, new year, let's try and make use of the TPM calendar a bit more (this is said every so often and never works out, but let's try.. ). A happy birthday to scarycoasterboy, aka Adam, who turned 16 today! Hope he's had a great day.
  22. Personally, I don't see the point in having an on ride camera on Vortex. In general, flat rides aren't particularly suited to having them and sometimes look very displeasing to the eye (I think that in particular would be a problem for Vortex). Also, I just don't think there'd be enough demand for it. Detonator had ORPs installed in 2011, and during most of my visits last season, I didn't even see it open - probably due to lack of demand. Out of all the rides on park, I just don't think Vortex is a ride people would want to have a photo of themselves to take home.
  23. In my eyes, it will be a disappointment if this ride doesn't open when the park opens. 16th March has always been the planned opening, as shown on some PR releases and the countdown. Regardless of how many people know when the ride was planned to be opened, if the park opens without SW7, there will no doubt be some issues with people. However, this things do happen. Rides do get delayed, issues do come up. I think we'd all much rather have a complete experience than a half-complete one. I guess it comes down to what people would prefer - the whole experience late, or a weak experience early? Whatever the answer to that question is, in my eyes, there's no doubting that a delayed opening of SW7 would be a huge disappointment, and seen by some to be a failure.
  24. Interesting that the theming has been removed... Let's not jump to gun just yet though; hopefully they're just moving it during the refurb of the restuarant / replacing it. *fingers crossed*
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