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Jake C

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Everything posted by Jake C

  1. I WAITED 3 HOURS FOR HELL GATE! it was worth it though, we also had a groupe of 15 of us so the queue was pretty funny.
  2. Jake C


    they will probally release it sometime next year, also I doubt there will be much new next year.
  3. Jake C


    id be extreamly suprised if we get a B&M coaster, I mean very. and that gose to all u.k parks.
  4. I wish the trains and the restraints were actully made like this one.http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.thorpeparkinsider.co.uk/cpg133/albums/TP/Artist%2520Impressions/Colossus/Colossus.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.thorpeparkinsider.co.uk/features/artistImpressions.php&usg=__WIH9FITctzNolkm7VQ5wB7fELy8=&h=384&w=560&sz=45&hl=en&start=97&sig2=Qgm1WJJpllFnEctuJQ7GfQ&um=1&tbnid=ILXzYObn8zrHCM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthorpe%2Bpark%2Bcolossus%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26sa%3DN%26start%3D90%26um%3D1&ei=fzbMSqCMMo2t4QbZpqD8BQits under Colossus on the left hanside picture.
  5. okay a bit of a change in plans, I'm now going on the following sunday which is the 18th I think. anyway I want to go but ive just signd up for westham youth acdemy who expect me to play on that date. the problem being I dont know wether to let my manager down or my freinds. I think its grate opertunity for me to be playing for such a grate academy and being called up to play a game, but my freind are desprate to go and they want me to come along and there will always be more matches for me to play.
  6. Jake C

    This Or That

    mentos take part in a team you play for or go to thorpe park on the 16th of october
  7. I really wanted to go to this I had no one to bring though, all my freinds said they couldnt be botherd.
  8. hehe . I guess I said that wrong. what I ment was is it worth going to thorpe park atm. like are there long queues or are there alot of chavs at the park atm.
  9. Jake C


    are you sure he wasnt pulling your leg? he would go to guest services to complain not an office.
  10. Does anyone think its worth me dragging my backside up to thorpe park this sunday(11th october)?
  11. I wonder if there is a fourm for tesco fanboys and girls
  12. I love the green army add
  13. you never no what could happen. 100 buses of german students could turn up .
  14. never go to thorpe expecting short queues.
  15. every ride means every ride!
  16. Jake C


    I watched it to!it was really good
  17. yep it was going to have the same layout as xcell. apparently it wold of been 2mill more to do it, they dident think that the overbanks were very exciting. look at this though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2b6OaI0BXM 100mph test, now that would be wicked
  18. did grustleur(not sure how to spell it) get the through put higher?
  19. I know its not easy.its just something id like. and I know if you sit in the odd rows its a better ride. but thats not always possible.
  20. I really wish Colossus could change those restraints. there big, ugly and provide no room for the legs.
  21. Jake C

    This Or That

    pencilindevidule or team sports?
  22. some of my freinds are freinds with *****s. example: theres a boy in my year who everyone feels that if they dont do what he says thell get beaten up. today he came up to me and said "oi jake no one likes you so piss off and find a new scool." I then called him a tosser and slaped him. at lunch he thinks its funny to bin people, he then shout lets bin jake. so his "crew" come over to me try pick me up and fail. then some more people got involved. anyways along comes my gf and I was thinking embarrassment . any way my freinds got involved before and they started rugby tackling them. in the end it was pretty funny but we got a detention because there were a few fists, now every one knows tis guy is a *****.
  23. have you seen xcells launch TOM?
  24. yup your right, I think I should of thought more about my post sorry.
  25. Jake C


    liking the new fourm design!
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