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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Saw will be in it's own area, not in CC.
  2. Just for anyone that is intending to go via Chessington South on opening day or the weekends after opening day - Replacement buses will be in operation so it's probably better to get a train from either Waterloo/Twickenham/Clapham to Kingston and bus it from there - £2 on the 71 or 465 and the bus doesn't take that long, dropping you off right inside the gates.
  3. Should be along after work to go to Nandos, for the full thrills that were in place last time!
  4. As Mark had mentioned, Chessington Annual Pass Day this year will be the 22nd March, opening from 11am - 5pm, no extra cost mentioned
  5. Kevin

    News Desk

    Likewise Mr Ward!
  6. Kevin


    That is awesome
  7. A 16 age restriction would be better - the park does need an older ride where they won't get harassed by annoying idiots/chavs/emos who are under 16.It will be pretty gruesome anyway!
  8. You are now my most favorite person ever.

  9. This Poseidon love, a lot better than any other across the world
  10. Please, for the love of god, put something like Poseidon in over Neptune's, with the station backing over Lakeside, it would work so well.Doesn't get you that wet, but good throughput and doesn't get you too wet
  11. Not a good idea to even associate yourself with working at the park, it is strictly forbidden by your contract to discuss anything Merlin related on the internet Steve, just a heads up
  12. I agree totally - I think many people are only talking about this because she's Jade Goody.
  13. I'm not justifying her cancer, but she hasn't been very appropriate to other cultures now has she?There are plenty of people in the world who have less time to live due to cancer, yet I don't see any media reports on the poor people who do have cancer..
  14. Drayton is an absolute joke of an amusement park, for a park that doesn't invest in it's rides and general park infrastructure, I don't know how it's lasted so long. It has one train on their quite frankly crap X Car, for something that is meant to be a signature ride, it shocks me how a park could do something like that and pretend it's a good theme park, when it's miles off the mark. It's got competition from Alton and Blackpool, so logically it should be a good theme park as competition means more investment should happen (but hey, look at BPB and it's owners, it isn't justifiable competition), albeit this is not the case with Drayton - and now they want to buy a hotel?! How the hell will that work 4 or 5 years down the line? It's obvious that CWoA and Alton both thought out what their target market wanted and they found it was appropriate not only for guests at the theme park, but also for business and other activities, e.g the Spa at ATH., yet Drayton is close to what, and what other activities does the park double up as?I'm still lost as to why they are still operating without a loss..
  15. CWoA had quite a few days when it's gate figures were even higher than Thorpe, with CWoA expecting even higher gate figures than last year due to the recession stopping people going abroad - Domestic tourism will shoot up and people will start visiting UK attractions a lot more than they have in the past.
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