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Everything posted by Kevin
I wish they had gone with the Club X idea.Would have been so much better for X:/NWO..
The trim brake on bottom of first drop is active however at a minimal strength in accordance with speed sensors on the first drop. Depending on train entrance speed, it can make the whole trim and brake run from between 5 seconds to 30 seconds. Massive difference!
It's algae from water running down from rainwater - it's easy to clean off but N:I is a bastard to access to clean.
I believe it is to clean the track over too.SWARM flame effects were testing today. It's bloody amazing.Rush is also now nearly fully back together.
Jesus christ if that happened I'd have lost total faith in CWoAR.Oh no wait - I lost total faith when they sacked every good manager that park had and installed a load of LegoLand managers; and stopped investing in the park.And NOW look where that's got them! Haha!
The park when it is closed is nothing more interesting than when it's closed. Except people drive around in cars and the rides aren't moving. I promise you it isn't that interesting.
2010 it shutdown all the time!
I have recently left the park however worked there for three years consecutively, along with winter Engineering work. Read this is you want a fair and unbiased view of it. If you want a good start within the company, then any RTP is a good place to start. I bang on about this but if you want to go far and you have that business acumen to want to succeed - then you will.The company has some fantastic courses and training schemes that get you either as a manager, supervisor, senior leader, attraction manager to get the most out of your job. However, you need to start at the bottom if you have no experience - but it's so worth it. I enjoyed my time at Chessington however with how far I had gone, it was time to pack up and move about.For those of you that know me, are aware I've recently moved to another theme park in the group in a role I am absolutely loving. The people are fantastic, and the company is putting a lot of effort into it's staff, as they know that is where performance of the park grows, and will all in all help us to succeed. Yes, it's a minimum wage job at the bottom, but if you want to step up that is what you need to take.However. Find me a job that pays more than £6.50 for the same duties as a Ride Operator in a family theme park. But the money is not what I do it for. The people you do meet and will work with if you are successful in this company will create the best friends and coworkers you'll ever meet. Yes - it's hard to say you enjoy your job when you're dealing with 30 angry guests but there is a lot of pride in knowing that in your regular duties that you stand and talk to people at the top of a 125ft rollercoaster, that you work in such a unique environment where everyone is encouraged to have fun.The views in this thread are skewed, along with the TP Jobs thread. If you want to do it, have a passion; then do not get put off by those around you moaning and say it's 'not a real job' or 'not worth the money'. I've never seen the attraction in working for a supermarket, or in a shop. How boring is that? Just a few thoughts.Joey - you were there for a month. If that. I am unsure how you can tell others how you 'just love interacting' and spout about a minimum wage job.Benin - you didn't get invited back and you are desperately sour about two girls (whom I do know very well and were the best people in my team for interaction, operation and motivation). Be very careful about what you write here.Mark and Peter are clearly the only ones here with any decent experience in the role. The moral of this is that yes it sounds brilliant on paper but if you don't want to do it, or deem it as boring, then don't. But if you have a passion for being successful, for working in a unique environment, then do this
Clearly someone has worked very hard however the controls are very hard to manipulate, and actually operating the ride is a lot different to the simulator.I mean - where is the adult screaming at the platformer because his kid is too small to go on SAW, when the main gate staff member said he was tall enough?!
Haha. This question works every time..Just don't go in and mention YoChessington. That's if you want the job.
Here's a small clue.The best price CWoAR could get for a Vampire track and support repaint clocked in at £500,000.
Tips for assessment is be personable, be interested in what other people say, and take from it what you can. Learn people's names, and refer to them by their first name. Don't be afraid of the assessors - they won't hurt you or think any less; be happy and interested in what other people have to say and try and engage as much as you can.
Might see a few of your over at TP this year...
The train won't be able to pass by the right hand side scaffolding.Seems the ride may nearly be ready for commissioning, which is pretty damned good considering most rides in the UK at present aren't even being rebuilt after winter strip.
Operating Swarm is going to be one bloody strange feeling.
Just to put a little fanboy moan in.It seems as if as much as the theming is brilliant, lets not go as far as Nemesis. There will only be a selection of theming you can properly access and interact with, as opposed to even Thirteen which is well themed imo. The theming that's there is also very small in comparison to the goliath scale of the ride itself, which is not desperately surprising; had a lot more of the ride been contained I'd be a lot more excited. At present, it just appears to fly over a church, and then fly past a plane. Nothing like even Posieden, which this ride could have been.I know I'll get shot down by people saying 'some are never pleased derpedy derp' but my opinion is not finalised, stuff may change as of yet. At present, it looks like a bit of a better themed version of SAW.Maybe the best themed ride since Nemesis, but not better.
She'd actually broken her foot.</pedant>
Yes, in fact regularly do trains and cars stall - the wheels on each coaster (at least within Merlin) have to be rebonded each year. This means that they need to be 'broken into' to ensure they can complete the circuit. Vampire has various anti rollbacks around the ride (one notably above the top of Lift 2, just after tunnel) which are opened so the train doesn't stall in awkward places.The ride needs to be run round however at an extremely slow speed (for example they won't just throw it into automatic and hey presto) - the ride needs to be very slowly broken in to ensure that the lift is perfectly aligned, all anti rollbacks are working and in place, that all the brake sections are aligned (if not you've got big problems) and that the ride sensors are working.
Well I would be led to believe that the trains do actually come in parts. So for example, the train is simply delivered as parts and then built up to whole chassis, where they are then taken chassis by chassis and forklifted onto the track. This will happen in the main engineering workshop in accordance with the B&M engineering teams (no winter maintenance is done in any ride workshop in the park except for Stealth, Saw and X:/NWO which have the space and equipment to do this in - it's all done in the main workshop near the Farm) and it will then be transported across.As it has already been shown, RCS are off site now so there will not be a pull through - everything will be tested by the PLC compiler and creator (I.e Consign - http://www.consignll...m/services.html - this is a good site for info on how they do it) and then the train will simply be run out in manual to test the lift, block sections and brake runs out. The train will stall repeatedly (and I mean, repeatedly) until it makes a full circuit.Source: Myself coming from an operational and engineering side at Malden Rushett Land of Fun, and previous Engineering managers at Chertsey Towers.Oh. And another thing. Haha, ha, hahaha, ha ha hahahaha.You've clearly never worked for Merlin Entertainments before.
Does anyone remember me?
Hey guys I'm looking to go for a walk down Monks Walk this weekend - does anyone know how many chavs will be along here to rob me of my camera and push me in the lake?Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I hope TP installed a Top Spin - it's a brilliant ride on a great setting, much better than the likes of Zodiac or Quantum.If the ride could be installed with an offloaded and on loader then they could easily hit the 855PPH throughput target, with the ride bracket being approximately 2m45secs - so that's a 1.5min cycle plus one minute to offload, unload and bars down. Rameses gets between 100-200pph on busy days but thats because the ride does cycle twice, and has one on loader who has to open gate, height check, close exit gate and exit riders, bars down and then go into control box to dispatch.The ride isn't too bad for maintenance - if CWoAR maintained it and installed fire effects then the ride would not Phase L1 all the time.Phase L1 for those not clued up about operation - is where the ride finds mid cycle that a guest may be too 'large' and their restraint isn't locked and the ride brake releases and swings with all the kinetic motion still present; this can last for a good few minutes at worst. It happens approximately 10 times a day. The reason for this is that the ride operators soak the ride gondola instead of 'tease' the guests and the chlorine in the water corrodes all of the proximity sensors and cabling within the ride. CWoAR was offered a refurbished gondola two years ago to stop this happening, but they refused it on grounds of cost (a mere £40,000) - yet they spent £20,000 on it for two new motors on the ride.
The two recesses in the floor of the middle photo is where the transfer track has been rolled out of the way so that theming can be accessed more easily.
Monkey and Bird world retheme has been cancelled due to lack of funds; standard.Madagascar has yet to be signed off by the Merlin board, so full steam ahead as usual...