Seeing as there is a large Nemesis support sitting outside the car park opposite the AIR access gate, then I wouldn't bank on Nemesis being open..If anyones interested, it's a top support which attaches to a footer on one of the bank sections.
Dan, there was no need for rude comments to other members, there really isn't any need for this rollocks of a hierarchy in TPM. Everyone needs to treat new people as you would old, for gods sake or go masticate and let all of your rage out that way.
Fury always has one car off as the ride would stack up at the end brake run as it takes too long load the cars and have all the cars on at the same time.
Nope, not condemned by H&S at all.In fact Vortex had the same work done last year, which was having the supports strengthened by metal clips welded on which prevented any further fatigue. The ride was, and still is perfectly safe
The ride will be a prototype from Intamin.The rides planning permission states that the sound tests were made by Intamin, using Colossus as the model as it is the only Multi Looper in the UK by Intamin.