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Deleted Users

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Everything posted by Deleted Users

  1. Got bored waiting for JamesB, so the list has been bumped to my playlist.http://open.spotify.com/user/seijaku/playlist/7GdL0GQAc79etA3BXuDopd Daniel965daysofstatic - Dance Dance DancePatrick Wolf - The LibertineDeath From Above 1979 - Romantic RightsFoals - Blue BloodSigur Ros - GobbledigookTV On The Radio - Red DressLadyhawke - Back Of The VanThe Streets - Fit But You Know ItWe Are Scientists - Down The HallThe Joy Formidable - Austere
  2. Yeah there is a PoV here if you go to 12 minutes and let it play to the next video and the mouth looks pretty bad without being around the track. The splashdown looks insane though. The wave goes hilariously high. The theming thing is going around the Heide Park Facebook page according to a German friend but we all know some stuff that people make up..
  3. If you look, the mouth is on the right of main drop. My guess is it's staying there until they can move it or the idea has been scrapped. Hmmm..
  4. Deleted Users

    Video Games.

    I knew that it wouldn't come out today. It will be out around Monday. I won't be able to play it until next Monday
  5. Yeah Raptor cattlepens > Saw cattlepens.
  6. Deleted Users

    Video Games.

    http://www.aperturescience.com/a/b/c/d/g/h/abcdgh/I should probably be worried at how irritated I am that I have pre-ordered and pre-downloaded the game but will be away until a week after the launch
  7. I don't think anyone does.. "Stop Marc, it's too much! Too much spinning!"I think the Buccaneer cycle should be shortened slightly though. Most people seemed to either feel sick or get bored..
  8. I remember when there wasn't any cap at all and the ads were minimal... I have premium since I get so many new albums each month it works out cheaper but it's still annoying for others. Spotify did this hoping that users will jump to a paid version but I am not sure they will. Many Spotify users will just go back to piracy. The track repeat limit is just stupid.
  9. What happened to the water vacuums people said hadn't arrived in time for AP day?
  10. It was amazing. Jord just couldn't handle the cyclonic forces of the raging Buccaneer.
  11. Your face after fury was great!"Mikey are you OK? It looks like you're crying..""Yeah, Fury just always make me giggle!" I know what you mean. I have been moping round the house for two days
  12. Deleted Users


    Ellie probably stole it last night
  13. Nope! Hopefully this will be an ongoing this. Yay! Glad someone gets it. No, you cannot. Spotify was chosen for easy of use and only has licensed songs.
  14. Suggesting not putting popular music is just because we have heard it before. It seems a bit silly to make us listen to music we have already heard and already judged.
  15. Seeing as it was my first ever visit to Chessington yesterday, I thought I had better write up a trip report.The day started by running to Vampire - me clueless in which direction, mind - with Dan, (who managed to running smack bang into an employee ) amongst a group of kids. They beat us. Sad times. It shows the dedication of kids to get on rides first when one of them faceplants in the queue but instantly gets up and continues running. In the end, we got the 3rd or 4th ride on the front row which really was amazing. The way the ride dives through trees and underground excellent, I just wish that I could have been around to see it in its opening day glory. The ride photos weren't working yet which annoyed me quite a bit and swayed me to not bother buying a photopass as I was intending.Next up was Bubbleworks which gave me flashbacks of It's A Small World. Then again, apparently some people actually enjoy It's A Small World.. All jokes aside, the queue was under 5 minutes, the staff were really amazing and the strobe/fountain room was pretty cool. The ORP was pretty hilarious as I blocked Dan so it looked like I was sobbing by myself. We then headed to Rattlesnake which was almost walk on. Dan warned me to brace myself on the brakes but they still got me. The theming adds so much to this ride. I wasn't expecting much from this ride but came off with a big grin on my face.It was about 10:45 at this point so we headed over to the Tomb Blaster courtyard to meet everyone else and do the usual group photos. The queue for Blaster moved pretty slowly so I guess it wasn't being run with all its trains. Comparing it to Duel, it does have some great setpieces but the stop-start nature of it annoyed me a bit. Moving targets > Stationary targets. Mark9 and Holly9's boyfriend's scores somehow combined and their scores tripled mine. Oh well, was still fun!Kobra times were next. The queuetime board said 45 minutes but it was 10. I thought the ride was pretty meh. Maybe be it's more fun for kids but even then, I can't imagine the restraints are any more comfortable. For lunch, we opted for Pizza Pasta. The food was great but having 2 people to sort out payment from a group of 18, all paying individually isn't a great move. That alone probably took about 15-20 minutes.Afterwards we went back to Wild Asia to go on Monkey Swinger and Tuk Tuk Turmoil, both of which are great group rides. I really was not expecting so much for what really are pretty standard rides. Dragon Falls was next. I really feel sorry for the team that has to run this ride. The employee at the entrance was getting so much abuse for something that most people didn't realise wasn't her or Chessington's fault. The little bits of theming like the oriental dragons on the station, the lanterns and the bridges in the queue are very nice indeed. The queue was just outside the station building. The amount of tunnels was a nice surprise and made it much harder to work out the layout. While the last drop may not be as good as the Logger's Leap one, the area looks a whole lot better.Rameses was next. Not much to talk about really. One cycle queue, standard Top Spin in a hole. I can see why most people didn't bother going on it. Afterwards, some of us went on Runaway Train (if you needed any more that proof themeing adds to ride, this one is proof) while others went a watched Mikey and Ellie in the petting zoo. Rich dared Holly to pet a goat I think; much swearing was involved. Once they had finished their petting, we moved onto Black Buccaneer. Some of the older TPM had to sit next to kids on the cycle before our go and Ian was looking pretty green after 2 goes round. It just seems like a nightmare to run with the 'kids must be on the inside' rule. The cycle seemed a bit too long as well.We then opted for Vampire. A second ride on this made me very happy. I really like how the only real noise in the outside queue is the roar of the coaster going round but once inside you have a booming soundtrack. Also, going from the sunny day outside to plunging into almost complete darkness inside at the end brake run was awesome. The jerks which weren't very noticeable at the front of the ride, were pretty large towards of the back. We joined the Fury queue at 5 and it was about 30 minutes long. The staff in the station were great; dancing, singing, high-fiving, etc. Although our car didn't spin very much, it was still an awesome ride, the first drop and 90 degree turn in particular were crazy. Our final ride was Rattlesnake where Dan and I played rag doll; always fun in a wild mouse and resulted in a pretty funny ORP as seen in the Member Appreciation topic. The meet came to a pretty quick close at 6 due to a massive, ominous cloud heading our way. It was a really great day and the park's relaxed atmosphere and very friendly staff made it much more enjoyable than most visits I had to Thorpe last season. Infact, the only ones which were on par with yesterday were the Fright Nights and End of Season meets. The people at the meet added massively to the day as well. I haven't included most of the random stuff that always ends up happening at meets otherwise this post would get to ridiculous lengths Ahh, I wish I lived closer!
  16. It was a great meet! Mark9 hit the nail on the head about ride interactivity. Having about 15 TPM people on the dodgems was hilarious! My only gripe was people faffing around but I probably noticed this more than others due to being my first time at Chessington and wanting to get as much done as possible. It would have been a lot more noticeable if Ian wasn't organising people as well as he was.
  17. EDIT: Full review done!Arctic Monkeys – Brianstorm:Great opener for both this playlist and Favourite Worst Nightmare. Monkey's lyrics are some of the slickest out. 9/10Foo Fighters – Rope:I really cannot stand Foo Fighters' vocals. Instrumental version would make it much better in my opinion... 5/10Pull Tiger Tail – Animator:In contrast, I love the vocals on this song. Great new band to look up. 8/10Metric – Satellite Mind: My favourite song from one of my favourite albums of 2009. Really great riffs with vocals. 10/10Rage Against The Machine – Sleep Now In The Fire:On paper, there isn't anything that I dislike about this song but there isn't anything that makes it really stand out. 5/10Them Crooked Vultures – Elephants:I don't know why I overlooked this song when listening to the full album last year. The breakdown really is amazing. 8/10The XX – Intro:Great intro from an all over amazing album. My only gripe is that it could have easily been a full song. 9/10Biffy Clyro – Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies:I never really understood why people worshipped Biffy until I listened to their old stuff. So much better than Only Revolutions in my opinion. 8/10Phoenix – 1901:Once again, great song overall with the thumping bass and drums. 8/10Pendulum – Witchcraft:I really dislike Pendulum as a band with. Some of the music they have produced, especially their first album I really like though. Immersion feels like a mess of random genres with some fail safe songs similar to previous albums. 4/10Blood Red Shoes – It’s Getting Boring By The Sea:Scott Pilgrim by any chance Dan9? Having 2 singers switching between backing and main vocals is pretty interesting. 8/10The Flaming Lips – Do You Realize? A great closer. I love the euphoric but also somewhat ominous theme throughout the song. 7/10Only one new band but still an enjoyable playlist!Overall Score: 7.4/10
  18. The 9 Rattlesnake car. Sit back, hold tight, it's ninetime!
  19. Parents are not happy about the staying over business but I will be getting a lift and should be able to make it pretty early.
  20. Deleted Users

    SAW: Alive

    And I thought the games were over..
  21. Spotify Social is basically the friends list on Spotify and it seems to be having problems at the moment as people are complaining that they can't connect to it.
  22. My Spotify is being incredibly annoying and not loading the people tab or any playlist links. Would it be possible for you to write the playlist tracks up so that I can just make the playlist myself?
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