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About bubbly

  • Birthday 05/28/1986

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  • Favourite ride
    Thorpe - Slammer, Anywhere - Kraken (Seaworld Orlando)
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  • Interests
    Theme Parks (obviously), Playing tennis and golf, Cars, Keeping fit, Films and anything a bit mad! :D

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  1. Slammer is a fantastic ride. It scares the hell out of me when it goes forwards so I always get on the right hand side so I can go backwards first. Anyway, shouldn't go off topic too much!!!
  2. I think I have to agree with two of your choices there...but for me it has to be Stealth, Samurai and Slammer )
  3. When I went on Sunday, the SRQ wasn't being used properly at all. At one point there was a group of 5 people let on together who were a family and who took up a car to themselves. I thought this as really unfair considering there was a 2 hour queue outside. I don't think they should have Fast Track or SRQ if they can't be run properly.
  4. That suprises me WhiteKnuckle as I had to best ride I've ever had on it on the 29th lol!You should've gone on the same time as me lol!
  5. Saw's queueline is apparantly in the depths of a forest somewhere hehe!And the police car is in the wrong place!
  6. Did anybody notice how much Saw was squeaking yesterday??
  7. It's just for special occaissions I think
  8. There have been no live actors as far as I know. There were none at all yesterday
  9. Well I assume in the holidays it will be busier so you might not be as lucky but I would assume a lot of people would go over to Saw
  10. I don't ever remember having a ride on it like I did yesterday, even years ago! lol But yeah, whoever was operating it yesterday did a fantastic job...apart from the fact that the loading was extremely slow
  11. Really? I would've hated it in 2006 then because the ride I had on it yesterday I only just managed to handle lol!
  12. Went on Samurai yesterday and had the best ride I have ever had on it. It was amazing! Was really fast and got thrown around everywhere! I can quite safely say that I have never been on it when it has been that intense before. Did anyone else notice?
  13. I went yesterday (Sunday) and was a bit disappointed with how they organised the single rider queue etc as they were letting on groups of about 6 people (who all knew each other and then got to ride together not as single riders) even when there was a 2 hour queue. From what I could see a lot of people complained about this.
  14. We went straight to Steath yesterday (Sunday) and walked on twice as everyone had gone over to Saw. Have never seen the queue so small. Was great! And yes, it definitely felt faster yesterday!
  15. bubbly


    Has anybody ever been to Rhyl Fun Fair (now closed down) and ridden on the Pepsi Cola Loop? It's moved to Ffrith Beach Fun Parc now but it was the first looping rollercoaster (if not the first ever rollercoaster) I went on:)
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