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Everything posted by TPAddict

  1. WHAT!??So is SAW closed for tomorrow???It says that all rides are currently avaliable on the TP site
  2. WOW! That awsome! Good ol' photoshop
  3. Yeah, thats what I was saying, so get it right next time you accuse me :)they are really graffic and like bloody. Which ain't a bad thing tbh
  4. I've seen them all and they're well sick but like you gotta see them to understand the theme of The Ride and what things mean and stuff. Because my mates hadn't seen any SAW films so they didnt actualy understand to Ride therme properly
  5. TPAddict


    Nice! Prety original too.People who play the piano are well unoriginal, its so common to like play the piano
  6. When I was in da gym today, I heard the advert and I was like HA! I been on dat!
  7. When I go on Sunday, I'll try to have a closer look to see if it actually is that Jigsaw fella
  8. When I went on opening day, I was pissed off to find that I couldn't go in the shop for my SAW T-shirt but I managed to get of them sick pens from the Colossus shop
  9. I totally agree - theming is soooo importantHave they re-themed Samurai yet?
  10. Did the rapids open too then? Are there any more water features???And how was SAW in terms of re;iablity
  11. I'm going on sunday for the 2nd time this year!hope it's open for more than 2 hours this time LOL
  12. OMG! yeah, that's Jigsaw! Haha, I alwys thought it was just a random dead guy.But I love that bit of the ride - Sooo sick!
  13. TPAddict

    This Or That

    DisturbiaRihanna or Chris Brown?
  14. lol - I just saw that on the TV a minute ago
  15. TPAddict

    This Or That

    ChecksChilli or Concarni?
  16. Its well good but it aint scary
  17. SAmurai is the Sickest ride ever! Different every time!
  18. Swinging axes and shotguns and a body with blood spurting out of it
  19. My ride count for yesterday:SAW - 1Nemesis Inf - 2Colossus - 2Tidal Wave - 4Rush - 1Rocky Express - 2Not bad considering the ****ty reliability
  20. Where abouts?The rapids seem to be up and running now...
  21. TPAddict


    Those statue things are kinda creepy. Is SW6 gonna be horror themed too?
  22. Also dead yesterday were - Carosol, Banana Boat and Neptune's BeachAt one point ALL FOUR coasters were down!I waited for Rush for an hour - a restraint wouldn't go down so they took it off, fiddled around with it, and put it back on which took an additional 30mins = 1 1/2 hours for Rush - NOT PLEASED! :)One of the biggest queues was for the complaints office. lol
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