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Everything posted by James6

  1. My mistake And AS queue was pretty large, was almost to the food hut opposite Skyway queue entrance.
  2. Yeah, definitely, especially those on Vampire. In particular when at the merge point as it was just continuous moans from guests from both queue's.
  3. James6


    ^ You don't actually leave the track at any moment.
  4. Express Pass queue's were unbelieveable...And then made worse as many who went to guest services got EP's... so yeah at one point 5 out of the 6 rides on the pass were closed :s
  5. ^^ been in similar circumstances at Thorpe and not even got a "sorry", so actually... yeah Fantastic IMO...
  6. Chessington had an unusually bad day today :DThe park's normally got incredible reliability but at one point, Tomb, Falls, Fury, Bubble and Kobra were all down at the same time... Kobra, Tomb and Falls failed to re-open.However fantastic customer service, everyone visiting got a free ticket for this year.
  7. Lucky Have an awesome trip In the meantime I've had 2 trips to Chessington cancelled
  8. It's been running 3 trains all summer? And will/should be for the rest of the summer...
  9. James6


    Yeah, B&M adds them to their coasters as a precaution, but they were deemed to be un-needed and therefore disconnected and remain un-used.
  10. James6


    Not going to have a go but, seriously...I do love Alton, but that doesn't make me "blinded" when it comes to your opinion on the rides... I personally love the ride and it's a shame you can't appreciate it for what it is, an amazing and fun thrilling family coaster.
  11. James6


    7/10 is very harsh IMO
  12. LOL you find it selfish of Alton? To do a PR stunt? And to keep the ride open just under a different name with limited edition merchandise available? The ride stayed open, just for yesterday it was called FOURTEEN not TH13TEEN for apparently superstitious reasons... That's it... and all is now back to normal...*Facepalm*
  13. James6


    I think you mis-understood Senor "I know everything" :lol:I meant as in someone had their phone out on the lift, and it had to taken as it is a loose article...
  14. James6


    Ok fine Mr smarty pants, they stopped the lift
  15. ToT, Splash Mountain, Spiderman, Hulk, Bluto's BRB, Absolutely tons
  16. James6


    Was probably just an e-stop to collect someone's phone or something, happened to me on the lift on Monday
  17. Just gotta re-iterate everyone else's opinion, awesome TR :oLoving it and can't wait till my trip next year
  18. ^ This :)I really hope we end up with well defined areas!And also, a possible reason behind no-one riding Griffin's is that it was down a lot of last week.
  19. Certainly no need for change when it comes to Vampire :)Although it is unbelievably desperate for a re-paint.
  20. For me, there would be no question, and IMO Alton and Thorpe are leagues apart, Alton being the much better park.Although, if all you want is thrills then you may prefer Thorpe. (Despite Alton still attracting more "thrill" guests than Thorpe )Especially as you've never been to Alton, I think that would be the obvious choice
  21. I have to say I disagree with it being particularly expensive.Compare it to other things you can do, e.g. a few friends paid £55 the other week for a Pendulum concert, that lasts a few hours.Also, the high gate price caters for the huge number of offers out there etc.I honestly don't think you can complain, and how you can choose not to go to Chessington any more, well, it's your loss.Also, there's more to do now than 2003, not only that, the target market has changed since then with Thorpe becoming the Thrill Park.
  22. ^ Actually that's a really good point, we (or some) find it frustrating, but hat is because we see every single press release. Whereas the GP wouldn't, also as unpopular as it has been, it's already been mentioned how successful it has been.
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