Firstly, apologies for the lack of pictures, was trying to hide my (extreme) geekiness from my attending partner today... Emphasis on the 'trying' to However, exclaiming how and why the new Merlin Parks Top Trumps cards were wrong didn't help my cause . Neither did yelling 'OMG look at the new zombies' half way through Duel... *facepalm*We arrived about 9.50, 2 of us decided to walk, 2 of us decided to get the shuttle, sadly I was one of those that chose to walk and ended up arriving later and exhausted. Yay.Then, after experiencing the lovely new turnstiles, we were in. Now, I know (and love) how big and spread out Alton is, but I'm afraid, they have extended some of the paths. It is the only option. Haunted Hollow is now twice, if not three times as long as last year, I'm sorry it's just how it is. We arrived to a temporarily delayed Air, so decided on a quick go on Nemesis, hey-ho, we turn our backs and Air is back in operational condition. After the walk it seemed to much effort to turn our whole bodies around again so chose to carry on for Nemmy which was a lovely walk on and running fantasticabulously. Also, the person I was with for most of today had never visited today and my persuasive skills have gone up a good few levels, and seeing as the person had only ever been on the Flying Fish before, getting them on Air and Nemesis seemed a certain success. Apparently running around the park on all fours for the rest of the day was not a large enough incentive to bribe them onto Oblivion.So yes, a walk on-Nemesis and 5 minute queue for Air before heading back for Duel. Now I have in the past criticised this ride as much as anyone, but now, it is actually a great ride, great theming, music and now, smoke throughout the whole ride, enough where you can see the whole of your laser beam. Next time your on it, try looking at the car behind you, 5 people shooting lasers frantically looked e.p.I.c.Next, onto a 5 minute queue for Runaway which, whilst great fun, is sucking at this moment in time Please, get some more motors on the train and give the track a bit of work. I'm asking nicely.Marauders Mayhem, and Spinball followed, SRQ of course. The cars seem to have had quite a bit of work and areas which have been bumpy (not rough) in the past seemed to be smoothed out.A solo ride on Oblivion followed, although irritatingly they have changed the line for SRQ, hopefully just for February, which confused me into leaving the short Main queue for a hopefully shorter Single Rider Queue which must have taken twice as long, still, it only took 10 minutes. It was irritating though how, out of I think 4 shuttles, every other one was being sent empty, and on one station, I'm guessing the throughput must have been like 2, maybe 3 pph. -.-Hex was next and twas also pretty awesome, was nice to be in a group where everyone stayed silent, audio still sucks in the vault though. Was pretty pleased when the newbie said she loved it though, made me feel like it's not just us geeks who appreciate it.Twirling Toadstools was next, although made some strange sounds from within and was slightly irritating as I think the lovely old dear operating forgot to press the correct button, we were raised but not oscillating for half the ride.Further rides on Nemesis, Duel, Runaway, and even a visit to the Sealife followed. And wow, the crabs have made that quite a bit worse. The crabs don't even seem that spectacularly big when in such a large tank with nothing going on.Piccies!You guys better appreciate this, but I conceded to the geeky devil on my right shoulder and video'd the hand for ya'll... the things I do for you eh ? looks awesome by the way, everyone in the queue was just looking at it. Tank of suck.New food hut seems to have also been put in the Congo queue.My camera fails in bad weather. Thanks for reading, OR , thanks for scrolling to the bottom and looking at the pictures :PAND, I know the video's suck, but hey, how much better can you do when your attempting to not seem nerdy recording a moving hand. :PRide count3 x Nemesis3 x Duel2 x Runaway1 x Marauders Mayhem1 x Oblivion1 x Spinball1 x Air1 x Hex1 x Twirling Toadstool